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Edit subscription: Reference

Refer to the table below for field descriptions when you want to add or edit subscriptions in SaaS.

Field labelDescription
VendorThe vendor of the application for which the subscription is purchased. (Required)
ApplicationThe application for which the subscription is purchased. (Required)
For manually added subscriptions, this selection cannot be changed after the subscription is added. If you enter an application that is not yet discovered in your SaaS estate, it is created as a manually added application.
For discovered subscriptions, this selection is automatic and cannot be changed. For bundle subscriptions, a list of all included applications is shown.
Subscription nameThe name of the subscription type. It must be a unique name. (Required)
It cannot be changed if the subscription is added through a discovery source.
Exclude from metricsIf the toggle is turned on, the subscription is marked to be excluded from total calculations of usage and cost metrics.
Use this setting for paid subscriptions that you want to exclude from total calculations of usage and cost metrics.
If a subscription is marked as ​Free​​, this toggle is turned on and cannot be changed.
MetricThe unit of measure for the subscription. (Required)
FreeIf selected, the subscription is marked as having no cost, and is excluded from total calculations of usage and cost metrics. The selection sets Billing period to monthly and Cost per unit to zero. They cannot be changed.
The selection also turns the ​Exclude from metrics​​ toggle on and it cannot be changed.
The selection of Free cannot be changed if the subscription is added through a discovery source.
Billing periodHow often you are billed for the subscription: Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly. (Required)
Monthly is the default value when you add a subscription manually.
Cost per unitThe cost for each unit of the subscription metric.
If a cost is entered, Purchase date and Subscription currency become required.
Purchase dateThe date when the subscription was purchased. (Required).
Required if Cost per unit is entered.
Subscription currencyThe currency in which the subscription is purchased. (Required)
Requires that a Purchase date is selected before you can select currency.
Your base currency is the default selection. Other currencies are only available to select if they have been added as a fixed rate that applies on the purchase date.
QuantityThe number of purchased subscription units in the selected metric. (Required)
Discovered quantity is the number of subscriptions discovered through the connector and can change dynamically. It is selected by default.
Custom quantityIf selected, you can enter a custom value in Quantity to reflect the actual situation in your organization. It overrides any changes to the discovered quantity from connector data imports.
Start dateThe date when the subscription can first be used. (Required)
Expiration dateThe date when the subscription can last be used if it is not renewed.