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Manage license imports

Learn how to use the import functionality in SAM Core on Snow Atlas to import new license purchases or update existing licenses with new metadata.

You can import information to the standard fields in the SAM Core user interface and to most custom fields applicable to the category. The exception is custom fields of the type "​currency"​.

For imports of other types of data than license data, see Manage data imports.


If the import is interrupted, for example, if the browser window is accidentally closed, you can resume the import process by selecting the same import type on the ​Data imports​ page. A dialog box will then appear, where you can select to either ​Resume current import​​ or ​Start a new import​​.


Before you start the import, you must prepare an import source file which contains the data that you want to import. To help you, there is an import template available for download. For more information, see Download license import templates.

Certain information must be provided for a successful import. For detailed information on the required data and where the data can be found in SAM Core after the import, see Data Import Field Description.

In addition to the mandatory fields for license imports, information on the ​Metric​ and ​Quantity​​ is also required in the import source file, or the imported licenses will be regarded as incomplete and will not be included in license compliance calculations.

For license updates, information on the ​License ID​​ is required in the import source file, or the imported licenses will be regarded as new licenses. To see information in SAM Core on the ​License ID, go to Licenses and then License list, select Column selector, and then add License ID to the list.

If you run a license import which includes attaching licenses to agreements, the agreements must already exist in SAM Core.

Download license import templates

A license import template in XLSX format is available for download from the ​Data imports​​ page in SAM Core.

  1. On the ​​SAM Core​​ menu, under ​Home​​, select ​Data imports​​.

  2. Select ​Import templates.

  3. Select the ​License import​ template in the list, and then select Download.

    The import template will be available as a downloaded file in your web browser. ​

Import and update licenses

For license imports, you can only use import files in XLS or XLSX format.

For information on what license data is required in the import file and where the data can be found in SAM Core after the import, see Data Import Field Description.

The following procedure describes an import using a file with column headers.

  1. On the ​​SAM Core​​ menu, under ​Home​​, select ​Data imports​​.

  2. Select ​License import/update​​.

  3. In ​License import/update - Step 1 of 5​​, do the following:

    1. Verify that you have completed the ​Preparations​.

      Use the ​License import template fields​​ list to see a description of each field in the license import template.

    2. Select ​Start license import​​.

  4. In ​License import/update - step 2 of 5​​, do the following:

    1. In ​Upload your import file​​, select ​Choose file​​, and then select your prepared import file.

    2. In ​Configure import settings​​, select which field in the import file that you want to use for mapping of licenses to applications: ​Application name​ or ​SKU​​.

    3. Select Next.

  5. In ​License import/update - step 3 of 5​​, do the following:

    1. In Map fields, verify the suggested mapping of the data in the ​Source​ file of the import and the ​Destination​​ fields in SAM Core. To change a mapping, select the ​Source​​ that you want to change, and then select the correct column from the list. ​

    2. Optional:

    3. Select Next.

  6. In ​License import/update - Step 4 of 5​​, do the following:

    1. In Import preview, verify the data and correct any errors. Conflicts or invalid values are highlighted in red. Rows that have any fields highlighted in red will not be imported. For more information, see Troubleshoot import files.

      If a Metric is highlighted in red because the metric for an application in the import file does not match the metric or metrics for it in SAM Core, see Add new metrics.

    2. To start the import, select ​Run import​​.

  7. In ​Import completed​​, select ​Close and view results​​.

  8. In ​License import/update - Step 5 of 5​​, view the results of your license import.

    For each row in the import file, the Status column shows if it is Imported, Updated, or Failed.

    You can select to ​Export all rows​ or ​Export failed rows​ of your import, or ​Start a new import​​. You can also select ​Undo import​​ to undo the import you just carried out. For more information, see Undo license imports.

    To be directed to the list of all your licenses, select ​Go to your licenses. ​

Add new metrics

In the Import preview, a Metric field is highlighted in red when the metric for an application in the license import file does not match the metric or metrics currently added to that application in SAM Core.

To add the metric in the license import file to the application in SAM Core, do the following:

  1. In the Import preview, select Add new metrics.

    In the Import preview/Add new metrics view, you see all rows in the license import file that contain an unmatched metric. The metric or metrics for the applications in SAM Core appear in the Current metric(s) column. The metrics from the license import file appear in the New metric column.

  2. Select the check box for the application that you want to add the new metric to. You can select multiple applications if they share the same new metric.

  3. Select Add metrics for selected applications.

  4. In the Import preview/Add new metrics/Enter metric details view, enter the details for the new metric. For more information, see License settings.

    If you want to make the new metric the default metric of the application, select Set as default metric.


    The default metric cannot be changed for a Windows Server application.

  5. To apply the new metric details, do one of the following:

    • To apply the details only to the applications that you selected in the Import preview/Add new metrics view, select Apply to selected.

    • To apply the details to all applications with the same new metric type listed in the Import preview/Add new metrics view, select Apply to applications with same metric type.

    You are now back to the Import preview/Add new metrics view. The applications to which the new metrics have been added are in status Ready.

  6. When you have added all the new metrics that you need, select Continue.

    You are now back to the Import preview.

View completed license imports

You can view the results of the most recently completed license import up until a new import is started.​

  1. On the ​​SAM Core​​ menu, under ​Home​​, select ​Data imports​​.

  2. Select ​License import/update​​.

  3. In ​License import/update - Step 1 of 5​, under ​Last import​​, select the link to view the results of the most recent import.

    The ​Last import​​ only appears if a previous import is completed.

  4. In ​License import/update - Step 5 of 5​​, view the results.

Undo license imports

You can undo the results of the most recently completed license import up until a new import is started.


If you undo a license import, any application metric changes will revert to the way they were before the import. If you have used any of the licenses from the import before undoing it, the action may cause incompliance.

  1. On the ​​SAM Core​​ menu, under ​Home​​, select ​Data imports​​.

  2. Select ​License import/update​​.

  3. In ​License import/update - Step 1 of 5​, under ​Last import​​, select the link to view the results of the most recent import.

    The ​Last import​​ only appears if a previous import is completed.

  4. In ​License import/update - Step 5 of 5​​, select ​Undo import​​.

  5. In ​Undo import​​, select ​Undo import​​.