Data retrieved by Okta connector
Data retrieved by the Okta connector that is stored by Snow.
Application user
API property | Description |
embedded | Embedded resources related to the app user. |
links | Discoverable resources related to the app user. |
created | Timestamp when the app user was created. |
credentials | Credentials for the assigned app. |
externalId | Id of user in the target app (must be imported or provisioned). |
id | Unique key of a user. |
lastSync | Timestamp when the last sync operation was executed. |
lastUpdated | Timestamp when the app user was last updated. |
passwordChanged | Timestamp when the app password last changed. |
profile | App-specific profile for the user. |
scope | Toggles the assignment between user or group scope. |
status | Status of the app user. |
statusChanged | Timestamp when status was last changed. |
syncState | Synchronization state for the app user. |
API property | Description |
embedded | Embedded resources related to the app. |
links | Discoverable resources related to the app. |
accessibility | Access settings for the app. |
created | Timestamp when the app was created. |
credentials | Credentials for the specified signOnMode. |
features | Enabled app features. |
id | Unique key for the app. |
label | User-defined display name for the app. |
lastUpdated | Timestamp when the app was last updated. |
name | Unique key for app definition. |
profile | Valid JSON schema for specifying properties. |
licensing | Number of licenses in use for the app. |
settings | Settings for the app. |
signOnMode | Authentication mode of the app. |
status | Status of the app. |
visibility | Visibility settings for the app. |
API property | Description |
embedded | Embedded resources related to the user. |
links | Link relations for the user's current status. |
activated | Timestamp when the transition to ACTIVE status completed. |
created | Timestamp when the user was created. |
credentials | User's primary authentication and recovery credentials. |
id | Unique key for the user. |
lastLogin | Timestamp of the last login. |
lastUpdated | Timestamp when the user was last updated. |
passwordChanged | Timestamp when the password last changed. |
profile | User profile properties. |
status | Current status of the user. |
statusChanged | Timestamp when the status last changed. |
transitioningToStatus | Target status of an in-progress asynchronous status transition. |
type | User type that determines the schema for the user's profile. |
Log events
API property | Description |
uuid | Unique identifier for an individual event. |
published | Timestamp when the event is published. |
eventType | Type of event that is published. |
version | Versioning indicator. |
severity | Indicates how severe the event is: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR. |
legacyEventType | The attribute value for the action objectType in Associated Events API. The action objectType identifies the unique action performed. |
displayMessage | The display message for an event. |
actor | Describes the entity that performs an action. |
client | The client that requests an action. |
request | The request that initiates an action. |
outcome | The outcome of an action. |
target | Zero or more targets of an action. |
transaction | The transaction details of an action. |
debugContext | The debug request data of an action. |
authenticationContext | The authentication data of an action. |
securityContext | The security data of an action. |