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Manage application use rights

You can manage the application use rights in SAM Core in two ways; either by editing the applications or by editing the users. By editing the application, you manage the use rights for listed users of that application. By editing the user, you also manage the use rights for non-listed users of the application.

For information on how to filter and sort the lists of applications and users, see Manage lists.

Add application use rights by editing the application

When you add the application use rights by editing the application, you add the rights to listed users of that application. You can add the rights to single users one at a time or to all of the users at the same time.

  1. On the SAM Core menu, select Applications.

  2. Find and select the application you want to edit. For more information on how to search, see Search for applications or Advanced search for applications.

  3. On the details page of the application and on the Users tab, do one of the following:

    • To add use rights to one user, right-click that user in the list, and then select Add rights to user.

    • To add use rights to all of the users in the list, right-click any user in the list, and then select Add rights to all listed users.

    All users in the list without the right to use the application are highlighted in red. Also, the warning message Application rights registered appears on the details page of the application.

Remove application use rights by editing the application

When you remove the application use rights by editing the application, you remove the rights from listed users of that application. You can remove the rights from single users one at a time or from all of the users at the same time.

  1. On the SAM Core menu, select Applications.

  2. Find and select the application you want to edit. For more information on how to search, see Search for applications or Advanced search for applications.

  3. On the details page of the application and on the Users tab, do one of the following:

    • To remove use rights from one user, right-click that user in the list, and then select Remove rights from user.

    • To remove use rights from all of the users in the list, right-click any user in the list, and then select Remove rights from all listed users.

Add application use rights by editing the user

When you add the application use rights by editing the user, you can also add the rights to a user who is not yet using the application.

  1. On the SAM Core menu, select Users.

  2. Find and select the user to whom you want to give application use rights. For more information on how to filter, sort, and group the list of users, see Manage lists.

  3. On the details page of the user, select Edit user.

  4. On the Application rights tab, click Search.

  5. In Find application, enter search criteria and then select Search.

  6. Select the application from the list, and then select OK.

  7. Select Add.

  8. Select Save.

Remove application use rights by editing the user

When you remove the application use rights by editing the user, you can also remove the rights from users who never have used their assigned use rights, that is, are not listed users of the application.

  1. On the SAM Core menu, select Users.

  2. Find and select the user from whom you want to remove application use rights. For more information on how to filter, sort, and group the list of users, see ​Manage lists.

  3. On the details page of the user, select Edit user.

  4. On the Application rights tab and in the table row of the application you want to remove, click Remove.

  5. Select Save.