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Manage notifications

Learn how to manage alert and system event notifications in SAM Core on Snow Atlas.

Add notifications

  1. On the SAM Core menu, under Home, select Administration.
  2. Select My notifications.
  3. Select Add notification.
  4. On the Details tab, do the following:
    1. To activate the notification, select Active. If left cleared, no notifications will be generated.
    2. Enter a Name for the notification.
    3. In Send to, enter the e-mail address of the recipients that the notification is intended for. Use comma as separator.
    4. Select the Category that the notification applies to: Agreement, Application, Computer, or License.
    5. Select When the notification should be sent. Available actions depend on the selected Category.
  5. Optionally, use the Criteria tab to create filters and refine the notification. Use a single condition or groups of conditions for more complex filters. For more information, see Criteria and groups.
    • To add a single condition:
      1. Select Add criteria.
      2. Select criterion and operator from the lists.
      3. Depending on the selected criterion, select a search string from the list or enter a search string manually. Use % as a wildcard character.
    • To add a group of conditions:
      1. Select Add group.
      2. Select the first criterion and operator from the lists.
      3. Depending on the selected criterion, select a search string from the list or enter a search string manually. Use % as a wildcard character.
      4. Select Add criteria.
      5. Select operator for the next condition: and or or.
      6. Select the next criterion and operator from the lists.
      7. Depending on the selected criterion, select a search string from the list or enter a search string manually. Use % as a wildcard character.
      8. Repeat steps d through g to add more criteria.
  6. Select Save.

Edit notifications

  1. On the SAM Core menu, under Home, select Administration.
  2. Select My notifications.
  3. Select the notification you want to edit.
  4. In Edit notification, add or edit the applicable information, see Add notifications.
  5. Select Save.

Delete notifications

  1. On the SAM Core menu, under Home, select Administration.
  2. Select My notifications.
  3. Select the delete icon next to the name of the notification you want to delete.
  4. Select OK to confirm.