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Manage SaaS applications

Learn how to manage your SaaS applications in SaaS.

To manage SaaS applications, you require the Snow Atlas Administrator role.

View applications

  1. On the SaaS menu, select Applications.

  2. On the Applications page, select the name of an application to view it.

For more information, see Applications.

Add applications manually

If you have applications that are not discovered through a discovery source, you can add them manually. If you add an application manually and it is later discovered through a discovery source, the records will be merged into one.

For field descriptions, see Edit application: Reference.

  1. On the Applications page, select Add application.

  2. Enter Vendor and Application.

  3. If the application is managed and Approved for use by your security organization, select Yes.

  4. If the application is accessed with Single sign-on, select Yes.

  5. Optional: Select a Primary owner.

  6. Optional: Add Notes.

  7. Select Add.

Edit applications

You can edit applications that have been added manually or through discovery sources.

Use this procedure to mark discovered applications as approved for use and to select if they are being accessed with single sign-on. Applications discovered through SaaS connectors are automatically marked as approved and the selection cannot be changed.

For field descriptions, see Edit application: Reference.

  1. On the Applications page, select the checkbox for the application that you want to edit.

  2. On the Actions menu, select Edit.

  3. Edit the applicable information.

    Vendor and application cannot be changed.

  4. Select Save.


You can also edit an application from the Details tab on the individual application page.

Delete applications

You can delete applications that have been manually added. If an application is connected to a subscription type, the subscription has to be deleted before the application can be deleted, see Delete subscriptions.

  1. On the Applications page, select the checkboxes for the applications that you want to delete.

  2. On the Actions menu, select Delete.

  3. In Delete selected applications, select Delete.