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Edit applications: Reference

Refer to the tables below for field descriptions when you want to edit an application in SAM Core on Snow Atlas.

Available information in the edit application view depends on the metric and if the application is installed on a computer or on a mobile device.

General info

The General info tab lets you, for example, add serial numbers or information on the system owner of the application.

Field labelDescription
DescriptionThe description of the application.
Serial numbers/license keysThe serial numbers or license keys for the application. This information can be used for easy access during installation or reinstallation.
MediaThe storage location of the installation media.
NameThe system owner's name. The system owner is the person you can contact in case of any questions or issues with this specific application.
E-mailThe system owner's email address.
PhoneThe system owner's telephone number.
Application URLThe URL of the application.
Privacy policy URLThe URL of the privacy policy for the application.
Terms and conditions URLThe URL of the terms and conditions for the application.

License settings

The License settings let you change the license settings for the application.

Field labelDescription
No license requiredIf this setting is enabled, the application does not require a license.
Enable secondary use rightsIf this setting is enabled, the secondary use rights are enabled for the application.
For more information, see Secondary use rights.
Allow simultaneous multiple versionsIf this setting is enabled, only one license is required for a computer with multiple versions of the application installed.
Even if this setting is enabled, the feature is enabled only when there is a license that covers the local installations. Before a license is added, both versions will be shown as requiring a license on the computer. This is done because the right of running multiple simultaneous versions on one computer is covered by the license, not by the application.
For more information, see Multiple versions/editions.
Note: You can only cover a simultaneously installed lower version of the same application. A higher version cannot be covered.
Allow simultaneous multiple editionsIf this setting is enabled, only one license is required for a computer with multiple editions of the application installed.
For more information, see Multiple versions/editions.
Note: You can only cover a simultaneously installed lower edition of the same application. A higher edition cannot be covered.
Apply metrics to upgrade/downgradeIf this setting is enabled, all added metrics are applied to upgrade or downgrade rights.
For more information, see Upgrade and downgrade rights.
Apply metrics to cross editionIf this setting is enabled, all added metrics are applied to cross edition rights.
For more information, see Cross edition rights.
Release dateThe Software Recognition Service provides the General Availability Date for each application. To override this global release date, enter a Release date.
End-of-life dateThe end-of-life date for the application.
End-of-support dateThe end-of-support date for the application.
End-of-extended-support dateThe end-of-extended-support date for the application.
When selected in a license, enable downgrade rights to previous versionsThe number of previous versions a downgrade can be made to for the application.
For more information, see Upgrade and downgrade rights.
MetricsThe metrics for the application. For more information, see Metrics and Default metric.
To add additional metrics, select the new metric from the list and then select Add.
To change the default metric, select Set as default metric. For more information, see Change default metrics.
To delete a metric, select the trashcan icon.
Note: A metric cannot be deleted in the following cases:
  • When the metric is the default metric.
  • When the metric is connected to a license purchase registration. The license must then be deleted before the metric can be deleted.
Metric settingThe metric setting for the selected metric. The metric setting is only available for the metric Users. Available metric settings:
  • Usage within metering period: All users that have used the application within the specified metering period.
  • All primary users: The primary user, that is, the most frequent user based on sign-in information, of a computer that has the application installed, whether or not the user has actually used the application.
  • All computer users: All users that have signed in to a computer that has the application installed, whether or not the users have actually used the application.
Minimum number of licensesThe minimum number of licenses per computer that is required for the application according to the license agreement. The setting is only available for the metrics Number of processors and Number of processor cores.
PeriodThe metering period for the selected metric. The setting is only available for the metrics Users, Devices, Concurrent users, and Concurrent devices. Available metering periods:
  • Use system default: The system default is Current month.
    Note: Since the Data Update Job runs only once a day (by default at 9:00 PM) the usage for the current date will not be reported until the next day. Hence, when the current date is the first of the month, usage of the previous month will be used in the calculations instead.
    Example: When the current date is 24th of September, the metering period will be 1st of September to 24th of September.
    When the current date is 1st of September, the metering period will be 1st of August to 31st of August.
  • Continuous: Data for current date and X number of days back in time, where X is defined in Interval (days).
    Example: When the current date is 24th of September and the interval is set to 60 days, the metering period will be 27th of July to 24th of September.
  • Periodical incl. current month: Data for the last day of the previous month and X number of days back in time, where X Is defined in Interval (days), plus data for the current month.
    Example: When the current date is 24th of September and the interval is set to 60 days, the metering period will be 3rd of July to 24th of September (24 + 60 = 84 days)
Custom compare value typeThe custom compare value type for the metric. The setting is only available for the metric Custom compare values.
Application costThe estimated cost for each license. The value is used for creating cost estimations of over- and under-licensing and total cost for installations, devices, users etc. The setting is available for all metrics, except CAL (Client Access License) and PVU.
The currency for the cost does not have to be the same as the currency selected in your user settings.
CAL (Client Access License)The estimated cost for each license. The value is used for creating cost estimations of over- and under-licensing and total cost for installations, devices, users etc. The setting is available for the metric CAL (Client Access License).
The currency for the cost does not have to be the same as the currency selected in your user settings.
PVUThe estimated cost for each license. The value is used for creating cost estimations of over- and under-licensing and total cost for installations, devices, users etc. The setting is available for the metric PVU.
The currency for the cost does not have to be the same as the currency selected in your user settings.

