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Data retrieved by Microsoft Entra ID connector

Data retrieved by the Microsoft Entra ID connector that is stored by Snow.


API propertyDescription
accountEnabledtrue if the account is enabled; otherwise, false
displayNameThe name displayed in the address book for the user. This is usually the combination of the user's first name, middle initial and last name.
givenNameThe given name (first name) of the user.
idThe unique identifier for the user.
mailThe SMTP address for the user.
surnameThe user's surname (family name or last name).
userPrincipalNameThe user principal name (UPN) of the user.
userTypeA string value that can be used to classify user types in your directory, such as Member and Guest.
createdDateTimeThe created date of the user object.
deletedDateTimeThe date and time the user was deleted.
countryThe country/region in which the user is located; for example, US or UK.
departmentThe name for the department in which the user works.
employeeOrgData.costCenterThe cost center associated with the user.
externalUserStateFor an external user invited to the tenant using the invitation API, this property represents the invited user's invitation status.
jobTitleThe user's job title.
onPremisesLastSyncDateTimeIndicates the last time at which the object was synced with the on-premises directory.
onPremisesSyncEnabledThree states:
  • true if this object is synced from an on-premises directory
  • false if this object was originally synced from an on-premises directory but is no longer synced
  • null if this object has never been synced from an on-premises directory (default)
onPremisesDistinguishedNameContains the on-premises Active Directory distinguished name or DN. The property is only populated for customers who are synchronizing their on-premises directory to Microsoft Entra ID via Microsoft Entra Connect.


API propertyDescription
displayNameThe display name for the group.
descriptionAn optional description for the group.
groupTypesSpecifies the group type and its membership.
idThe unique identifier for the group.
mailThe SMTP address for the group, for example,
mailEnabledSpecifies whether the group is mail-enabled.
membershipRuleThe rule that determines members for this group if the group is a dynamic group.
securityEnabledSpecifies whether the group is a security group.
visibilitySpecifies the group join policy and group content visibility for groups.
createdDateTimeTimestamp of when the group was created.
expirationDateTimeTimestamp of when the group is set to expire.
deletedDateTimeTimestamp of when the group was deleted.
renewedDateTimeTimestamp of when the group was last renewed.
onPremisesSyncEnabledThree states:
  • true if this group is synced from an on-premises directory
  • false if this group was originally synced from an on-premises directory but is no longer synced
  • null if this group has never been synced from an on-premises directory (default)
onPremisesLastSyncDateTimeIndicates the last time at which the group was synced with the on-premises directory.


API propertyDescription
userPrincipalNameProvides the user principal name of the corresponding user.
isRegisteredIndicates whether the user has registered any authentication methods for self-service password reset.
isEnabledIndicates whether the user enabled to perform self-service password reset.
isCapableIndicates whether the user is ready to perform self-service password reset or MFA.
isMfaRegisteredIndicates whether the user is registered for MFA.
authMethodsRepresents the authentication method that the user has registered.