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Compliance exclusions: Reference

Refer to the tables below for field descriptions when you want to view the details of the created compliance exclusion rules in SAM Core on Snow Atlas.


The Rules tab shows all of the compliance exclusion rules.

Field labelDescription
Rule nameThe name of the rule.
ReasonThe reason why the rule is created.
Excluded applicationsThe number of applications excluded by the rule.
Excluded computersThe number of computers excluded by the rule.
Created dateThe date when the rule was created.
Updated dateThe date when the rule was most recently updated.
StatusThe status of the rule: Active, Inactive, Incomplete, or Calculating.
ActionsShows a list of actions related to the rule: Edit, Duplicate, Activate, Deactivate, and Delete.


The Results tab shows all of the applications and computers excluded by the compliance exclusion rules, respectively.

Field labelDescription
Application nameThe name of the excluded application.
Computer nameThe name of the excluded computer.
Rule nameThe name of the rule.
Created byThe user who created the rule.
Created dateThe date when the rule was created.
Updated byThe user who most recently updated the rule.
Updated dateThe date when the rule was most recently updated.