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Snow License Manager 9

Here you can find the release notes for Snow License Manager 9. You can find the old release notes on the Flexera Community.

9.43.0 pre-announcement

Release date: 2025-03-26


Redirect url update

  • Fixed an issue where clicking "Edit Agreements" from the three-dot menu for a single agreement would redirect users to the details page instead of the edit page. Now, it correctly navigates to the edit agreement page.

Enterprise: Oracle Verified Data
Oracle Database and Hardware re-verification (25.2.2)

  • Due to the latest re-verification, the following changes have been implemented within the Oracle verified data output file:
    • Additional columns have been added to both VMware output files. This requires Snow Integration Manager (SIM) version 6.9.0.
    • The output from the HW folder contains data from the newest Oracle CPUQ scripts. This requires Snow Inventory Oracle Hardware Scanner (SIOHWS) version 2.2.0.

Quarantine management
Flexible quarantine management for computers and mobile devices

  • You can now create more flexible quarantine management rules for computers and mobile devices based on computer related properties such as name, model, and custom fields. You create the rules on the new Quarantine management page in the user interface of Snow License Manager.
  • The existing settings in Snow Management and Configuration Center remain unchanged. Any quarantine rules that you create in Snow License Manager will override the general ones.
  • From this version of Snow License Manager, the date for when the status of a computer changes from active to inactive is saved as the Inactive date. Computers that are already inactive will show no information about this date.
  • You find the new report Conflicting computers in quarantine management on the Reports page*.* The report shows the conflicted computers and affected rules if there are any. You can also access the report by selecting View report in the top-right corner of the Quarantine management page. 
  • In the Action log in Snow License Manager you see information on created, updated, and deleted rules, and manually activated and deactivated rules. When conflicting rules are detected during the Data Update Job, information on automatically deactivated rules appears in the Data Update Job Log in Snow Management and Configuration Center.
  • For more information on this new feature, see the user documentation.
  • Additional notes:
    • You can only create rules for active or quarantined computers.
    • If you select Disable automatic quarantine management on the edit page of a computer, then the computer will not be included in any quarantine rules.
    • (SNOW-I-1743, SNOW-I-567, SNOW-I-2493)
  • Known limitation: When you create a rule and want to use Organisation as one of the criteria, the recommendation is to select it as your first criterion. If you don’t, the Organisation field’s value might appear to be missing when you open a saved rule to edit it. This is only a limitation in the user interface and the rule works as expected.

Columns added to the All computers report

  • In the All computers report, you can now add the columns Disable automatic organization assignment, Disable automatic host assignment, and Disable automatic quarantine management. You add the new columns from the Column selector. (SNOW-I-2805)


Issue Fixed:

  • Resolved an issue where users encountered a "Page cannot be found" error after clicking on an agreement in the "List all agreements" section.
  • Fixed navigation issues when using the forward and backward buttons after opening an agreement.
  • Ensured the agreement list properly fetches the latest data after archiving or unarchiving agreements.
  • Updated query parameters to include the archive status of agreements, preventing incorrect redirections.


  • Corrected the query string parameter handling to ensure the header buttons persist after an application is edited and saved.

Cloud: Adobe Creative Cloud

  • Mismatch data between reports and insights in adobeCC, Now will show data from all portals instead of one portal (IOK-1313913)

  • Properly manage costs for subscription plans with a '/' in its Name. (IOK-1324183, IOK-1323890)


  • The number of Unassigned licenses is now the same in the All licenses report and on the Assignment tab in license details. (02962805)

Compliance Exclusion

  • When filter is applied in Compliance exclusion for organization proper data will be shown. (IOK-1316718)

Custom Fields

  • Custom fields dialog now validates mandatory default value for numeric and decimal category.
  • Custom fields dialog now validates multiple choice values for numeric category.

Enterprise: Oracle

  • When selecting an Oracle Java product on the Enterprise > Oracle overview > Products tab, the correct number of installations is now shown in the right-hand view pane. (1313458)

  • The lifecycle data for Oracle Database Enterprise Edition 19 now shows the correct values for General Availability Date and Premier Support End Date. (1317511)

  • Oracle Change Management Pack can now be added to an Oracle order in Snow License Manager. (1327984)

Mobile devices

  • The export files (CSV, PDF, XML) now contain all the values from the Information tab on mobile device page that are visible on the SLM UI


  • The Archived computers report now loads successfully with the correct data for any deleted custom fields that have the same name but are of different data types. When there are values of different data types, the values will appear as text in the column of the deleted custom field. (02963779)


  • Text in the Organization column on the Search for users page that contains umlauts now appears correctly. (02988791)

Windows Server Licensing

  • When all inventoried virtual machines in a datacenter are individually covered by Windows Server 2022 licenses, the Windows Server license requirement for the host is removed, as designed. (02967177)

9.42.0 latest

Release date: 2025-02-12


Improve usability for attaching sub-agreements to master agreements

  • Implemented sorting of agreements in alphabetical order in the drop-down list when connecting sub-agreements to master agreements. Added option for search by name. (SNOW-I-1909)

Performance improvement

  • The performance of the Computer details page is improved which will be especially noticeable in environments with large Adobe Creative Cloud footprints.

Add custom fields as criteria in reports Applications per computer and Applications per computer and user

  • In the reports Applications per computer and Applications per computer and user, you can now use custom fields of the type Computer/Mobile device as report criteria. (SNOW-I-2556)

Add lifecycle dates as criteria in reports Applications per computer and Applications per computer and user

  • In the reports Applications per computer and Applications per computer and user, you can now use EndOfLifeDate, EndOfSupportDate, and EndOfExtendedSupportDate as report criteria. For these new criteria, you can also specify date ranges. This allows you to generate reports that identify software installations where these lifecycle dates fall within a specific time period. (SNOW-I-2433)

Reports: Oracle
New report showing Last Scan Dates and appropriate execution statuses

  • A new report, Oracle scanners execution statuses, is now available in Snow License Manager. The report lists all computers on the Oracle verified data tab, enabling you to see all computers in the Computers with complete data and the Computers with incomplete data tables in one and the same report. For each computer, the execution status per Oracle Scanner is shown as SuccessMissing, or Failed. In addition, when the execution status is Missing or Failed, the report shows the recommended action to remediate the issue. You can also add the vSphere Recommendations column from the column selector to see recommendations for detected vSphere issues. (SNOW-I-2703, SNOW-I-2616, SNOW-I-2625)

Improved security when user forgets password

  • To prevent email flooding, Captcha protection is now used when the user provides the email address for where to send the new password.



  • When you unarchive an agreement, you will now see "Agreement has been successfully unarchived" in the Action log.

  • The Computer standards page now populates with data, as designed. (IOK-1322190)

  • You no longer get an error message when you refresh the Computer standards page. (IOK-1322197)

  • When you add or edit a computer standard, the dialog now closes properly when you click Save. (IOK-1322194)

  • You can now use a maximum of 100 characters when naming your computer standards. (IOK-1322190)

Agreements and Licenses

  • HTML line break tags (<br>) should no longer appear on pages related to Agreements and Licenses. (02981938)


  • On the details page of a Microsoft 365 or Adobe Creative Cloud application, when you select a license on the Licenses tab, the correct Subscriptions page for Microsoft 365 or Adobe Creative Cloud now appears. (IOK-1322848, IOK-1322178)

  • The performance of the Application family page is improved. (02965063, 02963235)

Cloud: Microsoft 365

  • On the Users page, the User activity now appears correctly. (IOK-1320588, IOK-1318771)

License assignment import

  • The performance of the License assignment import is improved. When you import large files, you will no longer experience any time-out errors. (04789553)


  • When organizational restrictions apply, you can now archive a license created in a child node even if it is attached to an agreement created on the organizational root level. (04796363)


  • When you add one or more columns to a report and then click the Add criteria button, the order of the columns is now maintained. (04791170)

  • Filtering now works as designed in the Applications column of the report Computers with IBM PVU based products without data from ILMT. (04777424)

  • When you have a saved report with grouped columns and use the navigation in the browser, the grouping now remains. (04775636)

Reports Oracle

  • The All Java installations report has been upgraded with the Data Group criterion. It can be used with the following states: Java Installations, showing all Java Installations (Recognized + Inventoried with issues) inventoried on a particular environment, Java Computers, showing all Java Computers (Not inventoried) that were not inventoried according to the expectations, and All, showing both sets of data. (04799298)


  • When you retrieve user records from Snow API for users who have never logged on, errors no longer appear. (04780034)


  • When values for Last sign in, Last sign in Inventory Agent, and Last sign in Active Directory are null, the values now appear empty also in an exported file. (04784840)

  • For users with multiple subscription plans, all plans now appear correctly on the Subscription plan tab of the User details page. (IOK-1317504)

  • If the FullName of the user contains special characters, it is now saved exactly the same in both the user interface and the APIs of Snow License Manager. (02962626)

Web Configurator

  • When you enable organization logging in the Web Configurator and also select the Create missing organizations setting, log entries for the created organization nodes now appear in the CreatedOrganizations.log file, as designed. (04796860)


  • In order for the Enterprise > Oracle > Entitlements tab > License assignments page to no longer time out and show an Internal Server Error message while loading the list of servers, the time before timeout has been increased. (04799585)

  • As part of the Oracle Management Option service, an additional data-processing mechanism has been introduced to update previously inventoried, inconsistent Java Installations. (04799295, 04789422)

  • In order not to get the Deleting OVS Databases data failed error message in the Oracle Verified Solution service log file, additional filtering before deleting the data has been implemented. These changes are part of the data cleansing subprocess. (1293572)

  • As part of the Oracle Verified Solution service, a mechanism has been introduced to limit further processing of fetched data. Now, only inventoried data from a specified number of days will be considered. The default value is set to seven days, and it can be changed by using the UserConfiguration section in the appsettings.json file, using the key OvsMaxPastDaysFetchRawData. (04791880)

  • Backslashes that you enter in the user interface of Snow License Manager are now saved correctly. (04791163)

  • Now the Application name is properly displayed in the reports.


Release date: 2024-12-18

Snow License Manager Database
Security update

  • To prevent injection attacks, user input is now rendered as strings inside the HTML DOM (Document Object Model).


Disable automatic host assignment

  • You can now manually assign a host to a virtual machine without having the host/VM relationship overwritten by the Data Update Job. When you edit a virtual machine, use the option Disable automatic host assignment which is available on the General tab. For computer imports of virtual machines, use the field Disable auto-host assignment with one of the values yes (no), true (false), or 1 (0).
  • If you have manually assigned a host to a virtual machine and then delete the host, the relationship between the host and the virtual machine is removed.
  • With this release, there are some changes in the user interface of Snow License Manager:
    • In Edit computer, on the General tab:
      • The Disable auto editing checkbox is renamed Disable automatic organization assignment.
      • The Disable automatic host assignment checkbox is added.
    • In Computer details, on the Information tab:
      • The Auto editing field is renamed Auto organization assignment.
      • The Auto host assignment field is added.
  • Also with this release, the Disable auto-editing column of the computer import file is renamed Disable auto-organization assignment.

Microsoft 365
Allow the option to Edit costs in M365

  • Added option to edit cost in M365

Reports: Oracle
A new report, Oracle Database Options Usage is now available

  • We are excited to announce the availability of a new report that provides a comprehensive analysis of the options utilized within Oracle databases. This report highlights the specific columns where these options were applied and offers detailed reasoning behind their usage. (IDEAS-I-724)


Adobe Creative Cloud

  • Dropdown now showing month and year of the selected cost, Fixed by proper rendering of the bind values

Applications Allow/Deny lists

  • When you add an application to the allowlist or the denylist and that application has an apostrophe in its name, you will no longer see error logs from the Data Update Job. (04796338)


  • For new and edited licenses, you will no longer see HTML line break tags (<br>) in the column texts on the License list and License search pages. Also, HTML line break tags will no longer appear in the All licenses report.
    If you still see HTML line break tags for a license, select to edit that license and then resave it. (04784556, 04798766)

SaaS 1.0

  • The subscriptions plans that are assigned to a AdobeCC user, are now visible under the Licenses tab, in user details page

Snow Management and Configuration Center

  • When you unassign an application from an application category in Snow Management and Configuration Center, it will no longer appear as a category for that application in Snow License Manager after the next Data Update Job has completed. (04752055)

User details

  • Based on the manufacturer type of the subscription plan of the selected application in the user details application tab, when clicking on the Covered collapse/extend arrow dialog, now redirect to URL is updated to the correct purchase link to the Adobe CC or Microsoft 365 subscription plan cost page (04799693)


  • Umlauts and special characters are now presented correctly in the Comment field of the Add assignment tracking information dialog. (04794618)


Release date: 2024-12-04


Microsoft 365
Option to select portal when adding cost period and cost

  • Adding new cost: You will be able to select portal when adding new cost for currently selected subscription
  • Viewing costs per subscription: You will be able to see all the costs added for given subscription on the cost details page. It is extended to show also the portals that have costs for selected subscription..
  • On deleting cost: The cost will be removed only for that portal that we select to remove it in the cost details table.

Reports: Oracle
Аdditional columns in the All Java installations report

  • Three new columns have been added to the All Java Installations report:
    • Java Scanner Last Scan Date: Shows the date when the Java scanner last performed a scan.

    • Agent Last Scan Date: Shows the date when the agent last performed a scan.

    • Commercial Features: Indicates whether commercial features are enabled.


Enterprise: Oracle

  • The Oracle Core Factor mapping functionality has been corrected and now the correct core factor value is calculated for EPYC7XX2, EPYC7XX3, and EPYC9XX4 series processors. (04789289).

Reports: Oracle

  • All Java installations report no longer shows uninstalled Java installations (04797592).

Services: Oracle

  • The Virtualization service data processing now successfully handles empty client responses from Snow Inventory Server (04795125).

  • The long-term execution of Data Update Job (DUJ) will no longer negatively affect the operation of Oracle Management Option (OMO), Virtualization (VIR) and Oracle Verified Solution (OVS) services (04794894).


  • If a license is assigned to a username which contains Polish or Swedish letters, the username now appears correctly on the Assignment tab. (04795054)

  • Non-Oracle Java installations will no longer be displayed on the Computers with complete verified data page on the Oracle Verified Data tab (04790859).

  • To improve performance, optimization has been done for the Device/Computers per user report. (04783759)

  • To improve performance, optimization has been done for the All computers report. (04777806)

  • When you use special characters in the Notes section of a license, they will now appear correctly both in the user interface and in any exported files. (04754657)

  • Scheduled reports (weekly, monthly, and yearly) are exported successfully according to the scheduled time. (04741673)


Release date: 2024-11-06

Upgrade to .NET 8 for Background Services

  • We are excited to announce that our background services have been upgraded to .NET 8. The latest security protocols and regular updates ensure that our background services are more secure against vulnerabilities. 
    • NOTE: This upgrade does not change the system requirements. You don't need to take any action for the changes to be in place.


Cloud: Microsoft 365
Microsoft 365 - Мultiple user linking

  • Microsoft 365 users can now be linked to multiple inventoried Snow users.
    • A multi-select component now lets you search and pick users to link to.

    • For increased search performance, you can change user filtering type and page size.

    • You can preview changes to already linked users before applying them.

    • The link option and a list of linked users is displayed in the User Details screen.


License Compliance
SQL Licensing Adjustments

  • The minimum license requirement for physical machines that are consuming Microsoft SQL Server is now adjusted to four (4) licenses per processor core unit.

  • The minimum license requirement for virtual machines that are consuming Microsoft SQL Server is now adjusted to four (4) licenses per virtual machine.

  • For a virtual machine that is running Microsoft SQL Server and has hyper-threading enabled, the license requirement is equal to the number of Logical processors.

  • Valid license assignments to virtual machines running Microsoft SQL Server require licenses with Software Assurance (SA) with valid subscription periods and upgrade rights set to yes.

  • NOTE: Check your Microsoft SQL license assignments. For licenses without active SA, the license assignments will now appear as invalid.

  • In the user interface of Snow License Manager, the changes reflecting the new Microsoft SQL licensing adjustments are as follows:

  • a new value showing the number of Logical processors:

  • in License details, on the Assignment tab

  • in Add license and Edit license:

  • on the Assignment tab

  • for the metrics Installations and Number of processor cores, in the Add assignment dialog.

  • the new adjustment reason “VM adjustment for SQL Server” in Application details, on the Compliance tab.

  • the new assignment reason "No active Software Assurance" in License details, on the Assignment tab.

  • The new logic for Microsoft SQL Server licensing rules within the compliance engine may lead to a minor extension of the time required to complete the license compliance calculation.

Security update

  • To prevent Binary planting (DLL injection attacks), the Snow License Manager installer is now improved.

Snow License Manager
Upgraded MongoDB service

  • MongoDB service is upgraded to v7.0.12. Due to the difference in functionality between the MongoDB versions, the current cached data will be cleared due to compatibility issues with the new version. The next scheduled run of the cashing service will repopulate the data.
    Note: This means all cached reports will be unavailable between update and the next scheduled run of the caching service.


Adobe Creative Cloud

  • As the maximum recursion 100 has been exhausted before statement completion for Adobe CC, checks were implemented for SQL Server version and execute SLM custom string split function or the SQL Server build-in string split function on SQL Server 2016 or later. Added OPTION (MAXRECURSION 0) that prevents the error - this will be added to the query only for the older SQL Server versions. (04793074)

Cloud: Adobe Creative Cloud

  • Change to use the same logic for getting the unused licenses per each subscription plan in the report builder as the logic for calculating unused licenses per each subscription plan in the insight builder so both widget and linked report shows the correct count.

  • Filter for Adobe Creative Cloud reports is now filtering on all languages. (04776188)

Data Update Job

  • Even if the execution time of the Data Update Job exceeds 24 hours, you will now be able to sign in to Snow License Manage without any issues. (04794602)

Maintenance Service

  • Fix in the script that now checks if all jobs from previous iteration finished before deleting and create new jobs. In the finalizing step, the script will not mark computers as completely deleted until all actions from previous step (ComputersMultiDelete) finished successfully. (04769320)

  • The table dbo.tblAddonSoftwareFullVersion is now cleaned up on computer removal. (04795537)

Maintenance service

  • Remove link between the referenced objects and the computer if the computer is deleted to prevent deletion of the linked object. Remove link between the referenced objects and the user if the user is deleted to prevent deletion of the linked object. (04751524)


Release date: 2024-10-02


Enterprise: Oracle
Expand the Oracle compliancy engine with the Fusion Middleware products from the Oracle verified solution

  • The Oracle compliance functionality for Fusion Middleware products is enhanced and now includes Oracle compliancy position for all Fusion Middleware products being part of the Oracle Verified Tool Vendors program for Oracle Fusion Middleware.
    Besides the already available functionality for getting the Oracle compliancy position for WebLogic Server, starting with this version, our solution includes Oracle compliancy position (functionalities for license requirements, license assignments and compliancy position at the end) for the following FMW products:
    • Oracle Business Intelligence

    • Oracle Forms And Reports

    • Oracle SOA Suite

    • Oracle Tuxedo, and

    • Oracle WebCenter


Administration: Action log

  • When a computer is deleted using quarantine management, you will now see the expected entry in the Action log. (04768413)


  • When you export a list of applications from the Search for applications page, and there are applications with “++” signs in their names, you will no longer receive an error. (04737744)


  • When you have configured email notifications to be sent when computers are deleted, and computers are archived using quarantine management, you will no longer receive duplicate notifications. (04746409)


Release date: 2024-09-12


Administration: Application allowlist & denylist
Application allowlist & denylist enhancement

  • You can now create more flexible and dynamic rules to allow or deny applications using the redesigned Application allowlist and Application denylist functionalities on the Administration page.

  • Along with the previous rule criteria Application name, Application type, and Manufacturer you can now also use the following criteria:

    • Application family
    • Custom fields specific for applications
    • Edition (Name)
    • Edition index
    • End of extended support
    • End of life
    • End of support
    • Version (Name)
    • Version index
  • For the Application allowlist, a new dynamic and automated rule is introduced, Automatically allowlist the last versions. You can select a maximum number of 10 versions. When the rule is used, the criteria itself is excluded from the result except if it's included in the selected number of versions.

  • When you create or edit a rule, you can use the Preview results to see all the applications affected by it, regardless if they are installed in the current IT environment or not.

  • On the Application allowlist and Application denylist pages:

    • The Rules tab shows all your created rules.
    • The Application (results) tab shows all the applications affected by the rules, regardless if they are installed in the current IT environment or not. The columns Installations and Users show the number of installations and users in your environment.
    With this release, two tags are renamed which will affect xml exports. If you run automated imports into third-party systems, make sure to change the tags accordingly.

