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Data retrieved by Atlassian Trello connector

Data retrieved by the Atlassian Trello connector that is stored by Snow.


API propertyDescription
idThe organization's ID.
billableMemberCountThe number of members that are billable: members that are assigned to a subscription.
displayNameThe organization's display name.
nameThe organization's unique name.
productsThe list of product codes assigned to the organization.


API propertyDescription
idThe member's ID.
fullNameThe user's name and surname.
memberTypeThe member's status: normal or ghost (for inactive member).
productsThe list of product codes assigned to the member.
usernameThe member's unique username.
confirmedtrue if the user has confirmed the account; otherwise, false

Member actions

API propertyDescription
idThe action's ID.
idMemberCreatorThe ID of the member that performed the action.
dataThe additional data containing information about organization, member, card, board or list depending on the type of the performed action.
typeThe type of performed action.
dateThe date of the action.
memberCreatorThe details of the member that performed the action.