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Snow Extenders

Snow Extenders are the connection that enables data to be transferred from your environment to Snow Atlas.


The Snow Extenders are set up and downloaded in Snow Atlas, installed in your environment, and configured in Snow Extender Configurator. Your Snow Inventory Agents and Snow Integration Manager are configured to send all collected data to the Snow Extenders. The Snow Extenders can also collect information about users and computers directly from a local Active Directory and then forward the collected data to Snow Atlas immediately.

For further information regarding Snow Extenders' security practices, see Secure data transit design.

File Elevator

The File Elevator can monitor one or more local folders with inventory or discovery data on your Snow Extender server, and forward the data to Snow Atlas. This can be convenient if you have Snow Integration Manager installed on the same server as the Snow Extender. Note that both Snow Inventory Agents and Snow Integration Manager can be configured to send their inventory files over HTTP or write them to a disk.

Snow Inventory API

The Snow Inventory API endpoints are used by both Snow Inventory Agents and Snow Integration Manager to pass the inventory results to Snow Atlas. The DNS name and port you configure here will be an important part of your Snow Inventory Agent configuration when creating the agent installation packages.

Snow License Manager API

The Snow License Manager API endpoints are only used by the Snow Integration Connectors for SaaS applications in SAM Core, for example, Microsoft 365 and Adobe Creative Cloud.

Active Directory Discovery

The Active Directory Discovery interface lets you discover users and devices by adding one or more Active Directory domains.

The Active Directory does not contain information about the computer hardware or installed software. However, the information is merged with the user data collected from Snow Inventory Agents and the Snow Integration Connectors for SaaS applications in SAM Core.

Data Forwarder

The Data Forwarder is used to forward snowpacks and inventory data to a secondary on-premises or a publicly hosted destination, in addition to Snow Atlas. It can be used to forward your usage data to Risk Monitor or the Snow Inventory Server.