    • iswhitelisted is renamed to isallowlisted
    • isblacklisted is renamed to isdenylisted

Enterprise: Oracle
Introducing connection status checks with messages on the UI

  • Web socket connection checks and Oracle Management Option service availability checks have been extended for the following wizards: Oracle order import, Oracle order multi-edit, and Oracle license auto-assignment. Now, multiple scenarios are covered for when the web socket connection is either connected, disconnected, failed to connect, or timed out, as well as if the Oracle Management Option service is available or not.
    For each scenario, an appropriate message is shown in the user interface. For scenarios that are not yet covered, an error is logged.


  • In the License compliance summary report, when you filter by Organization, the Unused installations column now shows the correct numbers for the selected organization. (04732429)


Release date: 2024-08-21


Custom field validation

  • Validation of values in custom fields of type “currency” is introduced on the Agreements page.

Cloud: Adobe Creative Cloud

  • There is a new annual filter that you can use for licenses, users, and cost charts.

Computers, Users and Mobile Devices.
Custom fields bulk removal

  • You can now remove all values at once in non-mandatory custom fields in multi-edit mode of Agreements, Computers, Mobile Devices, and Users.

TEMP DB usage enhancement

  • Temp DB usage during one of the DUJ step was updated as an enhancement

Oracle: Enterprise
Oracle Java SE re-verification

  • As part of the Oracle Java SE re-verification, we have introduced small changes as part of the Oracle Verified Data tab regarding Java output report.
    The values of the following columns Used with OCI, Part of other product, Support required, OTN, BCL, NFTC and BLRA will be NULL by default for the Java installations ingested after this release.
    The values for the Java installations ingested before this release will remain the same, but the user has the possibility to update it if needed by using the Reset action.

Security update

  • Several internal components and third-party libraries are now updated to more recent versions.


Cloud: Adobe Creative Cloud

  • The Adobe Creative Cloud service is now working properly. The suggested user linking will be populated after the next import. (04782736)

  • You can now see Adobe Creative Cloud subscriptions on the Licenses tab of the Application details page. (04776019)

Cloud: Generic SaaS Reports

  • The All users report now works as designed. (04774974)


  • DUJ crash due to error on SP- JobInventoryComputerSoftwareProductUpdate was fixed.


  • List All licenses is now exported without any errors when you filter the list by a column that contains values of type numbers (i.e. License ID, Quantity etc). (04773675)
    The behavior of the filtering has changed in some pages when you filter by columns that contain digits or decimal numbers, such as custom fields. To find an item in those columns, you need to search for the exact value. For example, if you want to find License ID "256" you need to search for "256", not only for “2” or “25” as before.
    The following pages are affected:
    • Search for mobile devices
    • All mobile devices
    • Datacenters and clusters
    • Search for users
    • All users
    • Custom agreement types
    • License search
    • License list

SAM On Prem

  • Already existing physical disk when partitioned was not visible on SLM tables


  • Fixed additional scenario where Special characters, now appear correctly in Snow License Manager as they were saved by the user. (04786983)

  • The Last used on column in the Applications per user report is now translated correctly in German. (04784844)

  • The data cleansing process as part of the Oracle Verified Solution service has been improved (more flexible and reliable) and now it processes the data without any errors. (04784832 and 04780295)

  • Oracle Management Option service data processing is now successfully handling empty client responses from Inventory Server. (04783901)

  • When you edit multiple agreements, a value on the Alerts tab is managed as follows: (04783095)

    • If a value appears, it means that all selected agreements share the same value. If you then remove this value, that is, leave the field blank, the values will remain unchanged for all selected agreements.
    • If no value appears, it means that the selected agreements do not share the same value. If you make no change, the values will remain unchanged for all selected agreements.
  • When you edit multiple agreements, applications, mobile devices, computers, licenses, or users (“items”), a value in a custom field is managed as follows: (04783089)

    • For non-mandatory fields:
      • If a value appears, it means that all selected items share the same value. If you then remove this value, that is, leave the field blank, the value is considered “changed” and the values will be removed from the selected items.
      • If no value appears, it means that the selected items do not share the same value. If you make no changes, the value is considered "unchanged" and the values will remain unchanged for all selected items.
    • For mandatory fields:
      • If a value appears, it means that all selected items share the same value. If you then remove this value, that is, leave the field blank, the value is considered “changed” and the values will be replaced with the default value for the selected items.
      • If no value appears, it means that the selected items do not share the same value. If you make no changes, the value is considered "unchanged" and the values will remain unchanged for all selected items.
  • Oracle Verified Solution service data processing is now successfully handling empty client responses from Inventory Server. (04778548)

  • Special characters, including umlaut letters, now appear correctly in Snow License Manager as they were saved by the user. (04765905)

  • You can now assign licenses to organization sub-nodes where the name of the legal organization node (root) contains Nordic or German characters, like å, ä, or ö. (04761610)

  • When you add or edit a notification and select Organization as a criteria together with the equal to or not equal to operators, you must now select the organization that you want to use from a list. (04758287)

  • The Delete Confirmation popup when removing an agreement is now translated correctly in Polish. (04740881)

  • When you filter the data in the columns by using the Less, Less or Equal, or Not Equal operators and then export the data, the exported data now looks the same as it appears in the user interface. (04733043)

  • All scheduled reports are now exported successfully with proper data if you in the user interface of Snow License Manager use the same language in which the report was scheduled. (04729841)

  • When you manage users in Snow Management and Configuration Center, you will now see information that the Valid from and Valid to settings do not apply when Single Sign-On or Active Directory integration is enabled. (04718123)

  • If you leave a mandatory custom field empty (no value) in multi-edit mode, the value now changes to the default value when you save.

  • A validation message will now appear if you do not add a value for the warning or critical alert settings for an agreement and then deactivate the alerts.


Release date: 2024-06-19


Administration: Action log

  • In the Action log, you now also see logs from the following additional import types:
    • Update existing applications
    • Update existing users
    • Import new custom objects
    • Import vendors
    • License assignment import
  • In the Action log, in the User column, you now see the full name of the user who initiated an import instead of the generic user “LicenseManagerImportTool”.
  • All available imports in the web user interface of Snow License Manager and in Snow Management and Configuration Center now include the full name of the user who initiated the import in the Updated by columns or fields. The import in the Web Configurator now includes the Windows username.


Administration: License assignment tracking
Log the license assignment import action in License assignment tracking page

  • On the License assignment tracking page, you can now see tracking entries for assignments and assignment changes done via License assignment imports. (IDEAS-I-2411)

Cloud: Event warehouse
Remove old events

  • The services SnowLicenseManagerOffice365Service and SnowAdobeCCService now remove all events older than three year after each new import (this can be changed in the appsettings, EventsHistoryYears).

Oracle Management Option service data validation

  • JSON data validation rules have been implemented within the model classes for deserialization as part of the Java dataflows.
    A new custom string collection validator has been introduced to properly validate string collection attributes.


Cloud: Microsoft 365

  • Yammer now appears with it’s new name Viva Engage in the Applications section and activity is calculated correctly. (04776086)

  • The total numbers shown on the Overview page and the Cost page now match after correction of missing events for calculating the monthly breakdown.

Cloud: SaaS Permissions

  • Users with access to Microsoft 365 and Adobe Creative Cloud portals can now to see the Portals tab. (04773462)


  • The report License Tracking per Computer now shows the correct license requirement when a host is member of a datacenter and is assigned a lower Windows Server license than the VMs it covers. (04775877, 04779449)


  • The Oracle Verified Solution service has been corrected so that issues no longer occur when more than one user makes a selection of computers on the Oracle Verified Data > Computers with complete verified data page. (04778131)

  • When you add a document for Computers, Mobile Devices, Users, Agreements or Licenses, and enter a file path in Link to file, all the backslashes in the path you enter are now saved correctly. The maximum length of the path is 1024 characters. (04768891)

  • When you add a license to an allowlisted application and the Automatically denylist non-allowlisted applications setting is enabled on the Application allowlist page, the status of the application will not change to Denylisted anymore. (04733465)

  • For the Enterprise > Oracle pages in the user interface, toast messages have been added to several workflows to confirm actions done by the user or to warn that an action has failed. The changes concern the following workflows: Add agreement, Auto assignments, Add order manually, Edit order, and Edit database.


Release date: 2024-05-29


Cloud: Adobe Creative Cloud
Adobe Creative Cloud - Manual user linking

  • Implement indexing to support faster lookup when searching for users to link when using the database. To use it, the filtering source in the AdobeCC BFF service should be set to "SLMTreeIndex"
  • New fields introduced in appsettings.json for the Data Access service.
  "IndexGenerationEnabled": 1,
"IndexGenerationTime": "03:30"

Enterprise: Oracle
Introducing connection status checks with messages on the UI

  • For the Enterprise > Oracle > Oracle verified data tab, web socket connection checks have been introduced and Oracle Management Option service availability checks have been extended. Now, multiple scenarios are covered for when the web socket connection is either connected, disconnected, failed to connect, or timed out, as well as if the Oracle Management Option service is available or not.
    For each scenario, an appropriate message is shown in the user interface. For scenarios that are not yet covered, an error is logged.


Cloud: Adobe Creative Cloud

  • Filters for multiple AdobeCC reports are fixed and are returning correct data.

  • The “License cost“ column title for the Unused AdobeCC licenses report doesn’t show currency in parentheses anymore, since the cost is displayed in the original purchase currency and not the user preferred currency.

Cloud: SaaS Compliance

  • Fix the process for compliance calculations for M365 and AdobeCC applications. (04760739)

Fixed IOS as well as other OsTypes on the Snow License Manager according to the pre recognized data.


  • To avoid massive queries that take too long to finish, batched removal of AuditLog table items has been implemented as part of the data cleansing process in the Oracle Management Option service. (04767902)

Snow License Manager, Snow Management and Configuration Center, SnowSoftware Api

  • The Data Update Job widget now shows the execution time correctly on all pages in Snow License Manager and the API also returns the same, correct value. (04778671)


  • When you edit multiple agreements which have custom fields of type “currency”, but you don’t edit the values in those fields, the values in the currency fields remain unchanged when you save your edits. (04769039)

  • Special characters, including umlaut letters, now appear correctly in Snow License Manager as they were saved by the user. (04765905)

  • The translation popup in the web browser is now disabled which means that the selected language in Snow License Manager will appear correctly. (04735779)


Release date: 2024-05-08


Computers with status Inactive will now change to status Active when reporting inventory data again

  • Computers with status Inactive will now change to status Active when they start reporting inventory data again.
  • NOTE: Status will not change if you have enabled the Disable automatic quarantine management setting for the computer.

License Administration
Improved management of maintenance period information when importing license updates

  • When you import updates to your licenses in Snow License Manager, you can now add a new maintenance period without removing the existing one.

  • If the new maintenance period is empty or not included in the import file, or is not correctly mapped to the destination field, then the existing maintenance period remains unchanged.

  • You cannot override an existing maintenance period by using an import.

  • If you import a new period that overlaps an existing period, then the new period is marked as invalid.

  • If you import only one date of the maintenance period, like only the start date, then the import is considered successful but the license is marked as incomplete.


SLM web UI
We have done some optimization for Computer Application Details page. No functional change should happen


  • An issue with Active Directory authentication has been resolved (04776787, CVE-2024-4129).

  • Since obsolete data caused duplicate records to appear after the Virtualization service runs, one-time obsolete data removal scripts has been added to cleanse duplicate data from VMWare tables. Additional changes that will not allow duplicate data in the database have also been introduced. (04768672)

  • The & symbol is no longer converted to HTML code (&) when saved on the Licenses, Objects, and Reports pages. (04765028)

  • Quotation marks () are no longer converted to HTML code when saved in the following places:

    • On the Users page, in the Location and Room number fields.
    • On the Licenses page, in the Product description field. (04763995)
  • The Active Directory group integration now works as designed.

  • The logging of the Active Directory integration is now improved. (04751325)

  • The loading time of the Agreement expiration widgets is now optimized. (04577568)

  • The Oracle Verification Service now removes data in OVS tables for Computers and Databases that are deleted in Snow License Manager.


Release date: 2024-04-17

The SUS upgrade to SLM 9.34.0 can be done from SLM 9.33.2. The following versions are compatible with this version of Snow License Manager:

Inventory ServerSnow Integration Manager
6.5 or later5.18 or later



IMPORTANT: Please read this important information before you initiate the upgrade to version 9.34.0.


Cloud: Import Service
Cloud Import Service

  • The Cloud Import Web service is an alternative way of importing data. The existing Cloud Import APIs that are part of the SLM Web solution still will be active.

  • The Cloud Import Web service is developed with the .NET Core 6 framework. It has the same business logic as the SLM Web Import APIs, but it also benefits from all the techniques that a modern .NET Core architecture framework offers. This service uses a .NET Core built-in Kestrel server for web deployment.


Administration: Compliance exclusions
Exclude users from compliance calculations

  • In Snow License Manager, you can now create exclusion rules to also exclude users from license compliance calculations.
  • When you create an exclusion rule, the following changes are introduced:
    • When you create a new exclusion rule, as a first step you select which Consumer type to base the rule on: Computer or User.
    • The data that appears on the Consumers and Summary tabs depends on your selected consumer type.
    • When you have selected consumer type User, the list of applications on the Applications tab is based on the Users and Concurrent Users metrics.
  • When you edit an existing exclusion rule, you cannot change to another consumer type.
  • The Application details page is updated to reflect exclusion remarks and changes.
  • On the Reports page you find two compliance exclusion reports:
    • Compliance exclusions for users (new)
    • Compliance exclusions for computers (renamed from Compliance exclusions)
  • For applications with multiple metrics, the following applies:
    • If you want to create an exclusion rule for a multi-metric application, you must select the application by using manual selection.
    • You can only create an exclusion rule based on the default metric of the application.
    • If you want to create exclusion rules for both Computer and User consumer types, you need to create the first exclusion rule, change the default metric of the application, and then create the second exclusion rule.

Cloud: Adobe Creative Cloud
Adobe Creative Cloud - Manual user linking

  • The idea of the auto-complete multi-select component is this: the end-user inputs a few characters in a search text box, and the system will display in the drop-down list below the text box all items that contain the inputted string. In this case, that is used for searching the SLM users. Multi-select means that more than one item can be selected. For this case, that is needed since one Adobe CC account can be linked with multiple SLM users.

  • These are new properties introduced in the appsettings.json file of the AdobeCC BFF service:
    "SlmUsersFilteringSource": "SLMDatabase",
    "PageSizeUsersBySearchTerm": 100

  • This is a new property introduced in the appsettings.json field of the Snow Cache Server service”
    "EnableCachingUsers": true
    "CachingSchedule": { "Interval": "Daily", "StartDateTime": "2024-01-02T11:02:00" }


Enteprise: Oracle
Additional action on Oracle Verified Data tab

  • The following enhancements have been made to the Computers with complete verified data page on the Oracle Verified Data tab:
    • You can now clear the selection of computers by using the new Deselect all function in the Actions list. The checkboxes for all selected items are cleared without deleting any data that you have previously edited on the page. (IDEAS-I-2396)
    • The Select all function in the Actions list will now be disabled after having been selected, to prevent multiple parallel executions of the function. If the page is refreshed, or if you leave the page and come back, the function is enabled again.

Security update

  • To prevent the use of non-allowed characters, file name validation and sanitization are now improved. As an example, you will not be able to upload files that have more than one dot in their file names.


Administration: Compliance exclusions

  • Windows Server exclusions are now applied and calculated correctly for Windows Server hosts with non-inventoried virtual machines.


  • The charts from Application Family Overview page are now showing the correct coverage of the applications. (04607176)

Cloud: Adobe Creative Cloud

  • The “Unused Adobe Creative Cloud licenses” report can now be filtered correctly with the “Adobe license name” criteria (04755510).

  • Consistent data is now displayed between chart and the grid in the Users tab. (04754940)

Cloud: Microsoft 365

  • If an exception is thrown during the update compliance action, the service will no longer crash. It will only log the error.

  • The code for selecting the UserSubscriptionPlanTracking and the code for UpdateCompliance are now part of the Microsoft 365 Service. So, there is no need to communicate with the DataAccess service via the NATS messages. This brings a better performance and avoidance of NATS communication exceptions. (04759665)

  • Implemented URL custom encoder (at the front end) and decoder (at the back end). It makes a replace of the slash character ( / ) with the value _S1L2A3S4H5_ and vice versa. Implemented on each place where AccountSKU(s) is passed as a query string parameter.

License Administration

  • You will no longer see the
    symbol when you edit or add a new license on the License assignment tracking information popup and on the License assignment tracking page. (04764690)

License compliance

  • The errors related to violation of primary key associated with secondary metrics will no longer appear in the compliance log. Additionally, a migration now runs after the Software Recognition Service synchronization which removes any duplicate application metrics. (04749908)

SLM Application Denylist - SP GetComputerDetailsApplication

  • Changes have been made to stored procedure - GetComputerDetailsApplication for Application Denylist functionality on SLM for SPE customers. (04741566)

Snow License Manager, Snow Management and Configuration Center

  • The execution time of the Data Update Job is now consistent in the user interface of both Snow License Manager and Snow Management and Configuration Center. (04688460)


  • In order not to validate null values as exceptions in cases where a null value is not required, general exception handling has been introduced and integer values validator has been upgraded as part of the JSON files validation. (04768997)

  • The size of the RuntimeVersion field in omo.ScanJavaInstallation and omo.JavaInstallation tables has been increased to prevent the Oracle Management Option service from failing when handling large values. (04767000)

  • To eliminate duplicate records during the Java installations recognition process, an additional filter in the code has been added. (04766053)


Release date: 2024-03-27

The SUS upgrade to SLM 9.33.2 can be done from SLM 9.33.1. The following versions are compatible with this version of Snow License Manager:

Inventory ServerSnow Integration Manager
6.5 or later5.18 or later



IMPORTANT: Please read this important information before you initiate the upgrade to version 9.33.2.


Data Update Job
Changes made to SP inv.UpdateInventoryDatabase

  • Changes have been made to Stored Procedure inv.UpdateInventoryDatabase so that it takes much less time to execute in customer environments where it takes more than an hour to run today.

Security update

  • The input validation has been improved. (04737114)

  • The management of user accounts and sessions has been improved.



  • You cannot edit multiple Oracle agreements at the same time. If you try to, you will now see an information message. (04764138)


  • When exporting the Information tab of the Computer details, the names of the core factor fields now show in the Excel file. (04739541)

  • On the Datacenters and Clusters page, applications are no longer highlighted in orange when accessing a machine on the Applications tab. (04626200)

Enterprise: Oracle

  • Oracle verified data output files that are generated and downloaded via the Oracle verified data tab now contain data for the selected computers only. (04748857)


  • When you export data from Snow License Manager, the backslash characters ( \ ) are no longer removed. (04763959)

SAM On Prem

  • Deleted users data would now be removed from table tblLicenseApplicationGrant (along with other tables which already have this functionality working).

  • PK violation error was coming on SRS Sync for custom fields. This is now resolved.

  • User logon count on SLM user interface should now show exact values based on number of logins by user.


  • The Oracle Verified Solution service now processes the data as expected and no longer logs an error stating “Buffer cannot be null (04763886).


  • When License Manager is configured to delegate the user authentication to Active Directory, the service account configured in the web.config file is now used correctly.


Release date: 2024-03-06

The SUS upgrade to SLM 9.33.1 can be done from SLM 9.33.0. The following versions are compatible with this version of Snow License Manager:

Inventory ServerSnow Integration Manager
6.5 or later5.18 or later


  • The Oracle recalculate compliance menu item is now available on all pages in the Snow License Manager user interface if the OMO/Datacenter license is active.


Security update

  • To prevent the execution of malicious payload on the user interface of Snow License Manager, including both code and links, security improvements are now introduced in the Web API.

Additional logging added

  • If raw data can’t be fetched from the Snow Inventory Service Dynamic API due to the chunk size being too large, the following warning is now logged: “GetClientStorageDataList throw (Chunk size too large) exception for TenantId= {tenantId}

    , ScriptName:


    , ServerAddress:


    , InventorySiteName:


    , FromDate:


    , ChunkSize:


    “. This applies to the Oracle Management Option Service, the Virtualization Service, and the Oracle Verified Solution Service.


