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Add applications to the Private Application Catalogue: Reference

Refer to the tables below for field descriptions when you want to add new applications to your Private Application Catalogue in Snow Atlas.

Application details

The Application details tab lets you, for example, add the version, edition, and metric of the application.

Field labelDescription
Application nameThe name of the application as it appears in SAM Core. (Required)
ManufacturerThe name of the application manufacturer. (Required)
If you cannot find the manufacturer in the list, you have the possibility to add the manufacturer as a new one in your Private Application Catalogue.
Application familyThe family that the application belongs to.
The application family name does not include a version or edition name.
Example: "Microsoft Excel" or "iTunes".
Application families are used for managing license upgrades and downgrades.
If you cannot find the family in the list, you have the possibility to add the family as a new one in your Private Application Catalogue.
Edition nameThe edition name of the application.
Example: "Standard" or "Professional".
Edition indexThe edition index of the application drives categorization of the editions, such as Enterprise and Standard, for cross edition rights as well as license upgrades and downgrades.
Version nameThe version name of the application.
Example: "10" , "v11" , or "2.4".
Version indexThe version index of the application determines the paths of the upgrade and downgrade rights for the application. It is a licensing construct and does not reflect real versions. Version indexes should follow the same order as the released versions: a more recent version should have a higher version index than a previously released version.
License requiredIf this setting is enabled, the application requires a license and you must also select a Preferred metric for the application.
Preferred metricThe preferred metric describes the general licensing conditions for the application.
Requires that License required is enabled.
Operating system typeThe operating system that the application is running on.
Operating systemIf selected, the application is an operating system.

Application discovery

On the Application discovery tab, under Rule, you can add search parameters, or rules, to identify the application and to collect usage information.

Field labelDescription
Name patternAll applications with this name pattern are identified by this rule.
Manufacturer patternAll applications with this manufacturer pattern are identified by this rule.
Version patternAll applications with this version pattern are identified by this rule.
Executable path patternAll applications with this executable path pattern are identified by this rule.
If Registry key is selected, this parameter will not be used.
Registry keyIf selected, only Windows registry keys are considered in the search. Note that SWID Tag data is included when you use this type of rule.

On the Application discovery tab, under Filters, you see a list of available collection filters that you can select to run your rules against.

On the Application discovery tab, under Added rules, you see a list of all search patterns added for the application.