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Manage custom objects

Learn how to manage your custom objects in SAM Core on Snow Atlas.

View objects

  1. On the SAM Core menu, select Objects.

  2. Find and select the object you want to view the details for. For more information on how to search, see Search for objects.

Search for objects

  1. On the SAM Core menu, select Objects.

  2. Select Organization and Object type to filter your search.

  3. Optionally, you can narrow the search even more by adding search criteria, such as Agreement or object Name:

    1. Select search criterion from the list, and then select the + (plus sign).

    2. Select operator, and then enter the search string. Use % as a wildcard character.


      You use the naming convention Monitor-XX-nnnn for your computer monitors where XX stands for the two-letter country code and nnnn is a number.

      To search for all monitors in Sweden (SE), you can use the following criterion, operator, and search string:

      Name like Monitor-SE-%

    3. Repeat Step 3.i and Step 3.ii to add more search criteria.

  4. Select Search.

Save searches

You can save filters and search criteria of a search you have made so that you can make the same search later on. Your saved searches are only visible to you.

  1. On the SAM Core menu, select Objects.

  2. Create a search for one or several objects, see Search for objects.

  3. Select the three dots in the upper-right corner of the page, and then select Save search.

  4. Enter a Name of the search, and then select Save.
    You will find your saved search in the Saved searches list.

Add objects

Before you start adding a new object, make sure that the object type of your new object already exists in SAM Core. If not, you must first create that object type, see Manage custom object types.

For field descriptions, see Add or edit custom objects: Reference.

  1. On the SAM Core menu, select Objects.

  2. Select Add object.

  3. On the Add custom object page and the Properties tab:

    1. Select the Object type and enter a Name for the new object.

    2. Select the Organization node that the object belongs to.

    3. In the Property values table, enter the applicable information. Available properties depend on the object type. Note that properties might be mandatory.

    4. Optionally, select Select computer, and then search for a computer to link this object to.

    5. Optionally, select Select user, and then search for a user to link this object to.

  4. Optionally on the Add custom object page and the Agreements tab, select the applicable agreements to attach them to the object.


    The Agreements tab is only available if you have allowed objects of the selected object type to be attached to agreements. For more information, see Add or edit custom object types: Reference.

  5. Select Save.

Edit objects

For field descriptions, see Add or edit custom objects: Reference.

  1. On the SAM Core menu, select Objects.

  2. Find and select the object you want to edit. For more information, see Search for objects.

  3. Select Edit object.

  4. On the Edit custom object page, add or edit the applicable information, see Add objects. The Object type cannot be changed.

  5. Select Save.

Delete objects

  1. On the SAM Core menu, select Objects.

  2. Find and select the object you want to delete. For more information on how to search, see Search for objects.

  3. Select Edit object.

  4. On the Edit custom object page, select Delete.

  5. Select OK to confirm.