Administration: Compliance exclusions

  • Now, all the applications are shown in the selected application list when creating a compliance exclusion. (04601315)

Adobe CC

  • Doubled license users, with SaaS and Traditional license, are presented in the compliance table and included in the compliance total calculation. (04748041)


  • On the Search for applications page, the duplicate Usage within metering period entry is now removed from the Metric setting column.
  • The value from the Metric setting on the Information tab of the application is now aligned with the value shown on the Search for applications page. (04694453)


  • When you delete an organization node in Snow Management and Configuration Center, the delete action is now reflected in saved searches and does no longer cause the Search for computers page to become unresponsive. (04737109)

  • Translation errors in the Polish localization are now corrected:

    • the word “Monitor” is now the same as in English,
    • the term “Datacenters and Clusters” is translated as “Centra danych i klastry”. (04600775)


  • For exports of data to Excel format (xls/xlsx), the maximum number of rows is now increased from 65,536 to 1,048,576 rows. (04695668)


  • The validation of input to currency fields in objects has been improved to match the validation we currently have for custom fields of type currency.
  • The maximum value in a currency field can now be 922,337,203,685,477.00. When you enter a greater number, you will see an error message. You can enter more decimals but the value presented in the user interface is rounded to two decimals. If you use thousand separators, they must be placed in the correct places or you will see an error message.


  • The not like operator for report criteria is now working as expected for the Distinguished name, Platform, and Operating system columns. (04729476)

  • The report Devices/Computers per user now shows the correct last logon date per machine. (04620840)

  • If a user creates a report and shares it with other users who in turn set it up as a scheduled report, the schedules will now also be deleted if the shared report is deleted by the original creator. (04600301)


  • Oracle Management Option service now removes Oracle database installations history data after a retention period of 30 days (04754094).

  • Java visibility data flow processing within Oracle Management Option service now measures two more metrics related to duration of OracleJavaUpdateDisTable and OracleJavaMapInstallations tasks execution (04741818).


  • The reports on the Snowboard no longer crash when you switch languages to Japanese. (04728018)


  • Now, the Web API for applications shows the same number of computers as the web user interface of Snow License Manager. (04694063)


  • The Oracle Fusion Middleware installations presented on the user interface are reflecting the inventoried number of installations and any virtual components are not visible on the page anymore (04751022).


Release date: 2024-01-24

The SUS upgrade to SLM 9.33.0 can be done from SLM 9.32.0. The following versions are compatible with this version of Snow License Manager:

Inventory ServerSnow Integration Manager
6.5 or later5.18 or later


Edit of multiple agreements

  • You can now edit multiple agreements at the same time in the user interface of Snow License Manager. The feature is available on the Agreement list page.
    Note that you can only edit multiple agreements of the same type, and that you cannot edit archived agreements.

  • On the Agreement list page, you will now see the new actions Expand all, Collapse all, and Select/Unselect all.
    Note that the actions are only applicable to the agreements on the current page.

  • When you select multiple agreements for editing, any sub-agreements are expanded under their respective master agreement in the list, but the sub-agreements are not automatically selected.

  • On the Agreement list page, you will now be able to filter by all columns. Also, three new columns that you can use for filtering have been added to the Column selector:

    • Valid from (date)
    • Valid to (date)
    • Active (yes/no)
  • The grid used on the Agreement list page, does not support grouping.
    (IDEAS-I-136, IDEAS-I-1502)


Cloud: Adobe Creative Cloud
Initiate re-sync of the calculations and unprocessed imports from portals page

  • New buttons Init import unprocessed import records and Trigger resync calculations are added to the portals page. Requires administrator privileges.
  • The purpose of the Init import unprocessed import records is to look for import records that are older than 30 minutes and are still not fetched for processing by the Adobe CC service. Those records then will be collected and processed. The idea is to overcome the need for restarting the services for those rare situations that sometimes can happen.
  • The purpose of the Trigger resync calculations is to initiate recalculation of the insights and reports data. Those data are always calculated when there is a new import and when there is a user linking operation. But, in some very rare cases, if there is a mismatch of the data, this button should help with it, again, without the need for restarting the services.

Data Update Job
Database performance improvements - UpdateComputerSoftwareInstalled

  • The SLM Stored Procedure - UpdateComputerSoftwareInstalled has been optimized which should lead to faster run times of the procedure and thus the DUJ.

Enteprise: Oracle
Optimization on the Oracle Management Option in Snow License Manager

  • The response time of the Oracle Management Option has been improved in the following ways:
    • Currencies are now loaded once on the same start and are used across the whole Oracle Management Option.
    • The page load time for the Oracle overview > Products page has been improved. In addition, if the loading fails, a message will appear, informing that an error has occurred.
    • The selection time for the Select all function for tables on the Oracle overview > Oracle verified data page has been improved.

Oracle Management Option service gets enhanced data-flow and long-running tasks

  • Oracle Management Option Service gets enhanced data-flow and long-running tasks, including the following: “ComputerDecimalFactorBatching”, “ComputersNoOracleCoreFactorBatching”, “DeleteObsoleteEnvironmentChanges”, “TransferScanMiddlewareInstallationsBatching”, “TransferScanMiddlewareInstallationsV2Batching”, “DeleteRemovedMiddlewarServersBatching”, “DeleteRemovedMiddlewareDomainsBatching”, “DeleteRemovedMiddlewareInstallationsBatching”, “TransferScanJavaInstallationsBatching”,
    ”JavaResolveProductBatching”, “DeleteRemovedJavaInstallationsBatching”, “ImportScanDbUsageInterpretationBatching”, and “TransferScanDbUsageInterpretationBatching”.

All these tasks now have a limited maximum duration for executing data-related batch operations with a default value of 1 hour.
In case the maximum duration is exceeded, the following message will be logged: “SnowSoftware.OracleManagementOption.Core.Exceptions.LongRunningTaskTimeoutException: Long running task


was canceled after running for


seconds.”, while all the data-related batch operations that completed successfully will be preserved. Additionally, data-ingestion is now limited to maximum 7 previous days, even in case data-fetching is constantly failing for more than 7 days.

The first and latter threshold values can be overridden using the “UserConfiguration” section in appsettings.json using the keys: “MaxPastDaysFetchRawData” and “LongRunningTaskMaxDurationSeconds”. In case some long-running tasks are identified as still taking too long, please reach out to support for more optimized customer-tailored data-ingestion and/or data-processing strategies.

Virtualization service scalability improvements

  • The following improvements have been made to the VMware dataflow:
    • The primary keys have been aligned to avoid primary key errors.
    • The item life cycle usage has been improved to avoid duplicates.
    • When a parent item is deleted, child items are also deleted.

Snow License Manager
Prevent Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities

  • To prevent Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities, we have removed the possibility to show clickable links in the web user interface:

    • All custom fields of type 'text' are now shown as plain text.
    • In User details, the user's email address is now shown as plain text.
    • In Application details, all URLs are now shown as plain text.
  • Special characters used in organization names are now presented correctly instead of as HTML encoded characters.

  • Reports with multi-line columns, like Notes and Description, now present the information with correct line breaks. Also, the reports do not contain any clickable information.

  • When you export reports with multi-line columns to Excel or PDF format, you will now see the information with correct line breaks. Also, the exported reports do not contain any clickable information.

  • Existing data will not be affected by this change unless the data is re-saved. (04739802)



  • In Application details, the validation of URLs is now removed. Before, only a limited number of protocols (HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP) and domains were accepted. Now, all URLs that follow the pattern "protocol, domain name, path" are considered valid. (04580067)

Cloud: Adobe Creative Cloud

  • Removed unnecessary CSS class that caused the x button (used for closing the search typing) to close the entire field.

  • When removing a portal, the compliance history for the affected applications is now deleted as well, in order to show correct application compliance data. (04749661)

  • Improved Adobe Creative Cloud user activity migration performance.

Cloud: Adobe Creative Cloud and Microsoft 365

  • Changes in the height CSS property of the main block to calculate the margin of the import info block and show the down scroll arrow.

Cloud: Microsoft 365

  • User activity for Microsoft 365 products is now displayed correctly in the grid. (04751287)

  • Created custom filter component in order to replace the deprecated DsFilter component. (04753293)

  • Added specific type for the decimal columns in the EF Mappings.

  • Added specific type for the decimal columns in the EF Mappings.

Cloud: Microsoft 365 widgets

  • To accommodate customers with multiple portals, the Microsoft365 summary and user activity widgets now display cumulative data for all portals. (04622741)

Custom fields

  • When you switch languages in Snow License Manager, you will no longer see currency formatting errors when you add or edit a License or an Agreement. (04742854)

  • Email addresses in custom fields are now displayed as plain text to avoid security vulnerabilities. (04736275)

  • When you switch languages in Snow License Manager, any value in a custom field of type "currency" will now remain unchanged. (04580851)

Data Update Job

  • Changes have been made to the SLM Stored Procedure - UpdateRsApiSimComputers.
    • This prevents adding duplicate Manufacturers (04728486).

License Administration

  • When you want to attach a document to an already saved license and your time zone is ahead of the server time, the maintenance period dates will now remain unchanged. (04739374)


  • When you add the columns End of life, End of support, and End of extended support to the reports Applications per computer and user, Applications per computer, and Applications per VDI computer, theses columns now show the Yes/No checkboxes. (04609484)

  • In the Schedule report dialog, a note is now added to inform that the selected time for scheduling a report corresponds to the local server time, (GMT+/-) depending on time zone. (04601930)

SLM Login page

  • If you have failed to login in to Snow License Manager and then select to use the captcha, you will now be directed to the Snow License Manager login page after entering the correct captcha. (04736286)


  • The Oracle Middleware product editions recognition part of the Oracle Management Option service has been corrected, and now it works as designed. (04739187)

  • Additional checks before manipulating existing Java installations features have been introduced as part of the Oracle Management Option service (04736026).

Snow Management and Configuration Center

  • The use of underscore (_) as a wildcard character in Auto connect rules now works as designed. Existing rules that use underscore are corrected once a user resaves any of the organization's Auto connect rules.
  • Auto connect rules now support filtering of values that contain apostrophes. (04606776)

Snow Management and Configuration Center and License Administration

  • In Snow Management and Configuration Center, you can now add an organization node with an apostrophe in the name, and it will not cause any errors. (04737795)
  • In the web user interface of Snow License Manager, you can now add or edit a license of an organization with an apostrophe in the name, and it will not cause any errors. (04737795)


  • The data in the Inventoried Computers Per Month widget is now displaying the correct number of the inventoried machines. (04749853)

  • You can now see Google Compute Engine in the Number of cloud servers and on-premise virtual servers chart on the Snowboard. (04610002)

Snowboard and Computers

  • Now, the number of computers shown in the Computers have not been inventoried alert matches the number of computers in the Discovered assets that are not inventoried report. (04702494)

Snowboard, Reports

  • We have now updated the report Virtual machines that have windows server installed are missing their physical host so that it no longer includes virtual machines hosted by AWS, Azure, Google Compute Engine and Oracle Virtual Platform. (04742475)


  • Database performance improvements
    • Prevents long load time and timeout for Users Application Page on SLM GUI, (04705346)
  • You can now enter and save a user’s email address that contains numbers. (04598767)


  • Oracle Management Option Service and Virtualization Service now handle raw data JSON files with an invalid JSON structure by creating a warning log entry containing the respective customer computer identifier that triggered the invalid JSON structure scenario. (04749279)

  • Oracle Verified Solution Service and Virtualization Service now handle raw data JSON files with an invalid JSON structure by creating a warning log entry containing the respective customer computer identifier that triggered the invalid JSON structure scenario. (04747631)

  • To avoid primary key errors, primary keys are now aligned in database and code, and life cycle management has been improved. (04746518)


Cloud: Adobe Creative Cloud
Remove 'Last SLM logon' field from the Adobe CC reports

  • The field Last SLM logon is removed from these reports:
    All Adobe users
    Users without an assigned Adobe license
    All Apps to Single Apps optimization
    Unused Adobe Creative Cloud licenses
  • To achieve that, these actions were performed:
    • Changed the value in ColumnVisibility field to -1 for the Last SLM logon field (to not exist as a column in the data grid and exports)
    • Removed Last SLM Logon as a field from report parameters link relations (to not exist as a criteria option in the reports)


Release date: 2023-11-22

The SUS upgrade to SLM 9.32.0 can be done from SLM 9.31.3. The following versions are compatible with this version of Snow License Manager:

Inventory ServerSnow Integration Manager
6.5 or later5.18 or later


Cloud: Adobe Creative Cloud
Migration of Adobe Creative Cloud portals

  • You can now migrate information on costs, linked users, and monthly breakdown data from one portal to another. After the migration to the destination portal, the source portal is deleted.

  • The following rules apply for a migration:

    • Cost periods in the source portal will be migrated if they don't exist in the destination portal.
    • Data on linked users in the source portal will only be migrated for the users who also exist in the destination portal.
  • You always set up the migration as a scheduled task. By default, the scheduled migrations will run daily at 04:00 AM, but the time is configurable in the appsettings file.


Cloud: Adobe Creative Cloud
Information on unlinked users

  • If you have unlinked users, you will now see an information message at the top of the Users overview page.
  • On the Users overview page, you will then see information on the number of Unlinked users and a percentage of the total number of users for the selected portal.
  • In the Users chart, you will then also see your Unlinked users for the selected portal.

Enterprise: Oracle

  • The dashboard shown on the Enterprise > Oracle page has been further optimized and improved on visualizing information related to costs.

License Compliance
Windows Server licensing rules now include license assignment to virtual machines

  • You can now assign a Windows Server/CIS (Core Infrastructure Server) Suite license to a virtual machine and calculate an accurate compliance for that virtual machine.
  • For licensing of a virtual machine, the following rules apply:
    • The number of required licenses is equal to the number of virtual cores allocated to the virtual machine, or a minimum of 8 core licenses.
    • When you assign a Windows Server/CIS Suite license to a virtual machine, you can use a license for Windows Server 2016 Standard or higher to get an accurate compliance calculation for the virtual machine.
    • When you assign a Windows Server/CIS Suite license to a virtual machine, the license must have a valid subscription or Software Assurance for a requirement to be calculated for the virtual machine. Here, Software Assurance is defined as an active maintenance period and license upgrade rights applied in the maintenance settings of the license in Snow.
    • When you assign a Windows Server/CIS Suite license to a virtual machine without a valid subscription or Software Assurance, the virtual machine will instead be covered by the physical host and the license will be over-assigned.
    • When you assign a Windows Server/CIS Suite license to a virtual machine with Windows Server requirements, the requirements will be calculated for the Windows Server 2022 version and the edition will be decided based on the Windows Server edition consumed by the virtual machine.
    • When you assign a Windows Server/CIS Suite license to a virtual machine and that machine is part of a compliance exclusion rule for Windows Server, the exclusion rule will supersede the license assignment.
    • The rules listed above will also apply to virtual machines with unknown physical hosts.
    • When compliance is calculated for the virtual machine, the compliance calculation for the physical host will exclude the virtual machine.
  • Compared to previous Windows Server Licensing rules that only covered the per host/datacenter scenario, the following is now adjusted:
    • The logic for defining the highest Windows Server version and edition for physical host assignment.
      • If you have assigned a Windows Server/CIS Suite license to a virtual machine with a valid subscription or Software Assurance, the virtual machine will not be considered in the logic for defining the highest Windows Server version and edition on the physical host or across the datacenter (if High Availability or Distribution Resource Scheduler is enabled).
    • The logic for calculating the license requirements for the physical host.
      • If you have assigned a Windows Server/CIS Suite license to a virtual machine with a valid subscription or Software Assurance, the virtual machine will not be considered in the logic for defining the minimum license requirements on the physical host or across the datacenter (if High Availability or Distribution Resource Scheduler is enabled).
  • The new logic for Windows Server licensing rules within the compliance engine may lead to a minor extension of the time required to complete the license compliance calculation.
  • The following reports are not updated with this release:
    • Windows Server Assessment reports
    • Windows Server Risks report


  • Java and Oracle Fusion Middleware data for an inventoried server or computer can now be automatically removed when the applicable Oracle scanner has not reported any new data for the server or computer within a defined number of days. The functionality can be enabled via Snow Management and Configuration Center by setting ORACLE_MIDDLEWARE_DELETE_THRESHOLD_ACTIVE and/or JAVA_DELETE_THRESHOLD_ACTIVE SMACC to true. The actual value of days can be configured using ORACLE_MIDDLEWARE_DELETE_THRESHOLD (the default is 60) and JAVA_DELETE_THRESHOLD (the default is 60).

Database information now hidden on API page

  • By default, you will no longer see database details on DbServer, DbServerVersion, DbCatalog, and DbUser on the Snow License Manager Web API page.
    To change this and have the information shown: In the web.config file, under snowsoftware and settings.api, set the value of the showServerInfo key to true. (IDEAS-I-296)


Cloud: Data Access

  • A missing route in the Data Access Service has been added. (04743068)

Cloud: Microsoft 365

  • Filtering and saving of filters on the Microsoft 365 overview page now works as designed. (04708168)


  • All Java installations report has been corrected and now properly shows data based on the Java installations only. (04741325)

  • When you add a custom field of the type "currency" as a column in the All agreements report and that custom field has values, the values will now always show in the report. (04737952)


  • The database usage interpretation process as part of the Oracle Management Option service has been corrected and optimized, and now it works as designed. (04736967)

  • The process of fetching raw data inventoried by the Oracle scanners has been corrected for cases where the inventoried sites only have the ‘DataClient’ source of data. The correction has been applied on the Oracle Management Option, Virtualization and Oracle Verified Solution services. (04736324)


Release date: 2023-11-01

The SUS upgrade to SLM 9.31.3 can be done from SLM 9.31.2. The following versions are compatible with this version of Snow License Manager:

Inventory ServerSnow Integration Manager
6.5 or later5.18 or later


Optimized logging

  • Oracle Management Option, Virtualization, and Oracle Verified Solution services now have more optimized system log entries organized in Debug, Information, Warning and Error categories.


Cloud: Adobe Creative Cloud

  • With this change, the system will trim the account instance name on import. That will fix the issue with deleting portals whose account instance name contains empty spaces at the beginning or the end of its name on front-end (04734029)

  • The loading time of the User linking page is now reduced. (04729608, 04737069)

Cloud: AdobeCC

  • When filtering users for AdobeCC the filter now works correctly even if some columns are not populated. (04739814, 04742080)

Cloud: Microsoft 365

  • When filtering users to link grid the filter works properly and doesn’t cause application crash.

  • Optimizations in the query that fetches records from the event warehouse. Added new parameters in the appsettings.json file in the section for User Activity History migration. (04733302, 04732467)

  • The loading time of the User activity page is now reduced. (04581176)


  • Previously, when you used Snow Management and Configuration Center for quarantine management and configured the setting for deletion of machines after the end of the quarantine period, the machines were not deleted from the database. This has now been corrected, which means that when the quarantine period has ended the machines are now removed permanently both from the web user interface of Snow License Manager and from the database. (04709511)

  • Corrected an issue when field application Last used date is not updated (04624056)

  • Corrected an issue with a database deadlock which can cause a DUJ failure (04593320)

  • Corrected an issue when removal of users in Inventory database was not reflected in SLM database (04589279)

Enterprise: Oracle

  • The reasons and recommendations mapping has been corrected and now the data in the Computers with incomplete verified data section on the Enterprise > Oracle > Oracle verified data tab in the Snow License Manager user interface can be shown as expected instead of triggering an error message on the page. (04736291)

Generic SaaS

  • Changes in the queries for displaying data grouped by months in the Generic SaaS charts in the correct order (04689229)


  • Oracle Management Option service has been corrected in order to check if a particular computer exists before the processing data process starts and now works as designed (04736031).

  • The Oracle Management Option service has been optimized so that the cleaning of audit log entries older than 30 days is now done more efficiently on the SPE environments (04736028).

Snow License Manager

  • The message "Data Update Job is active" now appears if you try to access the pages for your applications, agreements, computers, licenses, mobile devices, and users while the Data Update Job is running. (04728488)


Release date: 2023-10-11

The SUS upgrade to SLM 9.31.2 can be done from SLM 9.31.1. The following versions are compatible with this version of Snow License Manager:

Inventory ServerSnow Integration Manager
6.5 or later5.18 or later


Enterprise: Oracle
Export data from Oracle Verified Mode

  • The data shown in the Computers with incomplete verified data table on the Oracle overview > Oracle verified data tab can now be exported in PDF or CSV format with all relevant details included (IDEAS-2168).


