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Configurable values for token broker proxy


The content of this page only applies if you install the token broker proxy using Helm charts.

These are values that you can override in the values.yaml file as required.

PropertyDefault valueDescription
tokenbrokerProxy.namesnowsoftware-tokenbroker-proxyOverrides the default name of token broker proxy
tokenbrokerProxy.repository-Overrides the default token broker proxy repository
tokenbrokerProxy.tag-Overrides the default token broker proxy tag
tokenbrokerProxy.imagePullPolicyIfNotPresentThe imagePullPolicy for the token broker proxy
tokenbrokerProxy.replicas1The number of replicas to deploy
tokenbrokerProxy.clientdiscriminatoremailAddressThe field to extract the email address from.
The supported values are emailAddress, OU or CN.
tokenbrokerProxy.labels{}Additional labels to apply to the token broker proxy
tokenbrokerProxy.templateLabels{}Additional labels to apply to the token broker proxy template
tokenbrokerProxy.resources{}Resources to apply to the token broker proxy
service.namesnowsoftware-tokenbroker-proxy-serviceThe name of the service on the Kubernetes cluster used to connect to the tokenbroker-proxy pod

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