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Edit computers: Reference

Refer to the tables below for field descriptions when you want to edit a computer in SAM Core on Snow Atlas.


The General settings let you, for example, add purchase information or information on the anti-theft labeling on the computer.

Field labelDescription
Purchase dateThe purchase date of the computer.
Purchase priceThe purchase price of the computer.
CurrencyThe currency in which the computer is paid.
VendorThe vendor of the computer.
Invoice referenceAny reference information on the invoice.
StatusThe status of the computer: Active, Quarantined, or Inactive.
OrganizationThe organization node that the computer belongs to.
Security codeAny anti-theft labeling on the computer.
Disable auto editingIf this setting is selected, the auto connect rules are disabled for the computer.
Disable automatic quarantine managementIf this setting is selected, the computer will neither be placed in quarantine status nor removed from the system if it stops reporting inventory data.
Note: This setting is not available for members of auto-generated datacenters. To make this setting available, you must first configure the setting Number of days to wait without new inventory data before removing computer names from auto-generated datacenters in Snow Atlas. For more information, see Datacenter.
NotesNotes about the computer.
Physical socket capacityThe number of processor sockets in the computer.
Uses MCM ProcessorsFor physical servers with MCM processors.
When selected, information on Chip modules per processor is also required.
Chip modules per processorRequires that Uses MCM processors is selected.
Information on  Chip modules per processor is used to calculate and present the number of populated physical sockets in the Oracle Server Worksheet report for servers that use MCM processors.
Sibling computer (for secondary use rights)An application installed on the computer can also cover the installation on a sibling computer. For more information, see Secondary use rights.
Host computer nameThe name of the host computer (for virtual machines only).
Selected host/virtual machine will be displayed on the Information tab of the virtual machine.


The Agreements tab lets you associate the computer with related agreements, such as support agreements, maintenance agreements, or other types of custom agreements.

Field labelDescription
Agreement typeThe type of the agreement.
NameThe name of the agreement.
Active periodThe date interval when the agreement is valid.

Custom information

The Custom information tab lets you add data that needs to be managed but does not have a pre-defined entry in SAM Core on Snow Atlas. For more information, see Manage custom fields.

Field labelDescription
NameThe name of the custom field.
ValueThe value set for the custom field.

Identified files

The Identified files tab shows identified application files on the computer. You cannot make changes here.

Field labelDescription
NameThe name of the identified application. You can also see additional information, such as manufacturer, version, and path to the application file on the computer.
VersionThe version of the identified application.
File nameThe name of the identified application file.


The Documents tab lets you upload documents and links related to the computer. For more information, see Manage documents and links.

Field labelDescription
TitleThe title of the manually uploaded document or link.
SavedThe date when the document or link was added.

Extended coverage

The Extended coverage tab lets you manage extended license coverage for applications installed on the computer.

Field labelDescription
NameThe name of the computer to which license coverage is extended.
Application nameThe name of the application with extended coverage.
Coverage reasonThe reason for the extended license coverage.


The Oracle tab is only available for servers running Oracle database products. Here you can associate the server with one or several Oracle orders.

Field labelDescription
CSIThe Oracle Customer Support Identifier number is a unique, numerical number assigned to the products and quantities within an original license agreement.
Product nameThe name of the Oracle product on the order.
Product typeThe type of Oracle product on the order.
MetricThe licensing conditions for the product on the order.
QuantityThe number of licenses on the order.