Data Update Job

  • The non-Terminal server applications will no longer be marked as installed when there is only historical TS-metering remaining in the system based on the metering history period. This will prevent uninstalled Terminal server applications from being licensed as installed for the remaining metering history period. (04581190)


  • The Oracle Management Option service has been corrected and can now be executed without including errors from the previous execution. (04736251)

  • The Oracle Verified Solution service has been corrected in the validation of JSON files and now verifies that required data is present. (04718360)

  • The Oracle Management Option service no longer fails when the same Oracle UserName with the same Database IDs exists on more than two computers. (04706935)

  • The Oracle Verified Solution service has been corrected in the processing of edited data and now the data in the Computers with complete verified data section on the Enterprise > Oracle > Oracle verified data tab in the Snow License Manager user interface can be edited as expected instead of triggering an error message. (04702042)

  • The Oracle Verified Solution service has been corrected in the processing and handling of VMware vSphere data changes and now prevents creation of duplicated data. (04696193)


  • The page navigation now works as designed. This means that the navigation links are generated properly and that all data is returned as expected. (04735916)


Release date: 2023-09-20

The SUS upgrade to SLM 9.31.1 can be done from SLM 9.31.0. The following versions are compatible with this version of Snow License Manager:

Inventory ServerSnow Integration Manager
6.5 or later5.18 or late


Administration: Custom fields
Custom fields validation

  • When you now create a new custom field, you will not be able to save it with the same name as an already existing field in Snow License Manager. (04693818)


Import data

  • By reducing the data processing time, the performance of User Import via the Web Configurator has been improved. (04622574)


  • The performance of the All virtual servers report has been improved. (04626304)


  • To allow the parallel sub-processes to be executed without any issues in the Virtualization Service, a new thread-safe execution checking mechanism has been introduced (04720350).

  • To provide full visibility of all WebLogic Server inventoried data without any errors, a small correction on the Oracle Management Option service processing part was introduced (04718566).


Release date: 2023-08-30

The SUS upgrade to SLM 9.31.0 can be done from SLM 9.30.2. The following versions are compatible with this version of Snow License Manager:

Inventory ServerSnow Integration Manager
6.5 or later5.18 or later

Upgrade messaging system library

  • The messaging system library has been upgraded for all Snow License Manager services.


Cloud: Adobe Creative Cloud
Subscription plan migrator

  • A new service for automated migration of subscription costs is introduced. The service will migrate costs from old subscriptions to the new.

Data Update Job
Improvements in DUJ GetComputerDetailsApplication store procedure

  • GetComputerDetailsApplication store procedure was optimized to reduce Data Update Job execution times

Enterprise: Oracle
Oracle re-verification program for Databases and Fusion Middleware

  • Based on the latest requirements as part of the re-verification program for Database and Fusion Middleware with Oracle, the Oracle verified data solution has been enhanced with the following:
    • The output file can now include data for Oracle Databases 21c.
    • If the output file contains data from both the Databases and Fusion Middleware product categories, the hardware data is included in both the SW and HW folders of the file.

Oracle verified data

  • When a particular computer is selected in the Computers with complete verified data table on the Oracle overview > Oracle verified data tab, the list of information for the computer is no longer expanded by default. To expand the list of information, you must now select the arrow next to the computer name.

SaaS Management: SaaS 1.0 UI
Maintain - Npm packages migration

  • Update SaaS UI with the lates npm packages.


Administration: Custom fields

  • When an email address is saved as a custom field, it will now be shown in Snow License Manager as plain text.

  • The maximum length of the currency for standard and custom fields can now be 15 digits and two decimals. The maximum length for the currency applies to:

    • Agreements
    • Licenses
    • Computers
    • Mobiles
    • Users


  • When you edit an agreement and add text on the Description tab, the text is now saved with correct formatting. This means, when you open the Description tab in agreement details, you will see the text exactly as you saved it.

Cloud - Microsoft 365

  • All grid views from the link users section now display user full names from the same source (DB table). That is done in order to have consistency for those rare cases when they are different (04695058).

Cloud: Adobe CC

  • When clicking the Adobe Insight link, the system will open the correct report with the appropriate filters. (04690153)

Cloud: Adobe Creative Cloud

  • The loading time of the Unused Adobe Creative Cloud licenses report is now reduced. (04709015)

  • Processing of subscription plans for Adobe Creative Cloud which have a comma (,) in their names, now works as expected. (04708507)

  • In Adobe Creative Cloud, on the Users page and the Data tab, the Total users, Inactive users, and Active users tiles now show the same data as shown in the table. (04708212)

  • Optimizations for faster-calculating insight unmanaged users when there is more than one portal. (04707805)

Cloud: Data Access Service

  • Added missing routes. (04730756)

Cloud: Microsoft 365

  • Microsoft 365 Apps for Enterprise old name is not included in calculation and value is now displayed correctly. (04694612)

  • User activity information is now displayed correctly (same as in the grid) when exported to Excel or CSV. (04698616)

  • User activity for Microsoft Exchange is now reported correctly. (04694584)

  • The function for parsing string to number is now updated, it now shows the values correctly. (04625874)

  • E3 to E1 optimization insight vs report data is now consistent. (04619634)


  • Non-admin users are now able to remove a computer from the archive when the setting Manage computer archive in Snow Management and Configuration Center is selected.


  • improved ApplyApplicationRule step in DUJ to improve the performance of the solution

  • Searching for computers in SLM should not thrown exception anymore

Enterprise: Oracle

  • Additional validations have been added to the Oracle Java installations filter on the Oracle Java installations page (go to Oracle overview > Products tab, select a grouping in the Java section, and then select Go to) so that duplicates will no longer appear in the Version filter dropdown list (04708299).

  • The data shown in the Computers with incomplete verified data table (Reasons and Recommendations columns) on the Oracle overview > Oracle verified data tab has been corrected and will show appropriate messages based on the event that has happened while processing data.

  • Additional validations have been added to the Oracle Java installations filter on the Oracle Java installations page (go to Oracle overview > Products tab, select a grouping in the Java section, and then select Go to), so that it shows only the appropriate data. The Java filter has been applied on the export as well.

Import data

  • When the Organization Separator field in the User Settings is left blank, it will no longer be prepopulated with the username.

  • The validation of the import has been improved so that the friendly name is mapped correctly with the according customer ID.

  • When you import applications, the Store Data values will now not be removed if the column is not included in the import file.

  • When you import applications, the Store Data values will now not be removed if the column is not included in the import file.

License Administration

  • When you edit a license, the maintenance period will now remain unchanged.

  • When you use the License policy in Snow License Manager, you have the possibility to provide descriptive text for each of the fields in the policy. The text you enter on the License policy page appears as a help text when you add or edit a license and select the field.
    When you enter text or sentences on separate rows, these now appear as merged into running text in the user interface.


  • The All Computers report has been optimized to improve performance. (04616071)

  • The BIOS Serial number field is correctly configured for filtering, and the user may enter a numeric or text value.

  • Fixed the issue with duplicated applications in the Applications per cloud server report.


  • Additional data checking as part of the Oracle Verified Solution service has been introduced in case some of the expected files were not successfully generated by the Oracle scanners. Additional logging containing info for the corresponding computer has been introduced. Now the processing for that computer will be skipped but it will continue for the other items accordingly. (04701331)

  • The Oracle Management Option service is corrected in the part of resolving Java installations and from now on will filter and resolve only unique items (04697545).

  • An additional batching mechanism has been introduced to the Oracle Management Option service and now the recognition of large volumes of Java installations data should be processed without the service timing out. (04696239)

  • The supported characters for the site name configuration element have been corrected and they can be checked on the following link. From now on, the Oracle Management Option and the Virtualization Services will process the data through the dynamic inventory API without errors. Other characters in the Sitename might generate issues in the processing of data (04629944).

  • The Virtualization service has been corrected in the storing VMware data part and now it stores the data without any errors. (04622748)

  • The Snow Inventory Oracle Scanner is able to inventory the Oracle Database Express Edition. The Oracle estate compliancy functionality has been corrected for the case when any Oracle Database Express Edition has been inventoried. Starting from this release, the license requirements will not be calculated for Oracle Express Edition (04608048).

User administration

  • Fixed Active Directory authentication when it was failing by adding a fallback method of reading user's groups in Active Directory integrations.


  • Diacritic characters will no longer be encoded when exporting a stock report (04703970).

  • The Metering Cleanup service will no longer remove active Web applications (04702579).

  • The creation and the import of Oracle orders in Snow License Manager has been improved. The Oracle products contained in the Oracle catalog are listed in the currently official global price list.


Release date: 2023-08-09

The SUS upgrade to SLM 9.30.2 can be done from SLM 9.30.1. The following versions are compatible with this version of Snow License Manager:

Inventory ServerSnow Integration Manager
6.5 or later5.18 or later


Security update

  • Improved encoding of the data presented in the Snow License Manager web user interface (CVE-2023-3937).

  • To prevent unexpected behaviors, the validation of entered text in input fields is now improved (CVE-2023-3864).


Release date: 2023-06-28

The SUS upgrade to SLM 9.30.1 can be done from SLM 9.30.0. The following versions are compatible with this version of Snow License Manager:

Inventory ServerSnow Integration Manager
6.5 or later5.18 or later



  • A new column, Additional information, has been added to the All Java installations report to provide more detailed information for Java/Open JDK installations, version 6 and earlier, inventoried by Snow Inventory Java Scanner. These installations are flagged as Not Recognized due to the lack of information, and the Version and Product Name columns will always be empty.

Note: Only applicable when Snow Inventory Java Scanner version 3.1.0 or later is used.


Compliance exclusions

  • The same filters are now applied for manual and automatic selections of filters for Compliance exclusions. The list of the applications is now consistent in both filters by excluding the User metric as it’s not supported in the compliance exclusion logic.


  • When a scheduled report is exported, the correct translation is shown in the "Client Configuration" column.


  • In order for all Oracle Middleware data to be successfully processed, an additional batching mechanism has been introduced in the Oracle Management Option service (04696203).

  • Additional validations have been added to the Oracle Middleware data processing flow as part of the Oracle Management Option service. The processing will now only fail for a specific environment or computer that needs to be analyzed further. (04696072)

  • The data processing flow as part of the Oracle Management Option service has been extended and the core factor calculation will now only fail for a specific environment or set, while the remaining data will be processed successfully. A corresponding log message will be generated for the failed core factor calculation. (04689614)


Release date: 2023-06-07

The SUS upgrade to SLM 9.30.0 can be done from SLM 9.29.0. The following versions are compatible with this version of Snow License Manager:

Inventory ServerSnow Integration Manager
6.5 or later5.18 or later


Snow License Manager
Web accessibility introduced for visually impaired users

  • Web accessibility is now introduced in Snow License Manager by adding readable labels to the user interface’s components. This means that visually impaired users now can read the labels in the user interface by using Screen Reader technologies.

  • You enable the web accessibility feature by configuring the new property option accessibilityCompliant="true" in the web configuration file. You find the new option in the Web.config file, under the <devExpress> section, and in the <settings> property. The feature is disabled by default.

  • The web accessibility feature is system-wide which means that if you enable it, you enable it for:

    • all users in your system
    • all customers in your SPE environment.
  • When web accessibility is enabled, you may experience some small changes in the user interface.

  • The labels in the user interface are updated according to the standard WCAG 2.1 Level AA. Conformance to the accessibility standard has been evaluated using a combination of static analysis tools (WAVE Evaluation Tool, Total Validator Tool) and manual testing with assistive technologies (NVDA).

  • The user interface components library is upgraded.


Cloud: Adobe Creative Cloud

  • In SPE environments, Adobe Creative Cloud now only shows linked users from the tenant of the user currently signed in. (04696615)

  • In Adobe Creative Cloud, on the Data tab, the Assigned licenses cost, Unassigned licenses costs, and Inactive licenses cost tiles now show the same data as shown in the table. (04687737)

Cloud: Adobe Creative Cloud Service

  • The filtering in the Unused Adobe Creative Cloud licenses report now works as designed. (04622991)

  • The column Last used in the All Adobe users report now works as designed. (04622987)

Cloud: Generic SaaS Import

  • To prevent timing out of the Snow License Manager API call, the GenericSaaSApiDbCommandTimeoutSec is now introduced in the web.config file and can be increased as needed.

Cloud: Microsoft 365 Import

  • To prevent Out-of-memory-exceptions, the Microsoft365ApiDbCommandTimeoutSec is now introduced in the web.config file and can be increased as needed.

Cloud: Microsoft 365 Service

  • If the Microsoft 365 Service cannot find a user's email address in Snow License Manager during the user linking process, it now skips that user and continues with the next user. (04696921)

Enterprise: Oracle

  • When creating an Oracle agreement, adding a “Yes|No” type custom field now works as expected and no error message is shown on the Information tab on the Agreement details page (Oracle overview > Entitlements tab, select the agreement in the Agreements list) (04605026).


  • The Oracle core factor calculation regarding the virtual servers, as part of the Oracle Management Option service, has been optimized and now works as designed (04627532).

Snow License Manager

  • Removed the obsolete registry entry of the Windows installer for the MongoDB service which was the reason for triggering vulnerability scans
  • Disabled the possibility to remove the MongoDB service from Apps & Features in Windows.


Release date: 2023-05-17

The SUS upgrade to SLM 9.29.0 can be done from SLM 9.28.0. The following versions are compatible with this version of Snow License Manager:

Inventory ServerSnow Integration Manager
6.5 or later5.18 or later


Cloud: Adobe Creative Cloud Service

  • The loading time of the All Adobe users report is now reduced.

Cloud: Microsoft 365 Service

  • When the Microsoft 365 Service reports no new user activity, the last activity in Active more than 90 days ago and Active less than 90 days ago is now kept instead of being overwritten with "0" activity.

Enterprise: Oracle

  • The Oracle Management Option service has been corrected concerning the processing of middleware data, and now skips environments that are not present in Snow License Manager. It also provides the corresponding log message in the log file (04642215, 04694415, and 04694591).

  • The Oracle Verified Solution service has been corrected in the validation part for handling empty or missing data. Additional checks have been added and a corresponding log is now shown on the Computers with incomplete verified data page in the Reasons and Recommendations columns (04642215, 04694415, and 04694591).

  • The Oracle Verified Data functionality has been completely redesigned and as a result, the count of selected computers on the Computers with complete verified data page now shows the correct number (04627584).


  • Some messages in the Oracle Verified Solution service log that were incorrectly labeled “warning” () instead. The messages relay the information that the Snow Inventory Server has not inventoried data for the requested time period. (04689765)


Release date: 2023-05-03

The SUS upgrade to SLM 9.28.0 can be done from SLM 9.27.0. The following versions are compatible with this version of Snow License Manager:

Inventory ServerSnow Integration Manager
6.5 or later5.18 or later


Cloud: Adobe Creative Cloud
Portal management

  • On the new Portals page, you can see all of your configured Adobe Creative Cloud portals which you import data from. From here, you can also delete the portals you no longer need. (04618750)

Cloud: Microsoft 365
Portal management

  • On the new Portals page, you can see all of your configured Microsoft 365 portals which you import data from. From here, you can also delete the portals you no longer need.



  • The message "Data Update Job is active" now appears if you try to edit an application while the Data Update Job is running.

Cloud: Adobe Creative Cloud

  • Implemented backend pagination for the AdobeCC Users Grid (04619865)

Cloud: Adobe Creative Cloud Service

  • Instead of sending the users id as parameters, the AdobeCC Service now sends them to the database as string. That allows to pass more than 2100 parameters. (04688413)

Cloud: Data Access Service

  • Added missing message com.snowsoftware.licensing.TenantCalculationStatusUpdated (04601805)

Cloud: Generic Saas

  • The properties First activity, Last activity, and Registration date are now updated when aggregating data. (04623621, 04614627, 04613054)

Data Update Job

  • Data Update Job fails during the UpdateComputerRegistry procedure. Changed the procedure to prevent failing and stopping DUJ (04620815)

  • GetComputerDetailsApplication stored procedure run caused timeouts in the Snow License Manager web UI. Corrected stored procedure to prevent timeouts during DUJ execution. (04614015)

  • Fixed an issue when different users were assigned to the same User information in the SLM application (04607042)


  • The cleaning mechanism for the VMware-related data as part of the Virtualization service has been improved and now works as designed. (04620646)


Release date: 2023-04-05

The SUS upgrade to SLM 9.27.1 can be done from SLM 9.27.0. The following versions are compatible with this version of Snow License Manager:

Inventory ServerSnow Integration Manager
6.5 or later5.18 or later


License Administration
Allow setting up license purchase date outside of agreement period dates.

  • When you want to attach a license to an agreement, you can now register a license purchase date that occurs outside of the agreement period.

  • When you want to attach a license to an agreement, you can now search for the agreement. The search functionality has been implemented to make it easier to find the intended agreement, since the license purchase date is no longer tied to the agreement period.

  • When you add a license with a subscription period, you can now register a license purchase date that occurs before the subscription period begins. (IDEAS-I-802)


AdobeCC Service

  • Correction made where the AdobeCC BFF Service introduces a “STRING_AGG” feature that cause errors on SQL versions older than 2016, which is now backwards compatible to those versions.

License administration

  • When you edit and save a license, the maintenance periods are no longer decreased by one day.


  • The Oracle Management Option and Virtualization Services are improved and now they transfer and process data without errors. (04614381)


  • We now correctly allow for imports that affected users (such as license assignment imports), which were missing a last logon date. It is now also possible to navigate to these users in the web interface without the error page being displayed (04620344).


Release date: 2023-03-15

The SUS upgrade to SLM 9.27.0 can be done from SLM 9.26.1. The following versions are compatible with this version of Snow License Manager:

Inventory ServerSnow Integration Manager
6.5 or later5.18 or later


Cloud: Microsoft 365
Insights Optimization

  • The loading time of the Microsoft 365 Insights for Potential spend optimization opportunities is now improved. Instead of recalculating the Insights in real-time, you can choose to fetch the Insights in the database based on the calculation performed after the most recent import. This method is faster since no real-time recalculation is performed.
    To enable the feature of fetching Insights from the database, you need to set the InsightsOptimization setting to “true” in the appsettings.json file of the Microsoft365BFF Windows service.

Data Update Job

  • Enhanced aggregating on DUJ dynamic application stored procedure to run faster on larger data volumes


Data Update Job

  • Changing computer hostname will no longer make DUJ stored procedure to fail

  • First Discovered date fields are correctly populated for computer groups and bundles

  • Correction of an issue, when DUJ process may fail due to inv.UpdatetblSoftware and inv.UpdateComputerSoftwareProduct procedures running concurrently

Microsoft 365

  • Now the list of imports is filtered with some new conditions and new distinct filter.


  • Export of the report Windows Server Assessment - 2012 licensing now works as designed.

SaaS 1.0

  • Remove EventWarehouse from SaaS services
  • AdobeCC Service and Microsoft365 Service will store the events in ew.Event

SaaS Management: SaaS 1.0
Update SaaS Service from .Net Core 3.1 to .Net 6


  • The data transfer flow for the Oracle Management Option service has been optimized so that database instances now are shown the correct number of times in the UI and in reports, instead of as duplicates (04606868, 04612444).


Release date: 2023-02-22

The SUS upgrade to SLM 9.26.1 can be done from SLM 9.26.0. The following versions are compatible with this version of Snow License Manager:

Inventory ServerSnow Integration Manager
6.5 or later5.18 or later


Cloud: Generic Saas

  • Generic Saas no longer shows 01/01/1 for last activity, nullable is enabled for the property last activity. (04610462)


  • In the reports, text wrapping is now implemented for text columns. If a column contains a long text string without spaces, you will now see the text string wrapped instead of truncated.


Release date: 2023-02-01

The SUS upgrade to SLM 9.26.0 can be done from SLM 9.25.0. The following versions are compatible with this version of Snow License Manager:

Inventory ServerSnow Integration Manager
6.5 or later5.18 or later


Enterprise: Oracle
Oracle verified solution for Fusion Middleware

  • Oracle overview > Oracle verified data Database and Fusion Middleware: The Oracle Verified Data functionality is extended with Fusion Middleware Products data being added. This functionality, besides the already available feature for providing databases data, allows you to generate an output (.zip) file that contains information about existing:
    • Hardware (estates where the detected databases and fusion middleware products are being found)
    • Software (installations and usage of the following products: Oracle WebLogic, Oracle Business Intelligence, Oracle Forms and Reports, Oracle SOA Suite, Oracle Tuxedo, Oracle Web Center, and Oracle Internet Application Server)
    • Virtualization technology, if present

The output (.zip) file is created based on the Oracle-defined specifications; therefore, it could be generated using Snow License Manager instead of using Oracle collection tools.


In order for the Oracle Verified Data functionality to be visible on the Snow Lincene Manager UI, the user role must have the Ability to access and manage Oracle verified mode privilege enabled in Snow Management and Configuration Center.

