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Remote application usage

SAM Core on Snow Atlas gathers data on devices for remote application usage in your IT environment and presents the data in the SAM Core user interface.

A device for remote application usage is a computer or object that has been connected to one or more remote desktop servers or virtual desktops. The device can be either an inventoried computer or a non-inventoried object.

Device status

The device can have the status Active or Quarantined in the system.

A device that reports inventory data to Snow Atlas is considered active. If the device stops reporting, it will be quarantined after a certain number of days of inactivity. If the quarantined device starts reporting again, the status is changed back to active. However, if the device stays silent and in quarantine for yet another number of days, you can decide to have it removed from the system.

You find the settings for quarantine management of remote devices in Settings on Snow Atlas. For more information, see Remote device quarantine.

ActiveThe device is active in the system and requires licenses for the applications it uses. An active device is included in license compliance calculations.
QuarantinedThe device is quarantined in the system but still requires licenses for the applications it uses. A quarantined device is included in license compliance calculations.