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Add or edit licenses: Reference

Refer to the tables below for field descriptions when you want to add a license or edit the details of a specific license in SAM Core on Snow Atlas.


The Purchase tab lets you enter information on the license purchase.

Field labelDescription
Date of purchaseThe date when the licenses were purchased. This date will be used by the system to check available agreements.
Legal organizationThe legal organization that owns the licenses.
Only one legal organization can be selected for each license purchase. The legal organization is normally the top level of the organization. If automatic allocation of licenses is enabled, licenses will be allocated from the selected organization level and downwards.
Purchase priceThe purchase price of the licenses.
CurrencyThe currency in which the licenses are paid. The currency does not have to correspond with the default viewing currency.
Invoice referenceAny reference information on the invoice.
ApplicationThe application that the licenses apply to.
Stock-keeping unit (SKU)The SKU of the licenses.
This information is available when you have selected an application.
Product descriptionThe license details supplied by the manufacturer.
This information is available when you have selected an application and a SKU.
AgreementThe agreement that the licenses are part of.
If the agreement is not available, it could be for one of the following reasons:
  • The license purchase date is not within an agreement period, and the option Include in searches where license purchase date is outside of active period is not selected for the agreement. Select Include agreements inactive on purchase date to search also among agreements that have not yet started or agreements that have expired.
  • The agreement has not yet been created.
QuantityThe number of licenses included in the purchase.
You can only edit the information for new and incomplete licenses.
MetricThe metric for the licenses.
Assignment typeThe assignment type for the metric. The information is only available for the metrics Installations and Users.
Depending on the selected assignment type, you must assign licenses to an OrganizationComputer/datacenterUser, or Site on the Assignment tab.
If you do not assign licenses with a metric that requires assignment, the licenses will be shown as unassigned. These licenses will not be considered in compliance calculations. For more information, see Assignment types.
Downgrade rightsIf this setting is enabled, the licenses have downgrade rights. For more information, see Upgrade and downgrade rights.
Upgrade licenseIf this setting is enabled, the licenses have upgrade rights. For more information, see Upgrade and downgrade rights.
If you enable this setting, the Base licenses tab will also show.
Cross edition rightsIf this setting is enabled, the licenses have cross edition rights. For more information, see Cross edition rights.
Cross platform rightsIf this setting is enabled, the licenses have cross platform rights. For more information, see Cross platform rights.
License has a subscription periodIf this setting is enabled, this licenses are subscription licenses. For more information, see Subscription licenses.
If you enable this setting, you must also enter a subscription period by selecting From and To dates from the lists.

Maintenance and support

The Maintenance and support tab lets you register any maintenance and support periods and costs for the licenses.

If a license purchase is part of an agreement and has a SKU with application upgrade rights, both the According to agreement and Use upgrade rights according to SKU will be available as options. However, only one option can be selected.

You have three options for adding maintenance and support periods to a license purchase:

  • Add period and application upgrade rights manually.

  • Use period and application upgrade rights according to an existing agreement that this license purchase has been registered as a part of.

  • Use application upgrade rights according to the application SKU, and add period manually.

If a license purchase has manually set upgrade rights and registered periods for maintenance and support, and that is changed to be according to an agreement instead, then these manually registered settings are replaced by the settings of the selected agreement.

When an agreement is updated with a new period, any license purchases that are part of that agreement will be updated regarding their maintenance and/or support periods.

Field labelDescription
Period fromThe start date for the maintenance and support period.
Information on Period from and Period to is required, or the license purchase will be registered as incomplete.
Period toThe end date for the maintenance and support period.
Information on Period from and Period to is required, or the license purchase will be registered as incomplete.
Invoice referenceAny reference information on the invoice.
NotesNotes about the maintenance and support period.
Upgrade rightsIf this setting is enabled, the licenses have upgrade rights for this maintenance and support period. For more information, see Upgrade and downgrade rights.
Support costThe support cost for the period.
Maintenance costThe maintenance cost for the period.


The Assignment tab lets you assign licenses to specific organization nodes, computers/datacenters, users, or sites depending on the assignment type. For more information, see Assignment types. The information on the Assignment tab is different depending on the assignment type.

The following table shows the information on the Assignment tab for the assignment type Organization.

Field labelDescription
OrganizationThe organization node the licenses are assigned to. The legal organization level is always added as default.
Auto allocateIf this setting is enabled, the licenses will be automatically allocated at each compliance calculation, and based on the actual needs in the organization.
If this setting is disabled, you can manually allocate licenses to specific organization nodes.
Disable auto allocate after next calculationIf this setting is enabled, the licenses will be allocated only once and then keep that allocation.
QuantityThe quantity allocated to each organization node.

The following table shows the information on the Assignment tab for the assignment type Computer/datacenter.

Field labelDescription
NameThe name of the computer/datacenter the licenses are assigned to.
OrganizationThe organization node that this computer/datacenter is assigned to.
TypeShows if the computer/datacenter is virtual or physical.
Processors / CoresThe number of processors and the number of cores per processor for this computer/datacenter.
VMs (Inventoried)The number of virtual machines and the number of inventoried virtual machines.
VM use rightsShows if the computer/datacenter has VM use rights or not. For more information, see VM use rights.
AssignedThe number of licenses assigned to this computer/datacenter.

The following table shows the information on the Assignment tab for the assignment type User.

Field labelDescription
UsersThe user the license is assigned to.

The following table shows the information on the Assignment tab for the assignment type Site.

Field labelDescription
OrganizationThe organization node the licenses are assigned to.
QuantityThe quantity allocated to each organization node.


The Information tab lets you add additional information on the license purchase. Information entered on the Information tab can be used as search criteria in lists, searches, and reports using the Column selector.

Field labelDescription
External IDAn external identity (external for SAM Core on Snow Atlas) for the license purchase, for example, purchase order ID, or system ID.
Note: When Check that the license external id is not already used when adding new license purchases is enabled in Settings > License Management, this value can be used to avoid duplicate license purchase records when performing bulk imports.
VendorThe vendor of the licenses.
License proof locationThe location where the license proof is stored.
Installation mediaThe location where the installation media is stored.
Serial numbers/license keysSerial numbers or license keys connected to the license purchase.
NotesNotes about the licenses.


The Documents tab lets you upload documents or add links related to the licenses. For more information, see Manage documents and links.

Field labelDescription
TitleThe title of the manually uploaded document or link.
SavedThe date when the document or link was added.

Custom information

The Custom information tab lets you add data that needs to be managed but does not have a pre-defined entry in SAM Core on Snow Atlas. For more information, see Manage custom fields.

Field labelDescription
NameThe name of the custom field.
ValueThe value set for the custom field.

Base licenses

The Base licenses tab lets you add base licenses. The tab is only available if Upgrade license is enabled on the Purchase tab.

To add a base license, select Add, enter search criteria, select Search, and then select one or more base licenses.

Field labelDescription
ApplicationThe application that the base license applies to.
MetricThe metric of the base license.
Target metricThe metric of the license you want to upgrade.
Date of purchaseThe date when the base license was purchased.
Available base licensesThe number of available base licenses.
Base licenses to upgradeThe number of licenses that you want to upgrade.
Note: If the number of base licenses available for upgrade is not enough, the license purchase will be marked as incomplete when you save the license.
Upgrade quantityThe number of upgrade licenses that you are entitled to.
Example: You have registered a license with the metric Installations. You want to upgrade one of the licenses to a higher version that uses the metric Number of processors. Enter the following:
  • Base licenses to upgrade: 1
  • Upgrade quantity: 2