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Datacenters and clusters

Information on datacenters and clusters in your organization can be gathered and presented in the user interface of SAM Core on Snow Atlas. As an alternative, you can add datacenters and clusters manually in SAM Core.

The Snow Inventory Agents and the Snow Inventory Oracle Scanners perform an inventory of the computers in your IT environment. In addition, Snow Integration Connectors can be used for collection of information from datacenter and cluster environments. The gathered and compiled data is then presented in the SAM Core user interface for compliance and visibility.

The connectors are configured in Snow Integration Manager (SIM) which can connect to multiple hypervisors to obtain information on the server environment. This includes information on datacenter/cluster configurations, physical servers and virtual machines, and the relations between the virtual and physical assets. Datacenters and clusters that are automatically added based on data gathered by the connectors are indicated as auto generated in the Description column on the details page of the datacenter/cluster. For more information on the SIM and the available integration connectors, see Snow Integration Manager.

If you do not have SIM installed, you can add datacenters and clusters manually in SAM Core based on the inventoried computers in your IT environment.