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Data retrieved by Atlassian Jira connector

Data retrieved by the Atlassian Jira connector that is stored by Snow.


API propertyDescription
AccountIdThe account ID of the user.
AccountTypeThe type of user account.
EmailAddressThe user's email address.
DisplayNameThe user's display name.
ActiveLists whether the user is active or inactive.

All application roles

API propertyDescription
keyThe key of the application role.
NameThe name of the application role.
NumberOfSeatsThe number of seats assigned to users.
RemainingSeatsThe number of available seats remaining.
UserCountThe number of users in your Jira instance.

User application role

API propertyDescription
AccountIdThe account ID of the user.
AccountTypeThe type of user account.
EmailAddressThe user's email address.
DisplayNameThe user's display name.
ActiveLists whether the user is active or inactive.
TimeZoneThe user's time zone.
LocaleThe user's location.
GroupsThe groups the user belongs to.
ApplicationsRolesThe user's application roles.

Audit log

API propertyDescription
RecordsA list of audit records.


API propertyDescription
IssuesA list of user activities in your Jira instance.


API propertyDescription
ApplicationsA list of the applications your Jira license entitles you to.