This feature requires the following products for inventoring the needed data:

  • Snow Inventory Oracle Middleware Scanner (version 3.0)
  • Snow Inventory Oracle Hardware Scanner (version 1.0)
  • Snow Inventory Oracle Scanner (version 7.0)
  • If VMware is present, Snow Integration Manager (version 5.39)

Visibility for five additional Oracle Middleware products

  • Providing support for additional products as part of the already supported Oracle Fusion Middleware products (IDEAS-I-649).
    The newly added products are:
    • Oracle Business Intelligence
    • Oracle Forms And Reports
    • Oracle SOA Suite
    • Oracle Tuxedo, and
    • Oracle WebCenter

This feature requires the Snow Inventory Oracle Middleware Scanner (SIOMS) 3.0 released on February 1st, 2023.


As part of this release, we are introducing only the visibility of these products; the Oracle license requirements and the Oracle compliancy position are still not supported. As a result of that, until we provide support for the Oracle compliancy position, inventoried environments having the newly supported Fusion Middleware products will get “Incomplete data“ status on Snow License Manager (Enterprise-> Oracle overview-> Entitlements-> License assignements) UI accordingly.

New service (Oracle Verified Solution) added
Newly introduced service that will process the Oracle Verified Solution (for database and fusion middleware) inventoried data.


Updated encryption for the database connection strings

  • Updated functionality for the encryption of the connection strings for the Snow License Manager,
    the MongoDB, and the Software Recognition Service databases.
  • An upgrade to Snow License Manager 9.26.0 will automatically create a new, server unique, encryption key, which is then used to re-encrypt the connection strings for SLM and SLM Services, MongoDB Service and SRS. Connection strings stored for Snow Management and Configuration Center will be re-encrypted when launching the tool. The original connection string will not be automatically saved.

This enhancement has a dependency on Snow Management and Configuration Center 2.1.0. Both Snow License Manager 9.26.0 and Snow Management and Configuration Center 2.1.0 need to be installed.

Improved logging in the Oracle Management Option and Virtualization services

  • Additional information logging for service start and finish of the service scheduled execution is added and some of the “warning” logs that referred to the communication with the inventory server API have been changed to “information” logs. (IDEAS-I-1602 and IDEAS-I-1603)


Cloud: Adobe Creative Cloud

  • Adobe Creative Cloud reports in Snow License Manager no longer show an empty list, the predefined filter is changed. (04607822)

Cloud: Generic SaaS

  • Cost per subscription in Generic SaaS pages is now static to the entered amount, instead of updating to a different cost average when the number of users increased or decreased. (04618980)

  • Cost per subscription in Generic SaaS pages is now static to the entered amount, instead of updating to a different cost average when the number of users increased or decreased. (04560078)

Cloud: Microsoft 365

  • When there is a new import the system checks for existing users and update specific fields of those users. (04581230)

  • Microsoft 365 user linking no longer overrides information that has been updated manually. (04581230)


  • An archived computer now also lists deleted users on the Users tab of the computer details page.

  • The archiving service now continues to run through the list of quarantined computers even if it finds a computer that is already archived.

Enterprise: Oracle

  • Several labels are renamed to better represent the content on the Oracle Verified Mode page as part of the Oracle Management Option module. (04613116)


  • The import functionality for oracle order which containing a line for "SOA Management Pack Enterprise Edition" as part of the Oracle Management Option service is being improved and now it works as designed. (04607782)

  • The export functionality for the Java installations as part of Oracle Management Option has been improved and now it works as designed. (04582836)

  • The Oracle Management Option Service is improved in processing the correct value regarding the logical processors in the following Oracle reports: Oracle Server Worksheet, All Oracle DB servers and All Databases per Server. (04562920)


  • The Most Frequent User settings in Snow Management and Configuration Center now work as designed. (04609314)


Release date: 2022-11-30

Download release notes here


  • The Snow Software SLM Archiving Service is now upgraded to .NET 6.

  • The Snow Software SLM Cache Server Service is now upgraded to .NET 6.

  • The Snow Software SLM Imports Service is now upgraded to .NET 6.

  • The installer for the SLM version 9.25.0 is updated with the latest stable 4.2.x version of Snow Software MongoDB Service (4.2.22).


  • Changes have been made to reduce the size of individual import batches but increase the total number of batches to reduce timeouts during imports. (04571510)

  • G-Suite connector page would show an error when incomplete data was imported. This import no longer shows a page error, and users can continue navigating the page. (04573873)

  • Correction made to Microsoft 365 reports scheduling, so that when adding a schedule it uses UTC time. (04589465)

  • The DevExtreme library has been upgraded to allow the page to load correctly and the activity dashboard will no longer show as “App Crashed” for customers in the user interface. (04584782)

  • Reimplemented the export button in Microsoft 365 Subscription tables where it was missing. (04591620)

  • The service is improved to better handle the cases of upgrading the VMware vCenter to a newer version. (04577510, 04587490)

  • The subscription period is now deleted in the database when the user clears the License has a subscription period checkbox. (04596054)

  • Correction made when country names that have whitespaces before the name would cause a violation and crash the service during import. Whitespaces in country name are now trimmed and the service no longer crashes. (04558524)

  • Application services related to Snow License Manager now have the proper dependencies configured, so that they start up in the correct order (04601947).

  • The cleanup service will run software cleanup as scheduled in the service configuration (04599257).


Release date: 2022-11-09

Download release notes here


  • Adobe Creative Cloud user linking page : You can now easily connect your known Adobe portal users to any discovered, yet unlinked Snow License Manager user accounts. This significantly reduces your administrative time and increases your overall Adobe Creative Cloud usage accuracy.


  • Changes have been made to reduce the size of individual import batches but increase the total number of batches to reduce timeouts in imports. (04571510)

  • Correction made to Microsoft 365 reports where the component for report export format “xlsx” would export as “xls”. (04569958)

  • The All Oracle databases per server report now properly lists servers with more than one instance/database. (04592916)

  • The Oracle Management Option (OMO) Service is optimized for cases of processing high amount of Java installation data. A new, configurable batch processing mechanism for Java installations has been introduced. (04586195)

  • The Oracle Management Option (OMO) Service has been improved to properly handle cases with invalid JSON (in this case the Java home paths) for a particular estate/environment. Instead of failing, the service will now create an audit log for that particular estate and continue with processing the other estates. (04586448)

  • Correction made where the Data Access Service introduces a “string split” feature that cause errors on SQL versions older than 2016, which is now backwards compatible to those versions. (04596646, 04595681, 04591247)

  • The DeviceDeleteService (when deleting one or more devices from SLM Web UI > Computers > All devices) as part of the Inventory Server Service now works as expected. (04601886)


Release date: 2022-09-28

Download release notes here


  • Font family configuration: To avoid garbage characters in the downloaded PDF report, you can now configure the font family name according to the selected language (04524830)

  • Column data translation: When scheduling a report, the export will now try to translate column data if an available translation exists. (04544213)


  • When editing multiple applications sequentially in Snow License Manager, the Custom compare value type drop down list will keep the correct value for every application. (04560277)

  • The alert for Computer models with Oracle products without a registered physical socket capacity now links to the correct page. (04565715)

  • Fixed the layout of the Print PDF output data from the Manufacturer details page. (04588820)

  • Changes have been made to reduce the size of individual import batches but increase the total number of batches to reduce timeouts in imports. (04571510)

  • From the Applications tab in the detail view for a computer, the print result now correctly lists all of the respective computer’s applications. (04486956)

  • Attempted recovery from deadlock situations when users archive a batch of computers is now implemented via a retry policy. (04565129)

  • Reports that have been grouped by a column will now be collapsed by default when returning to the report. (04560531)

  • Fixed an issue where outdated manufacturer data could cause duplicate rows in computer search results. (04561450)


Release date: 2022-09-07

Download release notes here


  • Quarantine Delete User Step: QuarantineDeleteUser stored procedure has been corrected for the condition – SLM_UserID being deleted is tied to INV UserID that has been previously deleted. (04582587)

  • Computer Software mappings: UpdateComputerSoftwareInstalled stored procedure has been corrected for the tblComputerSoftwareInstalled table to remove rows for the mapped computer whenever that computer doesnt exist in tblComputer table. (04565351)

  • Fixed the sorting for “Cost” related columns in the “List All Licenses” report by changing the type of the field to decimal. (04563841)

  • The column selector dialog is prevented to be dragged above the grid.

  • The default position of the column selector was changed to be aligned with the upper right corner of the grid. (04560456)

  • For the “Archived Licenses” report was fixed the behaviour related to the “Documents attached” column’s checkboxes. Now when an archived license has an attached document, the checkbox is ticked. (04560252)

  • License required” and “Metric” columns are no longer changing their properties when making edits and adding custom fields. The issue was related to not passing parameters of the new entities that are created in the Applications table. (04577865)

  • SRSApplicationRemove stored procedure has been corrected for new application id – custom field (04504731)


Release date: 2022-08-17

Download release notes here


  • The word “Application” is a system-reserved name now; therefore, you will not be able to create a custom field with the name “Application” and category “Application” at the same time. This also applies to lowercase letters (“application”). (04554266)

  • Correction has been made where the same M365 subscription would show up multiple times in reports, which is now consolidated into a single subscription. (04577383)

  • Correction to SalesForce Sales Cloud page, which would return a page error when imports were not fully populated correctly. The page will now still load and not crash with an error but will not display any data from bad imports.

  • Correction to First activity and Last activity date fields for SaaS providers where the page would show a last used date “01/01/01” or “31/12/0”. (04564947)

  • Correction to last activity date in HubSpot connector page, which should correlate the correct date format with the user account last login fields. (04567977)

  • G-Suite connector page would show an error when incomplete data was imported. This import no longer shows a page error, and users can continue navigating the page. (04573873)

  • Added optional configuration in Web.config where it will be possible to set database timeout for exclusions API: ExclusionsApiDbCommandTimeoutSec. (04516814)

  • In the Invoice reference field, when an amount (e.g., 1000) is entered in Financial info, the amount will register аs a string and not as a number (1000.00). The same has been done for the Vendor field. (04567926)

  • The stored procedure GetComputerDetailsApplication has been enhanced to fix the performance of the Computer Applications Page when a computer has 50+ applications associated to it. (04566341)

  • To prevent possible deadlocks in the Data Update Job (DUJ), a new flow has been implemented for several use cases (such as if a user logs in while DUJ is running). (04569047)

  • If there are duplicates (due to our import being case sensitive) in the import file, the first one will be updated in the system; all other duplicates will be ignored. (04540407)

  • On the Documents tab for archived licenses, we’re no longer showing all documents from all archived licenses but only the ones that are related to those. The same scenario was detected and fixed for archived agreements. (04560256)

  • When you add a license with a maintenance period, save it, and then go to edit mode and add a document (saving the changes again), the period remains the same. That is, is does not decrease by -1 day, no matter the time zone. (04540577, 04560455)

  • Fixed the error “Invalid length parameter passed to the RIGHT function” by adding NULLIF condition for empty values in TranslateName and TranslateDescription. (04532032)

  • In the All computers report, Total Cost and Application Cost have aligned values as those displayed in the Financial info tab for the respective computer. The following scenarios were fixed: Total Cost and Application Cost for applications/operating systems based on Cost per core and then Cost per processor. (04559205)

  • The All computers report now displays properly in the case of a previous arithmetic overflow error. (04563578)

  • The computer data will not interfere with the execution of the service itself. The issue was present in the case of VMware environments. (04557634)

  • The computer data will not interfere with the execution of the service itself. The issue was present in the case of VMware environments. (04557634)

  • The SSL communication between SLM and Inventory API service has been improved. There will no longer be errors for the cases having valid certificates. (04561165)

  • The task execution time scheduling no longer allows starting the same task twice. (04567212)

  • In case of virtual hosts, the core factor calculation has been improved to be calculated based on the processor type. (04571237)

  • The number of requests that are sent to Inventory API has been reduced—resulting in a reduced number of calls to the database—so the OMO service is expected to have sufficient memory. (04571581)

  • Added “MOSTFREQUENTUSER_USELOGINPERIOD” and “ACTIVATE_APPLICATION_WHITELISTING” settings to vSystemSettings code. (04536736)


Release date: 2022-06-15

Download release notes here


  • Multiple costs can be added to subscriptions per portal: Adobe Creative Cloud subscriptions can now have multiple costs added to the subscription, based on the portal the subscription reports from. Costs can contain different currencies, but total costs are displayed in SLM local currency for the user.

  • “Last activities” can be chosen and viewed for selected products: All products listed under a subscription can be selected and shown in the Column Selector and displayed in the table on Subscription>Activity details>Subscription Details.


  • Allowing more flexible inactivity filters: Adobe Creative Cloud users can now filter on more flexible time ranges of inactivity to better realize their cost optimizations for Adobe products.

  • Oracle DB Enterprise Options Usage Interpretation dataflow: Performance optimization in our Oracle DB Enterprise Options Usage Interpretation dataflow.


  • Performance issues have been fixed for Adobe Creative Cloud, which was sporadically timing out during the import process. (04573784)

  • SLM API Application endpoint is able to read data including custom fields and default metadata. (04564301)

  • Corrected behavior of Archive computer so that misleading warnings are not presented. (04549805)

  • Correction made to Microsoft 365 user activity page, when the page was loading larger customer data sets. Implemented lazy loading display results while loading continues in the background. (04503692)

  • Performance improvements have been made to the user information pages. (04536724)

  • Correction made when an error in the O365 import contained a violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint “PK_Country”. Service now no longer crashes. (04558524)

  • Oracle Overview page for Java products is enhanced and the users can now filter by many of the fields in the grid. (04562297)

  • Importing of Oracle Orders was corrected and will now allow importing of different Oracle Agreements within the same Oracle order number. (04564181)

  • Correction for an error that caused the SaaS Generic application to crash when users added the Date column and tried to export in XLSX format. (04558023)

  • Correction of an error on SaaS Generic pages, which caused page error when user tried to export data that had additional columns added. (04560205)

  • Performance improvements have been made to the user information pages. (04536724)


Release date: 2022-05-24

Download release notes here


  • Oracle Management Option: Java installations


  • Added filtering to all types of columns that are used in Applications and Computers search. (04522218)

  • Fixed issue during QuarantineDeleteUser step. (04495576)

  • When updating a computer’s purchase value via Import, purchase date and purchase currency is also required. (04560476)

  • Corrected minimum Windows Server version requirement, when having old versions of Windows server installed on VM. (04566082)

  • Saved Reports (cached or non-cached) will always contain the added columns. (04560484)

  • In order to reduce the number of requests sent from Snow Virtualization Service (regarding the LPAR-related workflow) to the Inventory Service, additional optimizations have been implemented. (04548989)

  • Computers belonging to an organization that has been removed will now be counted in the Snowboard Inventoried computers per month widget. (04528915)

  • A translation issue has been corrected that prevented full utilization of the Alerts widget on the Snowboard, when navigating Snow License Manager in the Polish language. (04555056)

  • Computers that have been archived will now be included in the Snowboard Inventoried computers per month widget calculations. (04558691)

  • LastLogon date issues have been fixed. (04531924)

  • AD User information is now correctly updated when slmUser.LastLogonInv is greater than the LastActivityDate. (04547131)


Release date: 2022-05-11

Distribution method: Snow Update Service

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  • Calculation of DUJ procedure’s duration has been modified to be in line with the actual DUJ execution time for most non-enterprise environments. (04525151)

  • A dependency has been added to make sure new computers become available in the Snow API after the first upcoming Data Update Job has been run (this sometimes required two runs in the past). (04544740)

  • Notifications about expired Licenses and Agreements are sent once the criteria is met. (04533143)

  • Using the print feature (icon on top right corner) on Applications then Application Manufacturer shows all rows for manufacturer both in the preview and in the finished PDF file. (04521913)

  • Fixed issue in Agreement import when agreement could not be imported if organization structure has nodes with duplicate names. (04550674).

  • Accidentally including an unpopulated Disable Auto-Edit field in an import file (when updating existing users) will no longer cause an issue when that user is displayed in Snow License Manager. (04550515)

  • Fixed ArgumentNullException issue appearing during compliance calculation if multiple metrics are enabled, and one of them is the Devices metric. (04562853)

  • Updated NATS System Streaming Server to latest version. (04464223)

  • Fixed issue when License compliance per agreement report showed incorrect agreements. (04558451)

  • A correction has been made to the Applications per user report where adding the Is part of bundle criteria failed to give back a list of results. (04560464)

  • Filtering for a specific date has been corrected to now show the desired result in the Generic SaaS pages. (04558496)

  • In an LPARs-related scenario, the existing record was not properly detected by the SnowVirtualizationService. Additional primary key alignment on the database and on the application code level have now been implemented. (04554982)

  • Additional logic has been implemented to the SnowVirtualizationService 
    regarding deleted but then reappearing VMware relational records, so that the records are now properly marked as removed. (04559639)

  • Additional logic has been implemented to the SnowVirtualizationService regarding inserting new data for a respective vCenter Server, so that the server is not marked as removed. (04559914)

  • Added a fail-safe to prevent conversion error in certain collation combinations when deleting a Locally Generated Application in Snow Management and Configuration Center. (04556238)


Release date: 2022-04-12

Distribution method: Snow Update Service and installation package

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  • Adobe Creative Cloud UI redesign


  • Microsoft 365 “No activity” vs. “Not monitored”

  • Microsoft 365 “Block Credential”


  • The field for website link in Agreements is now sanitized when saved.

  • Quarantine Management is correctly setting computers to Archived. (04554265)

  • Computer printer details are correctly updated when a printer is removed.

  • Computer memory details are correctly updated when memory is removed.

  • The recently added Java Installation product type was applied to the Compliance by product type chart on the Oracle overview Products tab.

  • You are now able to assign Oracle Database Standard Edition (SE) One licenses on Oracle SE databases. (04491919)

  • Applications nearing end of support alert and report do not include applications with 0 installations. (04540664)

  • Column placement and alignment are correct when moving columns in a report. (04497618)

  • Customer data that doesn’t have reference to the CID in an SPE environment is now completely removed when a CID is deleted, and no residual customer data remains. (04541142)

  • In cases when processing inventoried (snowpack) files for more than one day, Snow Oracle Management Option Service will update the data according to the newest inventoried file. (04551589)

  • The value for $format is now sanitized when being displayed on the help page for the API.


Release date: 2022-03-23

Distribution method: Snow Update Service and installation package

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  • Software cleanup added to the metering cleanup service. As part of the daily cleanup routine, we have now added functionality to clean up old unused software from the system. The cleanup service update also includes improved configuration options, with multiple schedules per task now available through the appsettings.json file.


  • Oracle overview > Products: The calculation of the total number of Oracle database instances count the same value on both (Products and Instances) places. (04542123)

  • Application bundles are now shown as installed, when there is only one application installed and also when the application contains metering data and is marked IsRegistry. (04529989)

  • Application bundles are now shown as installed when there are application groups installed. (04530543)

  • A computer’s Applications tab First discovered column is now populated with data when the computer is scanned for the first time. (04526134)

  • Fixed an issue where an API user could log into the SLM web. (04527839)

  • We now display a confirmation page when logging out of SLM with SAML2 enabled. An option to go back to the login page is displayed to the user. (04535873)

  • Paths for all Snow License Manager services are now properly escaped and quoted. (04529649)


Release date: 2022-03-09

Distribution method: Snow Update Service and installation package

Download release note here


  • Oracle verified mode for databases.

  • Support for Windows Server 2022.


  • All hyperlinks within Microsoft 365 pages now navigate to destination pages correctly. (04533523)

  • The editing of Oracle Agreements (as part of Oracle overview > Entitlements) now allows for the Agreement status to be set to Terminated. (04536090)

  • Fixed issue where the Platform summary widget did not show the same numbers as View data.

  • Fixed issue when columns added to reports would not be visible after refreshing the page.

  • When scheduling an export of a report in Snow License Manager, the Next export field will now be refreshed without delay. (04531669)

  • Oracle Server Worksheet (OSW) for WebLogic Server report now shows the correct core-factor value for the respective host. (04531047)

  • SnowArchivingService: fixed issue where Agreement type field was empty on Archive agreement page when archiving an agreement with Custom agreement type.

  • Fixed a defect where notifications weren’t generated, despite configured, when deleting a computer.

  • Additional scenarios are supported to get data from Snow Inventory API about a particular computer/server in cases where the site name has special characters (such as $,@). (04502024)

  • Additional business logic has been added on the OMO service side: The core factor for the respective virtual machine is now successfully mapped and based on that, the total number of Oracle cores needed for licensing are now being calculated. (04540534, 04540805, 04531047)

  • The Data Update Job now successfully updates the SLM table tblDataCenterVirtualMachine whenever there is any update in the Inventory table DataVirtualMachine.


Release date: 2022-02-09

Distribution method: Snow Update Service and installation package

Download release notes here


  • The Microsoft 365 user interface text has been updated, resulting in improved language clarity.

