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Data retrieved by Aha! connector

Data retrieved by the Aha! connector that is stored by Snow.


API propertyDescription
nameThe user's name.
emailThe user's email address.
accessed_atTimestamp for when the user last accessed Aha!.
enabledtrue if the user is enabled; otherwise, false
paid_seatWhether the user is using a paid seat (the user is paid for and not free).
true if the user is paid for; otherwise, false
administratorWhether the user is an admin.
true if the user is an administrator; otherwise, false
avatar_urlThe user's avatar URL.
identity_provider.typeIdentity provider type for the user.
identity_provider.nameIdentity provider name for the user.
product_roles.roleUser's product role ID.
product_roles.product_idNumeric ID or key of the product.
product_roles.product_nameName of the product.