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Manage price information

Learn how to use price information for replacement costs in SAM Core.

Add price information

You can define standard prices for hardware components of specified computer models and manufacturers.

  1. On the SAM Core menu, under Home, select Administration.
  2. Select Computer standards.
  3. On the Price information tab, select Add price information.
  4. Enter Manufacturer and computer Model names. Use % as a wildcard character.
  5. Enter replacement costs for processor1 GB memory, and 1 GB disk space.
  6. Select Save.

Edit price information

  1. On the SAM Core menu, under Home, select Administration.
  2. Select Computer standards.
  3. On the Price information tab, select the name of the price information you want to edit.
  4. Add or edit the applicable information.
  5. Select Save.

Delete price information

  1. On the SAM Core menu, under Home, select Administration.
  2. Select Computer standards.
  3. On the Price information tab, select the delete icon next to the name of the price information you want to delete.
  4. Select OK to confirm.

Edit standard price information

You can define standard prices for hardware components of computer models that are not specified using the Price information.

  1. On the SAM Core menu, under Home, select Administration.
  2. Select Computer standards.
  3. On the Price information tab, under Standard price, select Edit.
  4. Enter replacement costs for processor1 GB memory, and 1 GB disk space.
  5. Select Save.