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Create token broker registrations: Reference

Refer to the tables below for field descriptions of the Add token broker registration pages.

To access Token broker registrations, you require the Snow Atlas System administrator and Administrator roles.

Field labelDescription
NameThe name of the token broker registration. (Required)
The name can be changed later.
DescriptionThe description of the token broker registration, for your own use.
The description can be changed later.
Enrollment siteThe enrollment site of the token broker registration. (Required)
This selection cannot be changed later. For more information, see Enrollment sites.
CertificateThe signing certificate that signs tokens issued by the token broker proxy. (Required)
Supported format is PEM, with file extension .pem or .crt. The file must not contain private keys.
Client IDThe Client ID for this registration.
The value must be copied and used when you install the token broker proxy.
Secret keyThe secret key for this registration.
The value must be copied and used when you install the token broker proxy.
The value is only displayed once and cannot be accessed later. If you lose it, you must generate a new secret key.