  • Adobe product compliance calculations have now been introduced. User subscription assignments are mapped to the Adobe Creative Cloud license bundles, which means that you can now manage application license compliance levels for user-based subscriptions through the correct display of Adobe product Plans/Editions.

  • You can now filter the Adobe Creative Cloud Overview dashboard views, showing or hiding any combination of subscriptions/plans/apps.

  • The following columns are now available in the All Java installations report: ArchitectureInstallation status, and Home path, as well as several that you can add to this report from the Column selector, such as Datacenter nameOracle ProcessorsUsers (total), and more. Furthermore, the final new column—Reason message—provides explanations where needed, such as why a server has Inventoried with issues or even Not inventoried as its installation status. Finally, for specific Java installations that do not provide information about their respective vendor, we have introduced a new Vendor column status: Vendor information not available.

  • UPN—Universal Principal Name—is the Windows Active Directory (AD) user name in an email address format. In addition to the previous username login format ([domain]\[username]), the Snow License Manager-AD Groups integration now allows existing users to log into SLM with a recognized email address (without an additional SLM account being created).

  • The user cleanup task in the Windows service called SnowMaintenanceService can be configured to delete from SLM those UPN-format users who have lost their Active Directory roles.

  • Users can now log into SLM the first time via authenticated SSO, in which case this person’s SLM account is automatically created through the AD Groups integration when Federated SSO is also enabled.

  • Computer details > Applications: Remarks are added to the Remark column to identify Denylisted (DL), Allowlisted (AL), and Uninstalled (UI) applications (IDEAS-I-215).


  • Activity for Microsoft Power BI usage now reflects the most recent usage of either the Desktop app or Cloud app, whichever is more recent; in reports, the Last used activity also reflects this date (04464340).

  • On the Reports > Report files tab, exported reports now correctly display the report format in the Format

  • Imported data from Snow Integration Manager now executes successfully when duplicate users are present in the import (04530314).

  • M365 users are now able to be linked without capitalization differences between email addresses registered in SLM and the Microsoft portal (04529531).

  • Report criteria used in the Microsoft 365 subscription plan cost and Microsoft 365 over assigned subscription plans cost reports now display report results correctly (04536082).

  • The Adobe Creative Cloud license summary report now displays the same valid Adobe subscriptions as listed on the Products > License summary page (04533035).

  • Imported data from Snow Integration Manager now executes successfully when duplicate users are present in the import (04530314).

  • SaaS overview page:

    • Total monthly cost tab:
      • Column headers in the SaaS providers data table now display correctly (04532423).
      • Multiple cost periods can now be assigned to SaaS providers (04533429).
    • When you select a specific subscription and add a new column to the All user accounts for this subscription data table, you are now able to successfully export the table as expected (04524759).
    • When you select a specific subscription and add the Registration date column, you are now able to successfully filter the list from this column (04531078).
  • The Oracle order custom field value on Internet Explorer (version 11 and newer) is now saved as expected (04509610).

  • strong> – Oracle overview page:

    • The page will now load when you have manually changed custom fields that match system-reserved names (new error message: “This custom field is reserved by the system”), such as Organization (04512138).
    • On the Recommendations tab, the date format now follows the selection in Settings > User interface > Language (04514971).
    • Products > Java > Go to > Installations tab: The calculations for Total processors and Total cores now match their respective servers/hosts.
  • The value length for the IP address is being increased and accordingly synced with the size in Snow Inventory Database (04517657).

  • Additional checks have been implemented before a particular unused Oracle Database Management Pack is deleted from Snow License Manager (04519335).

  • Additional checks regarding Oracle Management Option primary key violations have been implemented (04523777).

  • SnowOracleService: The detection part for database versions older than version 10 has been improved—support for larger sets of values within the service has been implemented—so now they will be correctly detected (04529681).

  • Oracle product compliance engine: Additional checks have been implemented for hard partitioning estates, managing the cases where some of the attributes like ActiveCPUsInPoolModeEntitledCapacityOnlineVirtualCPUs, or the entire record for a particular computer/LPAR in the LparConfiguration table was missing (04533444).

  • Oracle Product Compliance report:

    • Now shows the AIX systems as all the other ones (04534408).
    • The value in the column Assigned Processor licenses or Assigned NUPs on the highest level is now the correct sum for all the assigned licenses from lowest to higher level per product.
    • In cases of virtual machines (LPARs) without the ActiveCpusInPool value (on at least one virtual machine on a Host/DCC), all virtual machines (together with the Host/DCC) will no longer be displayed on this report.
  • Home > Import data > Oracle order import > Upload Oracle orders: The input range for the Organization column value has been increased, resulting in a complete, correct data import process.

  • Additional checks are now carried out before a particular Oracle Middleware product installation is deleted from Snow License Manager (04534005).

  • Changes to Last Update Date and Organization will now be properly reflected in the underlying report for the Snowboard widget Most installed computer operating systems (04504085).

  • The Computer status summary widget on the Snowboard now lists the correct number of archived computers again (04527414).

  • Fixed incorrect Per run (hh:mm) value in Most used applications widget details (All used applications) if average usage time is over 24 hours.

  • Fixed incorrect entitlement state for installation metric in Applications tab of user details view (04449089).

  • Fixed missing Denylisted application warning if application is not used.

  • Fixed Application cost per metric column value in License tracking per computer report according to the metric (04515837).

  • – Computer and User****details pages:

    • On the Information tab, the Name column data order is now sorted correctly (ascending or descending).
  • During computer removal, any existing custom field data is only removed for that computer and not in any licenses or agreements where that custom field data is present (04524608).

  • Fixed importing of incomplete upgrade license without the provided base license ID (04528949).

  • Computer details > Applications:

    • Uninstalled applications will always appear in orange, even if the application is denylisted/allowlisted (04528402).
  • The Users column in the License compliance per organization report now displays the number of users based on their own organization instead of organizations their computers belong to (04523023).

  • Applications > {Application name details} > Compliance:

    • Fixed inability to change compliance History and Trend date range filters (04523253).
  • Licenses > License details and Agreements > Agreement details:

    • Fixed incorrect link after archiving.
  • Archived licenses and Archived agreements reports:

    • Custom field for currency column heading now displays selected currency.
  • Fixed issue regarding Agreement or License notifications when:

    • Expiration notification was not sent.
    • Upcoming expiration notification was sent multiple times.
  • SnowLicensingService > ImposeNamedUsersService: The compliance calculation exception called NullReferenceException (in cases where a license is assigned to a user who has been removed) has been fixed (04527230).

  • In a scenario where some applications have an unusually long value for their version metadata, the Data Update Job completes successfully (04476432).

  • The Data Update Job step QuarantineDeleteUser completes successfully when existing user objects are remapped from the inventory data source (04500347).

  • In scenarios where some applications account for a huge amount of usage, the Data Update Job completes successfully (04514296).

  • Datacenters that have square brackets in their name will now get transferred to Snow License Manager by the Data Update Job (04532245).

  • Compliance exclusions:

    • Fixed compliance exclusions that have not been automatically recalculated after the Data Update Job runs.
    • Fixed recalculation of compliance exclusions after deleting last exclusion.
  • When importing an MLS file into Snow License Manager, validation of data in the MPSA sheet will no longer be attempted. The only effect of this change is less data in the Discarded agreements list, which can be downloaded during validation of the import (04517098).

  • When you remove a user from a security group in Snow Management and Configuration Center, the correct user is now targeted no matter how the list is sorted (04519803).

  • SnowVirtualizationService: Additional checks regarding primary key violations have been implemented (04526375).


Release date: 2021-12-08

Distribution method: Snow Update Service and installation package

Download release notes here


  • Cleaning up historical compliance data. (04514909)


  • Visibility of data from multiple Adobe Creative Cloud portals (IDEAS-I-896).

  • Updates in Adobe Creative Cloud reports.

  • Expanded computer hardware information.

  • License import mapping improvements.

  • Compliance Calculation Engine improvements.


  • All subscriptions now line up correctly with their corresponding bar graph in the Microsoft 365 overview’s Subscription utilization section (04481899).

  • Adobe CC data imports no longer throw error messages regarding payload size. Limits have been extended and migration will now complete (04504424).

  • All subscriptions now line up correctly with their corresponding bar graph in the Microsoft 365 overview’s Subscription utilization section (04481899).

  • The Microsoft 365 user activity and cost per subscription plan report now displays only relevant organization information based on user type (04507185).

  • Improvement in functionality: Column headers are now properly exported (04507550).

  • Correct Japanese translation for the “Partitioning Type” column (04506888).

  • Improved Oracle core factor parameter for Itanium 9100 series processors (04520729).

  • When you edit an existing user, the “It appears you have chosen to create a new user” popup message is no longer displayed (04497843).

  • Entering a customer contact email address longer than 20 characters will no longer cause duplicates to occur (04516221).

  • The Data Update Job can correctly handle pre-recognized software for multiple customers in a Service Provider Edition installation (04517082).

  • Search for applications lists exported to Excel now contain Platform details as a text string (04499491).

  • The last logon information for users is consistent with data reported by inventoried computers and provided by Active Directory (04522168).


Release date: 2021-11-17

Distribution method: Snow Update Service

Download release notes here


  • Efficiency gains in application metering data: To improve overall performance and decrease the need for database maintenance, we are now removing old unused application metering data from the database in a new, more efficient way.


  • Adobe Creative Cloud: License availability graphs (Overview – License summary) have been transposed to a vertical chart.

  • Adobe Creative Cloud: The graph now displays licenses as a percentage and not a total number

  • Adobe Creative Cloud: The report for overall Adobe Creative Cloud license summary position is now available by default.

  • Performance improvements have been implemented for the following Data Update Job procedures:

    • JobInventorySoftwareApplyRules

    • JobInventoryComputerSoftwareBundlesUpdate

    • ApplicationRuleApply and ApplicationRuleApplyOnChanges


  • Activity for Microsoft Power BI usage now reflects the most recent usage of either the Desktop app or Cloud app, whichever is more recent; in addition, the Last Used activity also reflects this date in reports (04464340).

  • Software that matches multiple allowlist rules are no longer being duplicated on a computer’s application list (04515614).

  • Custom fields with names including currency symbols do not cause rendering issues (04512139).

  • It is now possible to store currencies with up to 4 decimals (04506063).

  • All subscription labels now appear under their relevant chart figures in the Adobe Creative Cloud – License Summary view (04504114.)

  • The OMO service is being significantly improved in the processing part for a large number of servers; a new batching mechanism has been implemented in order to improve the atomicity of the processing; service execution time tracking has been added; several negative scenarios when integrating with other data-flow components are now handled; and the unsuccessfully transferred/processed estates are reported as audit log entries (04501689).

  • Tenant ID is refreshed in navigation menu to display the latest accessed tenant (04498909).

  • Exporting the organization in .csv format will now use the configured delimiter for .csv imports (04456759).

  • Adobe Creative Cloud scaling issues in the license summary view have been resolved, and relevant subscriptions detected now appear—even when license counts differ (04415054).

  • Switching between metrics in Application details also updates Financial info.

  • Fixed issue where in All devices report, Equal to and Not equal to operators showed empty reports for First used and Last used criterion.

  • Improvements to Last scanned filter on All computers report to include the exact selected date if Less or equal is selected in the filter.

  • The number of users shown in Applications Denylist results page now matches the number shown on the Search page.

  • Selecting a product in Microsoft 365 reports now navigates the browser page to the specified product Activity Details page.

  • Selecting a user in Microsoft 365 reports now navigates the browser page to the specified User Details page.

  • Computer details about the connected monitors are correctly updated when a monitor is removed (04506610).


Release date: 2021-10-27

Distribution method: Snow Update Service

Download release notes here


  • Improved Adobe CC management: Visibility of all portal users.

  • Refined M365 cost management: Over-assigned subscriptions displayed.


  • Snow License Compliance Calculation service now successfully completes on OSTypeComparer (04517013).

  • Purchase price is now displayed correctly in the Archived licenses report (04511218).

  • Scheduled report exports now have synched timestamps on the database and SLM servers, all stored in UTC format (04511189).

  • On the Default Snowboard, both the Alert list data and Most used applications widget load more quickly now (04507811).

  • The Adobe Creative Cloud Insights cards now correctly display their respective help text. (04504327).

  • Currencies will now be displayed in the correct format for Object Properties (04499929).

  • Tenant ID is refreshed in the navigation menu to display the latest accessed tenant (04498909).

  • The SaaS Overview page’s timeout has been extended to load extremely large quantities of users (04498089).

  • Added ability to filter license list based on custom compare value types (04495658).

  • Selection of records on the Search for computers/applications pages is working properly (04476011).

  • SaaS Overview user activity statuses now reflect the latest inventoried data (04469076).

  • Maintenance and support dates are displayed correctly and consistently throughout the solution (04457875).

  • Purchase date criteria is present in the Archived licenses

  • Users are redirected to default metric view if a non-existent metric is entered in the Snow License Manager

  • Null values in M365 exported list data are now replaced with empty fields.


Release date: 2021-10-06

Distribution method: Snow Update Service

Download release notes here


  • The graph for the Concurrent usage metric in the Application pages display proper values (04497032).

  • User information that is manually set is no longer removed in cases where the related data is not present for that user in Active Directory (04493011).

  • The most frequent user for a computer is reported correctly (04492560).

  • The OMO service is being improved to properly handle licenses from multiple Oracle orders to be assigned on a single Oracle database option (04489953).

  • The settings for excluding specific user names (via pattern matching) from the most frequent and the most recent user of a computer are applied correctly (04476112).

  • The agent installation date (ClientInstallDate) is updated when a newer agent is installed (04426066).

  • Users imported from Active Directory are assigned to the correct organization.

  • Users can now archive computers successfully, regardless of the authentication method (04505327).

  • Adobe Creative Cloud: Cost information now shows decimal places properly (04503698).

  • Organizations that are manually removed in Snow MACC are now automatically removed from the Snow License Manager saved searches that included these organizations (04491417).

  • When users add a new widget in the Snowboard, widget description text in Japanese is now properly displayed (04500627).

  • When users delete a mobile device in Snow License Manager, the device is also removed from the list/search results without delay (04498785).

  • In the case of license import errors, the specific error notification now displays correctly (04485965).

  • Alert list total numbers on overview pages now display correctly from the default view to the detailed view (04469628).


Release date: 2021-09-15

Distribution method: Snow Update Service

Download release notes here


  • The new Quest’s Toad Install and Audit Prep Report displays inventoried details from the Scan-Toad agent script (IDEAS-I-1641).


  • The DUJ is now reset when SQL Server or SQL Server Agent services restart while DUJ is running—automatic normal execution occurs during the next scheduled run.


  • All Microsoft Office 365 reports now correctly report the Microsoft Office 365 users once (04503804).

  • Secondary user rights are applicable also for two desktops (04497340).

  • All date fields for the SaaS connectors visualized in the SaaS Overview page are now properly filterable (04488704).

  • Archived Licenses and Agreements documents and links are visible in the UI (04498672).


Release date: 2021-09-01

Distribution method: Snow Update Service

Download release notes here


  • Detection of Java in the customer IT environment. The following two features are made possible through the release of our new Snow Inventory Java Scanner:

    • Oracle Java complete visibility
    • New Java report
  • Snow MACC – Secure client certificate support between Snow Inventory Server and Oracle Management Option

  • Office Online now seen as a new M365 application.


  • M365 Overview chart improvements: Access key high-level data more quickly by filtering specific M365 subscription plans directly in the three overview dashboard charts (activity/users/wasted spend).

  • Refinement of “active user” definition to 90 days: You are likely to agree that an active user is one who has used an application in the fairly recent past. In fact, the active flag has now been set to a maximum of 90 days, which improves the data you see on the Insights cards, Users dashboard data, the Subscription utilization chart data, and more.

  • Oracle compliance engine improvement for IBM LPARs. Linux is now supported as a guest OS.

  • Character set improvements. Cyrillic, Hebrew, Nordic, Japanese, and other character sets are now saved and displayed better.


  • Notifications criteria date picker works regardless of the user’s computer time zone (04466454).

  • The Premier and Extended Support end dates for Oracle Database Standard Edition 2 are updated according to the official Oracle documentation (04498159).

  • The functionality for scheduling M365 reports is now aligned with the functionality offered for standard reports within Snow License Manager (04447533).

  • Improvements on naming of computers and servers on Computer Type widget in Snowboard to make a clearer identification of physical and virtual servers. This fix also adds “Virtual Servers” as an option on the widget’s setting.

  • Cost information will now only be displayed with a maximum of two decimals (04503698).

  • The figures in the License Summary page are now properly correlating with the figures reported in the Adobe CC portal (04497662).


Release date: 2021-08-04

Distribution method: Snow Update Service

Download release notes here


  • Cached reporting: When cached report data is loading, users can now cancel the current operation. Depending on the amount of data in a cached report, the loading time to display this data can take more than just several seconds. In situations where cached data is loading (such as initially showing the report, paging, filter, and sorting), users can now click the Cancel report button to stop the cached data loading if they prefer not to wait for the loading to finish.


  •  License list displays all available licenses (04489563).

  • The SaaS Overview page is now properly showing the costs for all SaaS connectors (04488441)

  • Compliance is updated with interval days update for metrics with setting “Usage within metering period”.

  • Admin user can visualize archived agreements/licenses in the respective lists and reports, despite restricted access on organization setting (04489317).

  • Agreement and Archived Agreements lists show all agreements, including those with Custom Fields (04490477).

  • License list shows all licenses, including those with Custom Fields (04489563).

  • M365 products measured through the installed based applications are now properly calculated and presented within the different views and reports within the M365 UI.

  • Applications are removed from a computer’s installed application list when they are removed, but the removal leaves leftovers such as .swidtag files or registry keys (04474224).

  • The error logs implementation has been improved (04489959).


Release date: 2021-07-14

Distribution method: Snow Update Service

Download release notes here


  •  Implemented automatic deletion of obsolete users created by Active Directory group integration.

  • The functionality for Auto allocate for licenses is now properly correlating in all different scenarios.

  • Added configurable list of groups for which automatic synchronization of Active Directory groups is disabled (04477915).

  • Legal Organization will now be filled out even when the root organization contains space.

  • New SLM users added through the AD-groups functionality are now assigned to the proper security group (04477915).

  • The Eventwarehouse service now supports more special characters that’s used as part of the password of the SQL Account. The only character that can’t be supported is “;” (04481665).

  • Number of allowed organizational units that can be added to an Application denylist rule has been slightly increased (04483581).

  • Importing Application Store data will no longer overwrite any images that have been uploaded for the chosen application (04488053).

  • An entry will now be added to the ActionLog in Snow License Manager when a license or agreement is updated, not only when added or deleted (04488710).

  • When navigating to the user list of an application, and exporting it, diacritics and umlauts are now represented correctly in the result file (04451541, 04489127).

  • Oracle Database Enterprise Edition Options usage interpretation details are now being optimized for storage when data size is large (04489950).

  • Due to a previous change in how OrgIDs are stored in the database, some OrgChecksums will be reseeded. All affected tables will now contain the correct OrgChecksum as well as allowing imports where OrgIDs contain spaces (04488049).


Release date: 2021-06-22

Distribution method: Snow Update Service

Download release notes here


  • Enhanced the way that we are visualizing activity for the general SaaS connectors by adding the following to the Last 7 days activity interval: 30, 90, and 365 days. This allows customer procurement staff to determine with greater precision which users should actually be allocated SaaS subscriptions, based on historical usage (04450866).

  • M365 – The column “IsMonitored” which indicates the subscription plans that Snow can measure user activity for has been added as a selectable column in the following reports: “Microsoft 365 users not using the software” & “Microsoft 365 user activity and cost per subscription plan”.

  • M365 – Updated the insights card “Subscriptions are assigned but not used” to only reflect on subscription plans that Snow can measure activity for


  • SaaS Overview: as a correction related to the enhancement listed above, users with a last login over the past 8-30 days are now recorded as having been logged in, instead of having “No login activity” (04450866)

  • Users can now filter on custom fields within ‘Search for Computers’ and ‘Search for Applications’ (04475601).

  • The report “All Oracle databases” is being improved. The premier (and the extended) support end dates for Oracle 18C and 19C are added (04486271).

  • A correction was made to prevent duplicates key errors for tblsoftwareproduct (04486218).

  • The Oracle Product Compliance report is being improved. Now it shows all the data as expected (04486055).

  • If a system reserved name is used for the custom field name the system will now give a warning (04484494, 04484501).

  • Licenses assigned to a datacenter in Snow License Manager are now properly unlinked when the datacenter is deleted (04484063).

