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Edit license policy: Reference

Refer to the table below for field descriptions when you want to edit your license policy in SAM Core on Snow Atlas.

Edit policy

The Edit policy lets you, for example, configure the field as required information and lets you decide if a value can be added manually or if it must be selected from a pre-defined list of values.

Field labelDescription
Field nameThe name of the field. (Not editable)
RequiredIf this setting is selected, the field is regarded required information and you must enter a value for it when you register a license purchase.
DescriptionThe description of the field.
Use the description to clearly state the intended purpose of the field. The text you write here will appear as a help text when you register a license purchase and select the field.
Use multi selection listIf this setting is selected, you can create a pre-defined list of values to choose from when populating the field.
Note: This setting is not available for all fields.
Allow use of custom valuesRequires that the Use multi selection list is selected.
If this setting is selected, you also allow other values to be entered than the ones in the pre-defined list of values.