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Data retrieved by Salesforce Sales Cloud connector

Data retrieved by the Salesforce Sales Cloud connector that is stored by Snow.


For reference information, see UserLicense .

API propertyDescription
IdThe user license ID.
CreatedDateThe user license created date.
LicenseDefinitionKeyA string that uniquely identifies a particular user license.
MasterLabelThe user license label.
NameThe internal name of the user license.
StatusThe current status of the user license. Valid values: Active, Disabled.
TotalLicensesThe number of user licenses in the organization.
UsedLicensesThe number of user licenses that are assigned to active users in the organization.


For a list of possible values for the UserType property, see Salesforce API docs .

API propertyDescription
IdProfile ID.
DescriptionDescription of the profile.
NameThe name of the profile.
CreatedByIdThe ID of the user that created the profile.
LastModifiedByIdThe ID of the user that modified the profile last.
LastModifiedDateThe date and time when the profile was last modified.
UserTypeThe category of user license.
UserLicense.IdID of the UserLicense associated with this profile.
CreatedDateThe date and time when the profile was created.


For a list of possible values for the UserType property, see Salesforce API docs .

API propertyDescription
IdThe user's ID.
EmailThe user’s email address.
AliasThe user’s alias, for example: jsmith.
FirstNameThe user’s first name.
LastNameThe user’s last name.
IsActivetrue if the user has access to log in; otherwise, false
LastLoginDateThe date and time when the user last successfully logged in.
NameConcatenation of FirstName and LastName.
UsernameContains the name that a user enters to log in to the API or the user interface.
UserTypeThe category of user license.
CityThe city associated with the user.
CompanyNameThe name of the user’s company.
CountryThe country associated with the user.
CountryCodeThe ISO country code associated with the user.
DepartmentThe company department associated with the user.
DivisionThe division associated with this user, similar to Department, and unrelated to DefaultDivision.
Profile.IdID of the user’s Profile.
IsPortEnabledIndicates whether the port is enabled or not.