  • Users are now moved back to the ROOT OU if the Auto-Connect rule that the User was bound by has then been deleted (04483506).

  • Proper validation is implemented when having a custom fields in Snow License Manager named like Description and Organization (04482173, 04484492).

  • The Deny-listing functionality is no longer causing the TempDB to grow out of proportional size.

  • M365 imports are now properly handled for all scenarios in SPE environments (04479405).

  • The Insights card “subscriptions are assigned but not used” is now reflecting the same numbers as the report


Release date: 2021-06-02

Distribution method: Snow Update Service

Download release notes here


  • Extended the functionality for the “Concurrent User” metric to now include assignment for specific/named users.

  • Performance for the ApplicationRuleApplyOnChanges procedure in the Data Update Job have been improved.

  • The processing of large amount of data during the Oracle auto-assignment process is being improved.


  • The “Oracle Product Compliance” report for on the SPE environment is being improved. Now it contains data only from the corresponding tenant (04483761).

  • Umlauts are now encoded correctly while exporting (04483343).

  • Correction to session handling for issue prevention when working on multiple applications in different tabs (04481561).

  • The latency for updating the data update job status icon has been reduced (04480377).

  • Wildcards can now be used when filtering the Computer types widget on the Snowboard in Snow License Manager (04479232).

  • Special characters will now be correctly encoded while exporting (04478600).

  • Special characters will now be correctly encoded in Reports (04478125).

  • Saved versions of standard reports now load properly from the browser cache when navigating back to them (04478351).

  • Special characters will now be correctly encoded on the agreement page (04478125).

  • Links to reports saved to the favorite section will no longer return the wrong URL (04477783, 04478961).

  • Special characters should now be correctly encoded for agreements (04477919).

  • Custom field name with more than 16 special characters will no longer cause issues when saving (04477896).

  • Fixed an issue where organization friendly name input value lowercased except the first letter (04477368).

  • Optimizing the deletion of large amount of data as part of the OMO service (04476502).

  • Improvement within the Oracle Agreement parameters. The value for the “Valid To” parameter is saved as expected (04474885).

  • Performance for the inv.UpdatetblSoftware procedure in the Data Update Job have been improved (04461056).

  • The “Computer Discovery” Snowboard widget will now deliver more consistent data and align with the Stock report that is connected to the “Computers Overview” page. It now also provides Discovery Source and Host ComputerName when available.

  • Performance for the JobInventoryComputerAppHistoryUpdate procedure in the Data Update Job have been improved.


Release date: 2021-05-05

Distribution method: Snow Update Service and Intallation package

Download release notes here


  • SLM report performance improvement: Instantly load standard SLM reports through the cache service. To enable our customers at any size to run their reports at any time with an instant response, we have implemented a functionality that stores the standard reports in a cache service. This functionality is opt-in and can be configured to be used for selected SLM reports or for all reports. More information about this functionality can be found in the docs-portal.

  • The following standard reports within Snow License Manager has been tuned and indexed to improve performance: Applications per device, Computer Hardware Information, Applications per computer and user, All computers, Applications per device, License tracking per computer.

  • Microsoft 365: Implemented a column in the Subscription Activity page that displays which subscription plans that Snow can measure activity for

  • Microsoft 365: Users that have been tagged with “Keep Unlinked” in the User Linking will remain in that state until the system user actively changes it.

  • Microsoft 365: A new report and insight card have been implemented for users that are disabled in Active Directory but still have at least one paid subscription. Note: To populate this new report, we require that Active Directory User Discovery is enabled in Snow Inventory Server 6.5 or later.


  • Microsoft 365: All grids are now exportable to .CSV and .XLSX.


  • The permissions in SMACC to access Subscription information in M365 is now correlating correctly (04477289).

  • The undo functionality for updating licenses through the License Import properly ensures that all the changes are reverted (04476556).

  • When a autocorrect rule is deleted computers assigned to that node are moved back to root org (04475689).

  • Further improvements and optimization done to how discovered users are assigned to an organisation during the Data Update Job (04475603).

  • The Oracle Management Option service is being improved. The middleware data having a null value for the “DomainName” property, will be processed by the OMO service as expected (04474827, 04465466, 04470854).

  • Editing a computer’s metadata in Snow License Manager will now also update the API (04474272).

  • Updated Column size on columns in the contract table to support language encoding. For example Cyrillic. (04474062).

  • The response time for the Oracle overview page (when navigating to product view) is being improved (04473178).

  • The confirm message when a user attempts to delete an inventory source in Snow Management And Configuration Center has been updated to make it clearer that customer site names aren’t meant to be re-used in other inventory sources (04472951).

  • Additional AccountSKU added to further improve the Microsoft Office 365 E3 or E4 to E1 optimization report (04471710).

  • Improved handling of PVU metrics during the Data Update Job (04471302).

  • We now allow for the population of mandatory custom fields during the Data Update Job for new users. This feature can be toggled through a setting in SMACC, and is turned on by default (04470218).

  • Snow Software Virtualization Service is being improved. The column size for some of the parameters (Name, HostName, Operating system and PowerState) is being increased (04468508)

  • Improved the snowboard widget Computer discovery and its corresponding report to better reflect the total number of inventoried devices (04467037).

  • Importing SAP data in Snow License Manager no longer return an exception related to an older dependency (04465200).

  • “Within next” can now be used for date columns when creating notifications.

  • The performance for Deny-listing single applications has been optimized.

  • Applications Per Computer Report has been tuned and indexed to improve performance (output data for all reports would remain the same).


Release date: 2021-04-07

Distribution method: Snow Update Service

Download release notes here


  • The visual error where custom fields with type currency default to system base currency are now corrected. We will display the currency selected by the user (04469427).

  • Custom registry keys no longer being reported, will now be removed from the computer in License Manager during the data update job (04469491).

  • Users will no longer reassigned to the root organisation during the Data Update Job, if they have the setting AutoEdit set to false (04469719).

  • Inventoried computers per month widget will not reset the data anymore on an organization node update (04464741).

  • Added translation for report description in other languages than English (04471027).

  • SLM system user can now add costs for subscription plans per specific tenant/portal in Microsoft 365.

  • Data related to use rights, assignments and maintenance periods are not changed if user has not mapped corresponding columns in license import/update functionality during license update (04472885).

  • The metric settings for “Total Users” will be default set to “Continous” and “90 days” when the system user is setting the editing the application metric to be “Total Users” or when adding “Total Users” as a secondary metric.


Release date: 2021-04-01

Distribution method: Snow Update Service and installation package

Download release notes for Snow License Manager 9.12.0 here


  • A number of standard reports within Snow License Manager has been tuned and indexed to improve performance.

  • Microsoft 365 redesigned UI: A newly designed UI for the Microsoft 365 product that to highlight usage, costs, and savings opportunities in a better way. The UI is designed to better cater for future additions of new M365 datasets and optimization recommendations. More information about the M365 UI can be found in the Snow License Manager User Guide for SLM 9.12.


  • The database table dbo.tblApplicationConcurrency has been optimized to reduce the storage used


  • Updated various reports to show the currency conversion valid for the date of purchase.

  • Certain localizations no longer generate an exception on the partner Start page (PRB0043163).

  • It is now possible to use the feature archive computer if not in the file for computers in the import (04364354).

  • Performance improvements in larger environments to one of the default widgets on the snowboard (04426305).

  • Updated organization import in SMACC to prevent duplication of nodes (04432949).

  • We now allow for downloading pdf files containing a comma with the Chrome browser (04446476).

  • The “Incomplete Data” compliance status for the IBM LPARs environments that are not longer reported by the Agent is being improved. As soon as these LPARs are being reported by the Agent again, the license requirements will be calculated and the Compliance status will be changed accordingly (04429965).

  • Special characters will now display properly in List and Search pages (04453693).

  • Creating a new organization node during import will not duplicate any items (04455590).

  • Clean-up of outdated discovery data has been improved in the Data Update Job (04456090).

  • When an application gets a new ID, due to DIS configurations, the software store is now correctly updated to reflect this (04456571).

  • Computer delete will now remove the machine from extended coverage also (04458807).

  • In the Web Configurator, when loading a Custom Compare Value type import, the previously selected value will now be displayed in the dropdown.

  • The License ID report criteria can again be used in the License tracking per computer report in Snow License Manager (04459408).

  • Add Criteria/Group buttons now works in the All Licenses report when Snow License Manager is set to the Russian language (04460371).

  • The layout has been updated search box will no longer overlap text on license edit pages (04461002).

  • Updated handling of Notification access, users with notification access can now view the page (04461427).

  • Custom fields now allow for longer names in the Russian language, and additional improvements to language specific characters (04462073).

  • The number of updated computers during the Data Update Job is now being logged in the tblJobLogMetrics table again (04462540).

  • We no longer assume processor or core counts for non-inventoried VMs in the host detail page (04463019).

  • We now allow for days and “within last” to be used as criteria for notifications (04463859).

  • Additional error-handling rules are being added to the Virtualization Service (04464321).

  • Additional error-handling rules are being added to the OracleManagementOption Service (04465425).

  • Snow License Manager will no longer return an exception when navigating to a user that doesn’t have a value in the “Last sign in Inventory Agent” field (04465454).

  • Added translation of the Status column in the SaaS overview pages (04465479).

  • Fixed an issue that caused applications with user metric to not being listed in the computer detail view (04462242).

  • Corrected an issue that were causing the computer details view to load significantly longer for SPE platforms due to Deny Listing (04457426).

  • Correction made for Agreement description. We are now retaining the format entered by the user (04460550).


Release date: 2021-03-04

Distribution method: Snow Update Service and installation package

Download release notes for Snow License Manager 9.10.0 here


  • Archiving of computers: The computer archiving functionality has been improved with a new filter that allows the user to include archived machines in the “search for computers” page. Another addition to this enhancement is that computers can now be auto-archived as a quarantine action, this is configured in SMACC (IDEAS-I-113).

  • Sharing Snowboards in License Manager: Users within the system can now share their Snowboards (IDEAS-I-28).

  • Support for Oracle data compliance up to datacenter level from IBM PowerVM hypervisor: The Oracle compliance engine is being extended regarding the hard partitioning licensing rules by Oracle for the IBM’s LPAR.


  • OMO enhancements: – The SLM OMO and Virtualization services are further optimized having additional data-flow rules implemented – SLM OMO schema objects are further optimized and obsolete objects are being removed.

  • SAM enhancement: – Enhanced the license import to auto-suggest a specific application version when the importing licenses based on SKUs. The user will now be provided with an automated suggestion of a specific application and version per license based on the data inputted in the license import file. When enhancing this functionality, we corrected an issue that were causing the tooltip to not disappear when the user tries to select SKU’s in the license import interface.

  • Database services enhancements: – The database tables inv.tblSoftware and dbo.tblSoftware have been optimized to reduce the storage used. – Some database table indexes that were seldom used have been dropped to optimize storage usage and write operations during the Data Update Job and normal operations. – Performance for the UpdateComputerSoftwareInstalled procedure in the Data Update Job have been improved.


  • The execution order of long running procedures in the Data Update Job has been changed to avoid resource conflicts and improve performance (04456638).

  • Fixed an issue with Federated SSO that was causing a login-loop when the user tried to log-out.

  • Enabled partner platform users to utilize the functionality to access SLM through AD-groups.

  • The SLM user interface does not generate an error when a user tries to create a custom field with a name that is already being used. The user will be notified and a new name for the custom field will be required (04427337).

  • In cases of database instances being restored having identical Oracle DBID, they will not be resolved as duplicates within SLM anymore (04451270).

  • Corrected an issue causing the compliance job to run very slowly due to multi metric and auto allocation (04454265).

  • The SLM shows and calculates the correct core licensing factor for the SPARC T4 processor (04455556).

  • The virtualization service implementation is being improved and now it tracks the cluster instance as entity type without errors (04455604).

  • The user will be able to edit and save a computer without getting an error in cases where an Oracle order is added while editing (04455913).

  • The Oracle DB model is further optimized having additional data-flow rules regarding the null values (04457476).


Release date: 2021-02-11

Distribution method: Snow Update Service

Download release notes for Snow License Manager 9.9.1 here


  • We now properly allow for the usage of wildcards for exclusions for Most Frequent and Most Recent users (04454102).

  • User data from Active Directory is updated during the Data Update Job (04453097).

  • Fixed an issue that were causing the license import to fail when the user tried to import values that exceeded the character limits (04446446).

  • Stock reports now properly encode the name and description columns (04429586).

  • Fixed an issue that caused the last user activity for Microsoft Teams to be incorrect (04427621).

  • Filtering is now possible for the Patterns column on the Web applications page in Snow License Manager (04423643).

  • A new viewer role has been added, to allow users access to the Snow Software Store reports (04419264).

  • Compliance calculation issues that were caused by duplicate metrics as now been resolved (04356588).

  • An issue for compliance position for applications with secondary use-rights has now been solved (04356565).

  • New SMACC setting that, when enabled, will apply mandatory custom fields to applications during the Data Update Job (04356608).

  • The report Organisational overview was duplicated when scheduled, this is now resolved (0044544588).

  • The performance of the “Applications per user” report has been improved (04426243).

  • The data workflow process for customers having large estate has been improved. Oracle Management Option background services are now more resilient when time needed for Data Update Job execution to complete is longer than usually expected. (04451339, 04459385).

  • Search for computers: The computers will not stay checked if you switch between saved searches to prevent unwanted archiving or removal of machines, this also applies to select all. Known visual issue: The checkbox for select all will stay checked (04356539).

  • Corrected an issue that causing the virtual machines to not pose any license requirement for the SQL Server 2008 R2 applications (04449529).

  • Operating System data is updated during the Data Update Job.


Release date: 2021-01-14

Distribution method: Snow Update Service and installation package

Download release notes for Snow License Manager 9.9.0 here


  • SaaS Enhancement: A new report named “Skype vs Teams adoption” has been created for Microsoft 365.

  • OMO Enhancements:

    • Reports improvements.
    • Oracle Database Enterprise Edition options usage interpretation has been implemented
    • Notifications are improved when working with custom fields’ names that are already being used.
  • SAM Enhancements:

    • The user’s last login date gathered from Active Directory is now available in four standard reports.

    • The notification functionality in SLM for licenses has been enhanced.

    • The function “Auto-allocate” can now be configured to always be enabled when adding licenses for the metrics that support this function.

    • The deny list functionality has been optimized to be more performant


  • We now allow for organizational hierarchies to be imported as well as the regular OrgIDs (04414594).

  • The DB field IpAddress’ value is being increased in order to be able to store the IP address value from the snowpack file accordingly (PRB04421130).

  • The Description field, when editing an application in Snow License Manager, has been improved (04424229).

  • Updating an application with multi-metrics through the import tool will now properly process, even when the metric in the imported file is different compared to the default metrics of the applications (04424423).

  • In some scenarios, the hostname of a virtual machine differs in the Web UI and the API. It is now corrected (04426101).

  • The agreement import in Snow License Manager now allows longer manufacturer names (04430195).

  • Hebrew or Russian agreement names will no longer be truncated if they exceed 40 characters (04433277).

  • Archived computers are now again counted in the widget for the computer status summary (04445524).

  • The “View usernames” option for roles in SMACC has been improved (04447551).

  • API: It is now possible to navigate to a user that has multiple last logged on computers. However, which computer is returned is random, and will be considered a known limitation (04448849).

  • When removing extended coverage from a computer the first row was always removed instead of the selected row. This has now been resolved (04449169).

  • The issue where single removal of computers where the customer has user anonymization enabled has now been resolved (04451305).

  • Correction made to previously introduced change for multi delete computers. Single removal from the edit computer page now works as expected (04451563).

  • Improved handling of Oracle product installations lifecycle of Oracle Management Packs information in cases when there are multiple rows of data for the same management pack (04451252)

  • Computer information is now correctly updated in SLM on a regular run of DUJ, as well as run after DUJ failure. When DUJ is rerun after it failed, there is no missing computer information in SLM from the data which was processed during the failed DUJ (04426860).


Release date: 2020-11-17

Distribution method: Snow Update Service

Download release notes for Snow License Manager 9.8.1 here


  • Microsoft 365 – The User Principle Name (UPN) from Active Directory is now included as a sequence step in the User Linking Service. The UPN is stored as a separate field than the email.

  • To improve the overall stability and scalability of the Adobe CC functionality, the back-end has now been re-architected to consume the EventWarehouse service rather than the EventStore. With this enhancement, a migration from the old EventStore to the new EventWarehouse structure will occur after the upgrade. More information regarding this can be found in the Technical Description document.

  • SnowEventWarehouse service version has been upgraded from v1.0.4 to v1.1.1.


  • Data Update Job execution time logging has been formatted to better handle new functionality in SQL Server version 2019 (04432800).

  • Fixed an issue where the “Store: Application owner’s AD-username” column failed to import due to an apostrophe. The apostrophe has now been removed to minimize the risk of mismatch (04427100).

  • Datacenters with Clusters will now display as DatacenterName/ClusterName, and any hosts and virtual machines will be properly assigned to its Cluster (04426050).

  • Risk of license duplication during save not prevented (04423173).

  • We now allow the user to trigger the job step “RefreshAlerts” when they’ve made an organisational change in SMACC (04423280).

  • Improvements done for computer imports in the ImportTool and increased logging (04417085).

  • Snow License Manager will no longer display a cosmetic error when a user e-mail address contains a longer than usual top domain (04419547).

  • The All Objects report can now be filtered on criteria (04417895).

  • Performance improvements made to the view for application families (04356619).

  • Fixed an issue where non-inventoried VMs with Windows Server was not properly excluded in the license exclusions functionality (04421529).

  • When a NUP licenses are being assigned within the License assignment section, the displayed status “Is satisfied” is marked according the license compliance status as expected.

  • The issue where the most frequent user still was present in the API even if the user is removed is now resolved (04415418).

  • Any aliases belonging to an organization will now also be updated, when changing the organization connected to them (04415187).

  • We now allow any whitespace character for support and maintenance costs when editing a License (04413456).

  • Hitting enter when adding documents to a license or agreement in Snow License Manager will now save properly (04412746).

  • The alert Not inventoried computers now match the report, we had some differences in special corner cases (04356552).

  • The user experience behavior when adding (or editing) a product within the Oracle order page section is improved. The data that will be entered on one of the pages will be stored in case of navigation between order information and product’s tabs.

  • Improved the stock report “Used but not installed applications per user” (04356572).

  • Moved the data update job step “UpdateRsWebSnowboardOSPlatform” to a later stage, to avoid potential deadlocks during the job (04429561).

  • Generating the “Archived computers” report without setting any criteria will now limit the initial result set to data from a maximum of 20 computers. Setting a criteria or scheduling the report will disable the limit. A further performance improvement of the report is planned for an upcoming release (04431891).

  • In the Application details page, the numbers within the graphs for concurrent users and concurrent devices now align with the information box in the top left (04356571).


Release date: 2020-10-21

Distribution method: Snow Update Service and installation package

Download release notes for Snow License Manager 9.8.0 here


  • Manually archive agreements and licenses


  • OMO enhancements
    • Improved Oracle Middleware product installations life-cycle.
    • Improved validation during the Oracle order import process.
    • The edit (and delete) functionality on Oracle orders is being improved.
    • Improved Oracle product installations life-cycle
    • Recognition of Oracle Middleware WebLogic 11g installation and edition 
    • Recognition of Oracle Database 19c installation and edition 
    • Oracle Middleware components report is being created
  • SAM enhancements
    • The RefreshAlerts database stored procedure has been optimized and will populate the Snowboard Alerts widget faster.

    • The functionality previously referred as Black & Whitelisting has now been changed to more modern and inclusive definitions. The name for the functionality is now Allowlist & Denylist.

    • Snow License Manager now leverages the user data provided by Active Directory discovery to provide a more detailed view on cloud application users.

    • A new functionality to manually archive agreements and licenses have now been implemented. 

    • The Denylist functionality has been extended.

    • Application life-cycle management has been extended to provide a new functionality.

    • The settings for the Data Update Job schedule and notifications are preserved after a License Manager update (PRB0042526, 04356488).


  •  Hard-coded Adobe CC All Apps plan recognition within the Adobe CC SaaS functionality is now changed to a dynamic approach.

  • Help section links in Snow License Manager and Snow Management and Configuration Center have been redirected to the Snow Community (04419754).

  • Within the Oracle Databases/Instances/Servers/Orders section, the Right click -> Export to CSV/PDF/XLS/XML function is not producing an error page.

  • Extended the number of steps within the Microsoft 365 User Linking service to properly link an Office 365 user to a Snow License Manager User (PRB0043220).

