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Prepare ServiceNow connector

The ServiceNow connector retrieves information about subscriptions, users, and user activity. In ServiceNow, you are required to retrieve your instance name, create an application registry and retrieve Client ID and Client secret, generate a refresh token, and enter them in Settings when adding the connector.


An admin user account is required to connect to the ServiceNow API.

If your admin user account has Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) enabled, it cannot be used to create a refresh token for the connector. In that case, create a user account with MFA disabled, select Web service access only for it, and use this account's username and password in the steps in the procedure below. For more information, see the section Steps for setting up OAuth 2.0 for Inbound REST in the ServiceNow community developer blog .


  1. Sign in to ServiceNow with an admin account.

    Your ServiceNow instance has the URI: https://{your-company-name}

  2. Retrieve your instance credentials.

    1. Go to the user menu and select Manage instance password.

    2. Copy instance name, Username and Password for your ServiceNow instance. They are used when creating the refresh token. The instance name is also used when adding the connector.

      The instance name is the {your-company-name} part of the Instance URL: https://{your-company-name}

  3. Create an application registry and retrieve Client ID and Client Secret.

    1. In ServiceNow, select All and search for oauth.

    2. Under System OAuth search result, select Application Registry.

    3. Select New, and then select Create an OAuth API endpoint for external clients.

    4. Enter a Name and select Submit.

    5. Select the newly created application registry in the list.

    6. Unlock the Client Secret.

    7. Copy and save Client ID and Client Secret. They are used when adding the connector.

  4. Generate a refresh token.

    In a command line, run the following command and replace:

    • {CLIENT_ID} with the Client ID saved in step 3.vii

    • {CLIENT_SECRET} with the Client Secret saved in step 3.vii

    • {USERNAME} with the Username saved in step 2.ii

    • {PASSWORD} with the Password saved in step 2.ii

    • {INSTANCE_NAME} with the instance name saved in step 2.ii

    curl -d "grant_type=password" \
    -d "client_id={CLIENT_ID}" \
    -d "client_secret={CLIENT_SECRET}" \
    -d "username={USERNAME}" \
    -d "password={PASSWORD}" \

    Copy and save the refresh token in the returned JSON response. It is used when adding the connector.

  5. When adding the connector in Snow Atlas, in Settings, enter the saved values in Instance, Client ID, Client secret, and Refresh token.

After completing this task, follow the general procedure to Add connectors.

The connector makes API calls to the vendor and retrieves data. For more information, see API calls and Data retrieved by the connector.

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