Compliance exclusions: Users
This example describes where compliance exclusions are shown in other areas of the user interface than the Administration page.
Compliance exclusions in the user interface
Your created compliance exclusion rules are reflected in the user interface of SAM Core:
- On the details page of an application with the Compliance tab selected, you see the number of Manual exclusions.
- On the details page of an application, on the Licenses tab tab with the User tracking tab selected, you see the Entitlement state set to Manually excluded for users excluded from compliance.
- On the details page of an application with the Users tab selected, you see the remark Manually excluded for users excluded from compliance.
- On the details page of a user that is excluded from compliance, with the Applications tab selected you see that Entitlement state is set to No requirement.
Compliance exclusions in reports
The following reports are related to the compliance exclusion functionality for users in SAM Core:
Compliance exclusions for users
The report shows, among other things, the username, the excluded application, and the name of the rule that excludes the user from the compliance calculations.
Compliance summary
The report shows a compliance summary for applications.
If you add the columns Manual exclusions and Requirement adjustment reasons, you see the number of manual exclusions for a specific application and the reason for the exclusion. -
License tracking per user
The report shows, among other things, the username, the application, and how the license requirement is covered. The column Coverage reason shows Manually excluded for users excluded from compliance. Also, if you add the column Requirement adjustment reasons you see where Manual exclusions are used.