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SAM Core on Snow Atlas gathers data on the computers in your IT environment and presents the data in the SAM Core user interface.

The Snow Inventory Agents and the Snow Inventory Oracle Scanners perform inventory of the computers in your IT environment. A computer can be, for example, a desktop computer, a laptop computer, or a server. Inventory data can also be gathered from third-party inventory solutions and virtualization technologies.

The gathered and compiled data is then presented in the SAM Core user interface. Here you find information on, for example, the computer hardware, the installed and used applications, and the users who have used the computer.

Computer status

A computer can have the status Active, Quarantined, or Inactive in the system. The status determines if the computer should be included in license compliance calculations or not.

A computer that reports inventory data to Snow Atlas is considered active. If the computer stops reporting, it will be quarantined after a certain number of days of inactivity. If the quarantined computer starts reporting again, the status is changed back to active. However, if the computer stays silent and in quarantine for yet another number of days, you can decide to have it removed from the system, archived, or set to status inactive.

You find the settings for quarantine management of computers in Settings on Snow Atlas. For more information, see Computer and mobile device quarantine.

ActiveThe computer is active in the system and requires licenses for its installed applications. An active computer is included in license compliance calculations.
QuarantinedThe computer is quarantined in the system but still requires licenses for its installed applications. A quarantined computer is included in license compliance calculations.
InactiveThe computer is not active in the system and does not require licenses for its installed applications. This can be, for example, when the computer is in storage. An inactive computer is not included in license compliance calculations.
If an inactive computer reports inventory data to Snow Atlas, SAM Core on Snow Atlas will show the updated inventory data. Also, the system will generate an alert.