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Data retrieved by Okta connector

Data retrieved by the Okta connector that is stored by Snow.

Application user

API propertyDescription
embeddedEmbedded resources related to the app user.
linksDiscoverable resources related to the app user.
createdTimestamp when the app user was created.
credentialsCredentials for the assigned app.
externalIdId of user in the target app (must be imported or provisioned).
idUnique key of a user.
lastSyncTimestamp when the last sync operation was executed.
lastUpdatedTimestamp when the app user was last updated.
passwordChangedTimestamp when the app password last changed.
profileApp-specific profile for the user.
scopeToggles the assignment between user or group scope.
statusStatus of the app user.
statusChangedTimestamp when status was last changed.
syncStateSynchronization state for the app user.


API propertyDescription
embeddedEmbedded resources related to the app.
linksDiscoverable resources related to the app.
accessibilityAccess settings for the app.
createdTimestamp when the app was created.
credentialsCredentials for the specified signOnMode.
featuresEnabled app features.
idUnique key for the app.
labelUser-defined display name for the app.
lastUpdatedTimestamp when the app was last updated.
nameUnique key for app definition.
profileValid JSON schema for specifying properties.
licensingNumber of licenses in use for the app.
settingsSettings for the app.
signOnModeAuthentication mode of the app.
statusStatus of the app.
visibilityVisibility settings for the app.


API propertyDescription
embeddedEmbedded resources related to the user.
linksLink relations for the user's current status.
activatedTimestamp when the transition to ACTIVE status completed.
createdTimestamp when the user was created.
credentialsUser's primary authentication and recovery credentials.
idUnique key for the user.
lastLoginTimestamp of the last login.
lastUpdatedTimestamp when the user was last updated.
passwordChangedTimestamp when the password last changed.
profileUser profile properties.
statusCurrent status of the user.
statusChangedTimestamp when the status last changed.
transitioningToStatusTarget status of an in-progress asynchronous status transition.
typeUser type that determines the schema for the user's profile.

Log events

API propertyDescription
uuidUnique identifier for an individual event.
publishedTimestamp when the event is published.
eventTypeType of event that is published.
versionVersioning indicator.
severityIndicates how severe the event is: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR.
legacyEventTypeThe attribute value for the action objectType in Associated Events API. The action objectType identifies the unique action performed.
displayMessageThe display message for an event.
actorDescribes the entity that performs an action.
clientThe client that requests an action.
requestThe request that initiates an action.
outcomeThe outcome of an action.
targetZero or more targets of an action.
transactionThe transaction details of an action.
debugContextThe debug request data of an action.
authenticationContextThe authentication data of an action.
securityContextThe security data of an action.