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Computer standards

Use the Computer standards and Price information in SAM Core on Snow Atlas as tools for budget calculations of computer hardware.

In Computer standards you can define the minimum hardware requirements for computer components like processor, memory, and disk space. In Price information you define a price for each of these components related to a specific manufacturer and/or computer model. You can also define standard prices for hardware components that are not specified using the Price information.

With all this information in place you can use the Substandard computers report to list all of the computers that do not meet your defined minimum hardware requirements and what it would cost to upgrade them.


The report Substandard computers is based on the information entered as the Computer standards and it lists the computers that do not meet your defined minimum hardware requirements.

Price informationThe defined Price information used to determine the cost. If the row is empty, the price that you have defined as the Standard price is used instead.
Upgrade costThe cost to complement the hardware components of the computer to meet the minimum requirements. The cost is based on the difference between the minimum requirements and the current hardware components of the computer.
Replacement costThe cost to replace the hardware components of the computer with new hardware components according to the minimum requirements.