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Configuration changes in this version

Snow Management and Configuration Center changes

In Snow Management and Configuration Center (Snow MACC), the Inventory Source section of the Customer Tab has changed:

  • An overlapping validation check for inventory sites has been introduced while adding inventory sources. The inventory site for a configured source is validated across CIDs within the same inventory DB for possible overlaps.

  • Once an inventory source has been created, the Database name and Site name cannot be edited. To edit these names, the customer has to delete existing inventory sources and add a new one.


Regarding Snow MACC's Basic Settings and System Core Settings views, the following settings have been removed, as they have become obsolete due to changes in Data Update Job for Snow License Manager 9:

ViewSettingReason for removal
System Core SettingsDATAUPDATEJOB_DELTAEvery job run is now a delta run
System Core SettingsDATAUPDATEJOB_DELTA_FULL_DAYEvery job run is now a delta run
System Core SettingsDB_SHRINK_ACTIVEDatabase shrinking is detrimental for performance, due to data shredding
System Core SettingsDISABLE_DB_CHECKPOINTSObsolete functionality
System Core SettingsINVENTORY_TRANSFER_DATE_OFFSETEvery job run is now a delta run
System Core SettingsMETERING_CONCURRENCY_HISTORY_ACTIVEEvery job run is now a delta run
System Core SettingsREBUILD_DBINDEXES_DAYRemoved, based on global standard for index maintenance scripts
System Core SettingsREBUILD_INV_DBINDEXES_DAYRemoved, based on global standard for index maintenance scripts
System Core SettingsTMP_UPDATE_JOB_MODEAll job modes have been removed from Data Update Job for Snow License Manager 9, due to its requirements for different performance optimizations (now implemented through parallel-running jobs and delta loading)

Web.config and Snow MACC plugin app.config

In some cases, a SQL server timeout was previously experienced when using import to update computers with metadata for custom fields. To remedy this, the following setting has been added to web.config and the Snow MACC plugin app.config file, making the server timeout time configurable:

  • <add key="ImportCustomFieldsTimeout" value="300">

Snow License Manager Inventory service

In Snow License Manager 9 and Snow Inventory 6, an API has been introduced to allow the deletion of computers, devices, and users asynchronously outside of the Data Update Job, thus increasing performance and robustness.

To authenticate, Snow License Manager gathers the API URIs and authentication keys that are set up and stored in each configured SnowInventory database connection. These use port 80 by default; however, they can be configured in Snow Inventory to use HTTPS.

By default, the Snow License Manager Inventory service runs every sixth hour and sends delete requests to any Snow Inventory APIs that are configured. These deletions in the SnowInventory database are handled by the Snow Inventory server garbage collection.

Oracle Middleware API

In Snow License Manager 9 and Snow Inventory 6, an API has been introduced to transfer data coming from the Snow Inventory Middleware Scanner, which uses the Data transfer/Dynamic inventory capabilities.

The inventory data related to Oracle WebLogic Server will not be processed by the Data Update Job. Instead, the Snow Software Oracle Service will connect to Snow Inventory Server APIs.

For more about changes related to Oracle, see Oracle Management Option changes.