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Data retrieved by Microsoft 365 connector

Data retrieved by the Microsoft 365 connector that is stored by Snow.


API propertyDescription
consumedUnitsThe number of licenses that have been assigned.
idThe unique identifier for the subscribed SKU object.
prepaidUnits.EnabledThe number of units that are enabled for the active subscription of the service SKU.
prepaidUnits.WarningThe number of units that are in warning status. When the subscription of the service SKU has expired, the customer has a grace period to renew their subscription before it is cancelled (moved to a suspended state).
prepaidUnits.SuspendedThe number of units that are suspended because the subscription of the service SKU has been cancelled.
skuIdThe unique identifier (GUID) for the service SKU.
skuPartNumberThe SKU part number, for example, Microsoft_Teams_Premium.


API propertyDescription
accountEnabledtrue if the account is enabled; otherwise, false
assignedLicensesThe licenses that are assigned to the user, including inherited (group-based) licenses.
displayNameThe name displayed in the address book for the user. This is usually the combination of the user's first name, middle initial and last name.
givenNameThe given name (first name) of the user.
idThe unique identifier for the user.
mailThe SMTP address for the user.
surnameThe user's surname (family name or last name).
createdDateTimeThe created date of the user object.
countryThe country/region in which the user is located; for example, US or UK.
departmentThe name of the department in which the user works.


CSV propertyDescription
Last Activity DateThe last activity date of each user.
Storage Used (Bytes)The amount of storage used per user, in bytes.