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Prepare Adobe Creative Cloud connector

The Adobe Creative Cloud connector retrieves information about subscriptions and users. For information about collection of user activity, see Activity for Adobe Creative Cloud. In Adobe Developer Console, you are required to set up an Adobe Creative Cloud project and add an API. Retrieve the Client ID, Client secret, and Organization ID and enter these values in Settings when adding the connector.


As of June 3, 2024, you must recreate your credentials for any existing Adobe Creative Cloud connectors because Adobe has changed their authentication for API integrations from JWT to OAuth. If you do not update the connector settings before January 27, 2025, data imports will fail.

Follow the steps in the procedure to retrieve credentials with the OAuth authentication in Adobe, and in Settings, ensure that OAuth is selected in Authentication, and enter your new credentials.

For more information about deprecation timelines and how to migrate your credentials, see Migrating from Service Account (JWT) credential to OAuth Server-to-Server credentials .


An Adobe ID account with System Administrator permissions is required for the API authentication. The Adobe ID consists of a username and a password.


  1. Sign in to the Adobe Developer Console projects page with a System Administrator account:

  2. Create a project and add an API.

    1. Select the organization for which you want to create a project.

    2. On the Projects tab, select Create new project.

      A project is created, and a project page is opened.

    3. Select Add API.

    4. Select User Management API and then select Next.

    5. On the Choose type of authentication you need page, select Option 1 - OAuth Server-to-Server.

    6. Select Save configured API.

  3. Retrieve the credentials for the project.

    1. Go to the Adobe Creative Cloud project that you created.

    2. Go to Credentials, and select OAuth Server-to-Server.

    3. Copy and save Client ID, Client secret, and Organization ID. They are used when adding the connector.

      To display the Client secret value, select Retrieve client secret.

  4. When adding the connector in Snow Atlas, in Settings, enter the saved values in Organization ID, Client ID, and Client secret.


    For connectors created before June 3, 2024, if JWT (Deprecated) is selected in Authentication, the fields Technical account ID and Private certificate key are also shown, and all fields are filled with your credentials. As of June 3, 2024, new credentials cannot be generated using the JWT authentication. You must recreate your credentials before January 27, 2025, using the OAuth authentication, and enter them in Settings with OAuth selected in Authentication.

After completing this task, follow the general procedure to Add connectors.

The connector makes API calls to the vendor and retrieves data. For more information, see API calls and Data retrieved by the connector.

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