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Data retrieved by Google Workspace connector

Data retrieved by the Google Workspace connector that is stored by Snow.


API propertyDescription
idThe unique ID for the customer's Google Workspace account.
customerCreationTimeThe customer's creation time.


API propertyDescription
verifiedIndicates the verification state of a domain.
creationTimeCreation time of the domain.
isPrimaryIndicates wether the domain is a primary domain.
domainNameThe domain name of the customer.


API propertyDescription
idThe unique ID for the user.
primaryEmailThe user's primary email address.
isAdminIndicates a user with super administrator privileges.
isDelegatedAdminIndicates if the user is a delegated administrator.
agreedToTermsThis property is true if the user has completed an initial login and accepted the Terms of Service agreement.
suspendedIndicates if user is suspended.
name.fullNameThe user's full name, formed by concatenating the first and last name values.
name.familyNameThe user's last name.
name.givenNameThe user's first name.
isMailboxSetupIndicates if the user's Google mailbox is created.
customerIdThe customer ID.
lastLoginTimeThe last time the user logged in to the user's account.
creationTimeThe time the user's account was created.
deletionTimeThe time the user's account was deleted.
archivedIndicates if the user is archived.
countryThe country where the user is based.
departmentThe department that the user belongs to.


API propertyDescription
entity.customerIdThe unique identifier of the customer's account.
userEmailThe user's email address.
dateThe date of the report request.
parameters.nameThe name of the parameter.
parameters.datetimeValueThe RFC 3339 formatted value of the parameter, for example: 2010-10-28T10:26:35.000Z.


API propertyDescription
userIdThe user's current primary email address.
productIdA product's unique identifier.
productNameDisplay Name of the product.
skuIdA product SKU's unique identifier.
skuNameDisplay Name of the SKU of the product.