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System Requirements

Snow Atlas is a cloud-native technology intelligence platform providing Snow products as SaaS solutions.

The system requirements provide the specifications of resources that you require for Snow Atlas.

Snow Atlas contains web client requirements for use of the services, as well as requirements for Snow Extender. Some additional technologies require local installations, and system requirements are described in their respective sections.

Web client requirements

Snow supports browser versions that are supported by the respective browser vendor, and that implement the following features:

  • JavaScript

  • cookies

  • CSS

IP addresses for Snow Atlas

DomainIP address

URLs for Snow Atlas

To support the full function of Snow Atlas, in addition to the URLs listed in IP addresses for Snow Atlas, ensure that you allow access to the following URLs from your environments by adding them to the trusted sites of the browsers that you use with Snow Atlas.

content.flexeraone.flexera.comWeb assets, for example, videos, images and terms.
events.launchdarkly.comThe feature flag tool applied on Snow Atlas.
* Insights, which is part of Azure Monitor, is a tool that we use to monitor the performance and usage of web applications. This helps us understand how applications are performing, and provides insights into user interactions.
* The subdomain that applies for your Snow Atlas system can be one of the following:
  • northeurope-0
  • northeurope-1
  • northeurope-2
  • northeurope-3
  • westeurope-0
  • westeurope-1
  • westeurope-2 SDK used to collect usage data, and to monitor the performance of JavaScript web applications.
mf.snowsoftware.ioThe micro-frontend subdomain that composes the user interface and provides the SSL certificate to Snow Atlas.

Limits and constraints

There are Identity Access Management (IAM) constraints for the different entities in your Snow Atlas system.

Refer to the table below for the constraints for different entities in your Snow Atlas system. If you exceed any of these limits, you cannot add or create a new entity until you are below the maximum limit provided in this table for that specific entity.

EntityDescriptionMaximum number permitted
Applications (OIDC/OAuth2)The application registrations for API integrations.100
Application permission assignmentsThe permissions you can assign to an application that you register.1000
Custom rolesThe custom roles that you create.50
Enrollment sitesThe enrollment sites used to organize applications.20
External access instancesThe external access connections by third parties. Third parties can include accredited partners and Snow Software.10
External access role assignmentsThe roles that you can assign to an authorized user from a third party with external access to a customer's Snow Atlas system.10
Role permission assignmentsThe permissions that you can assign to a custom role.1000
providersThe single sign-on providers and the password-based authentication.5
Third-party authorized usersThe authorized users from third parties with external access to a customer's Snow Atlas system. Third parties can include accredited partners and Snow Software.100
User role assignmentsThe roles that you can assign to a user.10
UsersThe users in your Snow Atlas system. This limit does not include authorized users added from third parties with external access.1000

Snow Extender

Network requirementsOutgoing: TCP port 443 must be allowed, directly or using a proxy server
Incoming: dependent on how the endpoint is configured
Operating systemMicrosoft Windows
Note: Snow supports Windows versions and editions that have not reached end of mainstream support nor retirement. See the Microsoft Lifecycle Product End of Support overview page for details.
Cipher suites
Note: The required cipher suites are available starting from Microsoft Windows Server 2016 (and Microsoft Windows 10).
Installed softwareMicrosoft .NET Framework 4.8
Processor architecturex64 (64-bit)
Disk20 GB free space minimum
RAM8 GB or greater
Network card1000 Mbit Ethernet

Snow Inventory Agents and Oracle Scanners

Requirements for installation of these technologies are available in Snow Inventory Agents and Oracle Scanners.

Snow Integration Manager

Requirements for installation of this technology are available in Snow Integration Manager 6.

Flexera does not own the third party trademarks, software, products, or tools (collectively, the "Third Party Products") referenced herein. Third Party Product updates, including user interface updates, may not be reflected in this content.