Other settings

The Other settings tab lets you decide if alerts should be sent on usage, underlicensing, and overlicensing of this application.

Field labelDescription
Do not alert on usage for this applicationIf this setting is enabled, alerts will not be sent on usage for this application.
Do not alert on underlicensing for this applicationIf this setting is enabled, alerts will not be sent on underlicensing for this application. However, potential underlicensing will be shown in the application details view, but it will not be shown as an alert.
Do not alert on overlicensing for this applicationIf this setting is enabled, alerts will not be sent on overlicensing for this application. However, potential overlicensing will be shown in the application details view, but it will not be shown as an alert.

Downgrade paths

The Downgrade path tab lets you manually add versions within the application family that this application is valid to downgrade to. The application versions can be listed in relative order to define the downgrade path. For more information, see Upgrade and downgrade rights.

Field labelDescription
Available applicationsThe available applications that can be added to the list of applications that this application is valid to downgrade to.
The application is valid for downgrade toThe applications within the application family that this application is valid to downgrade to.
To define the downgrade path, add applications from the list of Available applications, remove applications, and change the order of the applications.

Program files

The Program files tab shows all identified inventoried program files and registry keys that are linked to the application. Yo cannot make changes to the information on this tab.

Field labelDescription
NameThe name of the program file or registry key that is linked to this application.
VersionThe version of the program file or registry key.
File nameThe file name of the program file or registry key.

Custom information

The Custom information tab lets you add custom fields to store data that needs to be managed but does not have a pre-defined entry in SAM Core on Snow Atlas. You can only add custom fields for the category Application. For more information, see Custom fields.

Field labelDescription
NameThe name of the custom field.
ValueThe value set for the custom field.

Compare values tab

The Compare values tab lets you specify the quantity per organization node of the custom compare value type selected on the License settings tab. The Compare values tab is only available for the metric Custom compare values, and if this metric is not connected to a custom field. For more information, see Custom compare value types.

Field labelDescription
OrganizationThe organization node for this quantity of the custom compare value type selected as an additional metric on the License settings tab.
To specify the organization node, select the organization node from the list, select OK, and then select Add.
QuantityThe quantity of the custom compare value type.

Bundle options

The Bundle options tab lets you unbundle an application bundle to instead license the included applications individually. This is done on the computer where the application is installed. This tab is only available for bundles.

Field labelDescription
Computer nameThe computer where the application is installed.
Applications installed (%)The percentage of the applications included in the bundle that are installed on the computer.
Applications bundledShows if bundle licensing is applied to the application or not.
For more information, see Remove bundle licensing and Restore bundle licensing.