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Manage filters

Learn how to manage the collection filters in your Private Application Catalogue in Snow Atlas.

View filters

For field descriptions, see Private Application Catalogue: Reference.

  1. On the Snow Atlas settings menu, select Private Application Catalogue.

  2. On the Private applications page, on the Filters tab, select the filter you want to view details for.

  3. On the Actions menu, select View.

  4. To see what data the filter collects, select Preview.

Search for filters

  1. On the Snow Atlas settings menu, select Private Application Catalogue.

  2. On the Private applications page, select Filters.

  3. In the table header, select the funnel of the column you want to use for your search, and then do the following:

    1. Select operator: Contains, Does not contain, Equals to, Not equals to, Starts with, Ends with, Is empty, or Is not empty.

    2. In Filter, enter the search criterion.

  4. Optionally, in the table header, select a column name to sort by that column. Select the column name once again to reverse the sort order.

Add filters


When you add a new filter, it can take up to 24 hours before you can see all data that the filter collects. Normally, you need to wait for the Snow Inventory Agents and Integration Connectors to report the inventoried data.

  1. On the Snow Atlas settings menu, select Private Application Catalogue.

  2. On the Private applications page, on the Filters tab, select Add filter.

  3. In Filter name, enter the name of the filter.

  4. To setup the filter, use one or more of the available filter criteria Application name, Manufacturer name, Version name, Executable path, and Operating system type. Use % as a wildcard character to filter on similar application names, manufacturers, versions, or executable paths.

  5. Select Save.
    The new filter appears in the list on the Filters tab.

Edit filters

  1. On the Snow Atlas settings menu, select Private Application Catalogue.

  2. On the Private applications page, on the Filters tab, select the filter you want to edit.

  3. On the Actions menu, select View.

  4. Select Edit.

  5. Add or edit the applicable information.

  6. To review what the filter will collect with the changes you have made, select Preview changes.


    When you edit a filter, it can take up to 24 hours before you can see all data that the filter collects. Normally, you need to wait for the Snow Inventory Agents and Integration Connectors to report the inventoried data.

  7. To save the changes, select Save.

Delete filters

  1. On the Snow Atlas settings menu, select Private Application Catalogue.

  2. On the Private applications page, on the Filters tab, select the filter you want to delete.

  3. On the Actions menu, select Delete.

  4. Select Delete to confirm.