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Private Application Catalogue: Reference

Refer to the tables below for field descriptions when you want to view details of the Applications, Filters, Manufacturers, and Families in your Private Application Catalogue in Snow Atlas.


The Applications tab shows all the applications in your Private Application Catalogue.

Field labelDescription
NameThe name of the application. (Required)
ManufacturerThe manufacturer of the application. (Required)
EditionThe edition of the application.
VersionThe version of the application.
Operating systemThe operating system that the application runs on.
Is Operating systemIf selected, the application is an operating system.
Number of rulesShows the number of rules that are used to identify the application.


The Filters tab shows all the application filters in your Private Application Catalogue, and the number of software they collect.

Field labelDescription
Filter nameThe name of the application filter. (Required)
Created byShows information on who created the application filter.
Software collectedThe number of software that the filter collects.
Collection statusThe filter will have status Collecting as long as it still collects data. When the limit of the filter is reached and the filter is full, status changes to Done.


The Manufacturers tab, under Custom data, shows all the application manufacturers in your Private Application Catalogue.

Field labelDescription
NameThe name of the manufacturer. (Required)
WebsiteThe link to the website of the manufacturer. The information can facilitate searches for product updates, service packs, security issues, or other relevant product information.
Privacy policyThe link to the privacy policy page of the manufacturer. The privacy policy describes how a company or organization gathers, stores, and uses personal information.
Terms and conditionsThe link to the terms and conditions of the manufacturer. Normally, the terms and conditions are part of a contract or agreement to ensure that the parties understand their contractual rights and obligations.


The Families tab, under Custom data, shows all the application families in your Private Application Catalogue.

Field labelDescription
NameThe name of the application family. (Required)
ManufacturerThe manufacturer of the application family. (Required)
DescriptionThe description of the application family.