  • Oracle DB management packs that are being removed from a database, will be removed from SLM with the next run of Snow Inventory Oracle Scanner, Data Update Job and Oracle Management Option Service (PRB0043197).

  • Oracle DB users that are being removed from a database, will be removed from SLM with the next run of Snow Inventory Oracle Scanner, Data Update Job and Oracle Management Option Service (PRB0043188).

  • Oracle Database EE Extreme Perf edition is now correctly recognized (PRB0043146). Note: Upgrade to SIS 6.5.0 is needed.

  • Application bundles are now correctly recognized when they include applications recognized using data coming from an external data source through Snow Integration Manager (04356630).

  • New or updated Software Recognition rules are now applied correctly to data coming from an external data source through Snow Integration Manager (PRB0042839, 04356528).

  • The stored procedure JobInventoryComputerSoftwareBundlesUpdate has been optimized to reduce execution time (PRB0042328).

  • SaaS- Corrected an issue that caused the SaaS overview page to crash after importing Generic SaaS data (04356627).

  • SaaS – Corrected an issue that caused the SaaS overview page to timeout (04417291).

  • Adobe CC – fixed an issue with user groups that caused the number of total users to be inaccurate (04356541). Note: For this issue to be resolved, SIM 5.25 is required.


Release date: 2020-10-01

Distribution method: Snow Update Service.

Download release notes for Snow License Manager 9.7.2 here


  • SLM access based on AD groups
    • It is now possible to generate SLM access based on groups from Active Directory. This feature has been implemented in Snow Management and Configuration Center. All the existing users and roles that have been created will remain as is until manually changed.
  • SAAS enhancements
    • “Microsoft Office 365 users who may be double licensed” has been enhanced to cover more application bundles.
    • Data Access Service’s repetitive RouteNotFound error has been fixed.
    • For improving performance of getting user activities information from SLM database the new non-clustered index was added to tblComputerApplicationUsers.
    • Fixed a defect in processing queued aggregations and ensured that they are processed in correct order by date.
  • SAM enhancements
    • Applications installed/used outside of the specific SLM user’s organization node will appear in the “Search for Applications” page at all.

    • Included a search filter in the manual downgrade path view.

    • Licensing of virtual processors for SQL Server 2008 R2 and earlier versions has been improved to be aligned with Microsoft’s guidelines.

    • Search for Applications will now include the summary total for Installations and Users.

    • The report “License tracking per computer” now includes the columns “DRS Enabled” and “High availability enabled”

    • The application meta data columns, Application URLPrivacy Policy URL and Terms & Conditions URL have been added in the search for application page and following reports: “All applications”, “Application compliance history”, “Applications per computer”, “Applications per computer and user report”.


  • We now consider active maintenance dates for upgrade rights in the Application Family view. (PRB0043212).

  • Editing a License with an invalid metric no longer shows an exception message, instead it will display a warning and a default metric will be selected instead (PRB0043214).

  • Delimiter configuration will now be considered during imports of organizations in Snow Management and Configuration Center (04356479).

  • The application store properties are now available in the Web Configurator import mappings table (PRB0043225).

  • It is now possible to print pages which contain more than 50 rows of data in tables, where the print selection button is available (PRB0043223).

  • The effects of the ANONYMOUS_USER_MANAGEMENT setting in SMACC has been extended (PRB0043228).

  • Clicking the “Add License” link, in the shortcuts Snowboard widget, as a user with limited permissions will correctly redirect to the “Access rights” page (PRB0043230).

  • Columns in reports are now aligned correctly when the horizontal bar is shown. (PRB0043229).

  • Computers with Operating Systems that are considered bundled will now properly be displayed in the Applications Details page under the Computers tab (04363873).

  • Generating the “Application per user” report without setting any criteria will now limit the initial result set to data from a maximum of 20 users. Setting a criterion or scheduling the report will disable the limit. A further performance improvement of the report is planned for an upcoming release (04363681).

  • It is now possible to use the feature “archive computer if not in the file” when importing (04364690).

  • An improvement of performance has been made following a previous fix on the Search for Computers page (04364284).

  • Bulk delete computers through edit computer page works again. (04411738).

  • The All computers report will now include computers that haven’t reported an operating system (04412749).

  • em> – Custom Compare Value names longer than 20 characters are no longer limiting the application search in the license page. (04364152).

  • It is now possible to import Agreements and Licenses when the Root organization name contains a space (04413161).

  • Extended support for handling special characters in lists, reports and exports. (04414364, 04414735, 04414731)

  • Duplication in the French translation caused issues when utilizing criteria in reports. (04414743).

  • Fixed an error causing the Dropbox SaaS connector to display wrong data in the username field. (04414861)

  • We now properly create new organizations where the root organization name contains a space character during imports (04415052).

  • Extended Support Ends value of Oracle Database Enterprise Edition 12.1 is updated so that it is aligned with official Oracle documentation (PRB0043238).

  • The hostname generated by the scanner will now match the one from the agent and will be correctly matched with an appropriate Oracle Middleware WebLogic server (04356614).

  • Oracle estate server virtualization data flow is enhanced to handle better different lifecycle change events over time (04364268).

  • The batch-sizes in the Office365 service settings has been default reduced to avoid that payload size gets exceeded during migration (PRB0043191)

  • For better ability to adjust data requests timeouts new timeout configuration settings are introduced in the appsettings.json that belong to the Office365 service. (04364769)

  • The “Bundle content”-page will now be shown for Operating system that are flagged as application bundles.

  • Overall Oracle UI is improved in several sections, including dashboard filter behavior, pop-ups visibility, and cross-platform / cross-browser compatibility including Internet Explorer on Windows and Safari on Mac OS (PRB0043215).  Known limitation: Export functionality of some Oracle UI data grids will be temporarily not available. Exporting of reports in Oracle and all other categories will continue to be available as usual.

  • Improved start-up stability of SLM web application pool to mitigate a rare issue related to the pool crash.


Release date: 2020-06-17

Distribution method: Snow Update Service.

Download release notes for Snow License Manager 9.7.0 here


  • Oracle enhancements
    • Oracle licensing engine is improved.
    • The filter in the Orders & Licenses section is improved.
    • The design of the Oracle agreements was updated
    • An additional column (IP Address) is available for the Oracle Server Worksheet 2.0 report
    • Improved core factor
    • Updated Oracle processor core factor value
    • Visual improvements within the Compliance summary page
  • SaaS enhancements
    • Additional Office 365 activity datasets within a report
    • A new cloud report named “SaaS Connectors – All users” has been added.
  • SAM enhancements
    • Enhanced overview of the license requirement calculation.

    • Application type structure improvements.

    • All lifecycle dates are now editable

    • Clear overview of host coverage

    • Report enhancements


  • When you delete a computer in License Manager the computer will also be removed in Snow Inventory. (PRB0042596).

  • The correct core factor value is being mapped for the SPARC T5 and SPARC M7 processors (PRB0043168).

  • Oracle estate items without basic hardware information and its Oracle product installations are now excluded from the Oracle compliance engine license requirements calculation and will get compliance status “Incomplete data”. Oracle compliance engine will successfully calculate requirements and status for other Oracle estate items and its Oracle product installations.

  • Added validation to the license import to now allow the combination auto to allocate Yes and assignment type other than Organization. (PRB0043186).

  • Known limitation: Some latest Intel Xeon processor types will be resolved as Oracle Core factor of 1.

  • Within the Orders and Licenses section, the “Oracle order number” field (that can be entered as part of a new order or edited as part of an existing order) now can contain characters like “/” and “-“.

  • Computer status in Snow License Manager (e.g. on the ‘Search for computers’ page) is now translated to the user’s selected language (PRB0043187).

  • Optimized steps update user and metering in Data Update Job (PRB0043193).

  • Error log entries are refined and now created only when critical product issue occurred. Other log entry types (Information, Verbose and Warning) are still being created to provide awareness about important events to customers.

  • Indexing has been improved in the UpdateComputerSoftwareInstalled step of the Data Update Job (PRB0043189).

  • Computers API in SLM now reflects the correct status without the need of an Update job run. (PRB0043200).

  • Subsequent Data Update Job runs will no longer cause duplicate servers to appear in the report “Cloud servers that are not inventoried” (PRB0043207).

  • Updated translations for the description of the reports “All Applications per Computer” and “All Applications per Computer and User” (PRB0043204).

  • PowerBI activity will now be available in the report “Microsoft Office 365 User activity and cost per Subscription Plan” (PRB0043219).


Release date: 2020-05-19

Distribution method: Snow Update Service.

Download release notes for Snow License Manager 9.6.3 here


  • Improvement for Office 365

    • The subscription plans chart can now be filterable by metric type.
    • An exception, caused by having multiple currencies, has been fixed.
    • The “Accumulated total cost” column in the “Microsoft Office 365 subscription plan cost” report is no longer showing the wrong value (a known issue in 9.6.2).
    • The column “Email” is now always visible in the grids that display data from the generic SaaS connectors in SLM. In addition to that, a column selector has also been implemented that holds additional columns gathered from the SaaS connectors.
    • The subscription plans list is now sorting by the total cost (desc).
  • Retire the Software Enterprise agreement functionality and its related service completely

  • Adding Google Compute Engine to tblCloudSource


  • Dependencies have been added to the Data Update Job so data centers won’t be built before all virtual machines have been updated.

  • The warning for obsolete computers will no longer be displayed during other types of imports (PRB0043153).

  • License assignment tracking will not allow users to click on OK multiple times to prevent the creation of duplicated licenses. (PRB0043090).

  • Office365 users that are linked to a removed user in SLM will be removed after the next aggregation for Office365. (PRB0043072).

  • We now count users for applications rather than users for computers in the License Compliance stock report (PRB0043097).

  • Improved alerts to match the report (PRB0043093).

  • The “Search for computers” page and “All computers” report in Snow License Manager will now handle the normalization of operating system names in a better way (PRB0043108).

  • Optimized Computer Hardware API which Snow Integration Manager utilizes to send data to ServiceNow (PRB0043101).

  • Improved handling of diacritic characters. (PRB0043120).

  • Machines without processor information are not filtered out from the allocated license list. (PRB0043132).

  • The Snow License Manager notifications service has been improved to better handle certain uncommon date/time formats (PRB0043136).

  • Improved handling of numeric values containing dividers, while editing maintenance and support data for licenses (PRB0043135).

  • Improved Snow License Manager API endpoint for computers to reflect all computer states. (PRB0043134).

  • The organization import setting ‘Use upper case for organization friendly name’ will now capitalize the first letter in the organization name. (PRB0043140).

  • The User/session state is now kept in the search functionality within SLM. (PRB0043142).

  • Certain localizations no longer generate an exception on the partner Startpage (PRB0043164).

  • We now properly handle the special alphabet during imports, such as Æ which SQL Server considers the same as AE when .NET does not (PRB0043176).

  • Added support for BiosSerialNumber in “search for mobile devices”. (PRB0043181).

  • Improved handling of API endpoints to enhance the performance of SIM requests towards ServiceNow. (PRB0043179).


Release date: 2020-04-22

Distribution method: Snow Update Service.

Download release notes for Snow License Manager 9.6.2 here


  • Office 365 Architecture refactor


  • Office365 Costs are not copied in the SPE Edition for all clients. (PRB0043096)

  • Office365 users that are linked to a removed user in SLM will be removed after the next aggregation for Office365. (PRB0043072).

  • Solved an issue with “The given key was not present in the dictionary”. (PRB0043079)

  • Solved an issue with missing tenant’s data after the eventstore migration. (PRB0043071)

  • Solved an issue relating to Office365/Nats service crashes. (PRB0043073)

  • Solved an issue with a sequence that contained no matching element in CostProjection. (PRB0043080)

  • Office 365 doesn’t throw Bad Request Error following an upgrade to SLM 9.5.01. (PRB0043081)

  • The number of users per subscription plan matches the Office365 portal. (PRB0043069)

  • Irrelevant users listed as “suggested users” in the user linking have been removed. (PRB0043061)

  • Fixed an issue with no users linked presented after starting with a fresh eventstore. (PRB0043055)

  • The NATS service has been improved to not time out during the event store migration. (PRB0043050)

  • Values displayed in the activity grid reflects the actual count in the page. (PRB0043039)


Release date: 2020-03-11

Distribution method: Snow Update Service.

Download release notes for Snow License Manager 9.6.1 here


  • Improvement for Office 365 • Added new columns (Country & Department) in: ‘Unlinked Users Report’ Note: in order to get this value into the reports, SIM 5.18 or later needs to be installed.

  • Improvement for AdobeCC • Users in the “Potential optimization for users with Adobe Creative Cloud All Apps licenses” are now linked to the user detail page.

  • Oracle Enterprise Edition Options: Real Application Clusters and Real Application Clusters One Node are now properly excluded from license requirements calculation on Standard Edition databases, but there are calculated license requirements on Enterprise Edition databases.

  • Oracle Management Option service optimization: Oracle Management Option background service is being additionally optimized in order to be able to successfully handle large data volumes of computer records when executing Oracle estate processing tasks without affecting SLM UI user interaction.


  • New SLM Maintenance service taking responsibility for “computers delete” and application concurrency cleanup. (PRB0042184).

  • For License Manager sites configured for SSO and Windows Authentication, a user password reset in Active Directory will no longer cause the user to not be able to log in (PRB0042465).

  • A new report is now available, which displays Hyper-V hosts inventory status from Integration Manager and Agents (PRB0042485).

  • A warning will now display when importing computers, for any unmatched computers in the import file (PRB0042579).

  • Navigating to a computer, license, agreement or users that belong to an organization identifier containing a space, will no longer cause a duplicate node key message to be displayed (PRB0042598).

  • License restrictions will now be properly considered both during the first Data Update Job runtime in a new platform and after updating the agreement license cap (PRB0042694, PRB0042569).

  • All Objects report no longer displays duplicate property values (PRB0042997)

  • In the Computer details page, when trying to export the information table, it will now work correctly for computers missing a Scan Identifier (PRB0043001).

  • Virtual Machines that are not inventoried are now listed correctly in the “Physical and virtual servers per datacenter” report (PRB0043012).

  • Computers missing Processor specific information will now successfully transfer to ServiceNow (PRB0043009).

  • Dates for license periods will now sort according to the ValidTo field by default (PRB0043005).

  • Duplicate prevention added on the Discovered assets that are not inventoried report (PRB0043006).

  • Improved handling of XML data in archived computers report. (PRB0043002).

  • Added handling for user anonymization in search of computers. (PRB0043026).

  • Summarizing the metering of commonly used applications no longer halt the update job (PRB0043041).

  • Virtual computers are now excluded from all applications report to prevent duplication of data. (PRB0043042).

  • The Most used application widget on the Snow License Manager snowboard will no longer timeout due to Arithmetic overflow (PRB0043040).

  • The ‘Computer status summary’ widget on the Snow License Manager Snowboard will no longer include some computers twice (PRB0043044).

  • Added handling for machines reporting with empty core count. (PRB0043034).

  • Correction made to the update job to handle the duplication of oracle management packs (PRB0043052).

  • The SLM partner start page will no longer return an exception when the update job run-time is not following the expected format due to database culture variations (PRB0043021).

  • Correction made to the update job to handle the duplication of computer applications (PRB0043060).

  • The API key will now be set when restarting the SnowLicenseManagerInventory service (PRB0043063).

  • Drilling into an Archived computer which has been archived in earlier releases, should no longer display a page not found message (PRB0043064).

  • License Type is now an allowed verb for license based custom fields. (PRB0043085).

  • Multiple end customers in an SPE platform can now create the same SRS manufacturer filters (PRB0043083).

  • Input in the description box for agreements will retain its format. (PRB0043084).

  • Web Applications will no longer be editable in SMACC and are now considered globally generated applications (PRB0043077).

  • The ‘Most installed computer operating systems (number of computers)’ widget on the Snowboard will no longer list some computers twice (PRB0043082).

  • VDI’s will not calculate an extra Virtual desktop access requirement for itself. (PRB0043086).

  • Compliance exclusions are now also considering the hosts in the datacenter. (PRB0043013).


Release date: 2020-02-12

Distribution method: Snow Update Service.

Download release notes for Snow License Manager 9.6.0 here


  • Diagnostic data for future product improvement.


  • Various improvements for Office 365.

  • Various improvements for AdobeCC

  • Improved performance of software recognition during Data Update Job

  • Performance improvement of Virtualization service

  • Oracle license auto-assignment update

  • Cost management support for multiple metrics

  • All reports – Horizontal scrollbar moved

  • Powered-off VMs excluded from compliance calculations if they have been turned off more than 90 days

  • Ability to report on software full version in SLM

  • Allow users to change default metric without deleting metrics

  • Covered by other metrics popup contains more granular information

  • Apply remarks on tabs based on the selected metric.


  • Navigating to the SaaS overview page in large environments will no longer time out (PRB0042496).

  • The report IBM compliance t is updated with the correct report criteria Metric (PRB0042836)

  • The Help section links in both Snow License Manager and Snow Management and Configuration Center have been updated to point to the latest version of each KB article (PRB0042592).

  • Machines without processor information are not filtered out from the allocate license list. (PRB0042819)

  • Report – small improvements. The application per computer and application per user and computer reports have been limited to twenty computers if no criteria are set on the Web. The limitation does not apply for scheduled reports. (PRB0042828).

  • The All virtual servers report now shows the correct number of virtual cores (PRB0042818).

  • LastExecutionTime in the Snow License Manager API has been updated to now display the most recent run time of the Data Update Job (PRB0042823).

  • The report criteria Has any value now correctly filters out empty strings (PRB0042677).

  • Special characters like for example “&” are now correctly displayed in the agreement name. (PRB0042689).

  • The All computers report and Search for computers page in Snow License Manager will no longer list a computer twice, when its operating system is recognized by a ‘bundle configuration’ (PRB0042850).

  • An operating system without a valid link in the GUI will not redirect the users to a 404 page. (PRB0042836).

  • Added validation on XML fields to prohibit invalid entries in the Computer hardware table. (PRB0042829).

  • This update will remove invalid notifications following a table update made in PRB0042471 (PRB0042915).

  • Added validation on XML fields to prohibit invalid entries in the Computer History table. (PRB0042947).

  • Users with organization restrictions can no longer see licenses from other organization nodes with the URL (PRB0042984).

  • The JobInventoryComputerHistory step during the Data Update Job will now properly parse quote (“) characters in hostnames (PRB0042993).

  • The shortcut to the Administration page on the snowboard will now work again (PRB0042998).

  • Diacritic characters are kept during import (PRB0043000).

  • Report License Compliance Summary does now work with the criteria No Overlicensing alerts and No Underlicensing alerts (PRB0043003).

  • Corrected an compliance crash error that was caused when licenses had been added towards the legacy Core Infrastructure Suite applications (PRB0043023)

  • Oracle Enterprise Edition Options: Real Application Clusters and Real Application Clusters One Node are now properly excluded from license requirements calculation so that the expected compliance status is generated based on other Oracle product installations and Oracle

  • ntitlements users are now able to assign. (PRB0043019). Note: Currently there is a known issue with the identification of a license requirement for Real Application Clusters and Real Application Clusters One Node on Enterprise Edition databases.

  • Oracle estate overview now shows processor information about IBM PowerVM LPAR virtual machines even if the virtual machine does not have a relation to its host based on the raw data provided by Snow Inventory Agent executed on the virtual machine itself.

  • When using the License Assignment functionality of Oracle Management Option, users were experiencing issues with data grid export, now users are able to export Oracle estate license assignment data.

  • Oracle Database Standard Edition version is now properly recognized as Oracle Database Standard Edition 2.


Release date: 2019-12-12

Distribution method: Snow Update Service.

Download release notes for Snow License Manager 9.5.1 here


  • Visualize product-centric Oracle License Compliance using dashboard

  • Automatic dynamic license assignment (phase 1)


  • Improvement of Oracle Management Option background services.

  • Office 365 Architecture Migration.

  • List all computers and List all applications page is removed.

  • Computers without antivirus software installed report.

  • New option to disable encryption of audit log data in Snow License Manager to support compatibility with SIEM software.

  • Snowboard full-width.

  • Include powered off VMs if they turned off less than 90 days.

  • Windows licenses covered by “site” license not excluded.

  • Small improvements in Reports.


  • The link address length has been increased when attaching a document to a license (PRB0042502).

  • When viewing a computer in Snow License Manager, the ‘Entitlement state’-popup (with links to purchases and agreement) now works for all covered applications instead of only one (PRB0042692).

  • It is now possible to add Oracle order costs with culture-specific separators (PRB0042624).

  • The compliance summary will now show all installations in the column Total installations even if the installations are accounted for in a bundle (PRB0042576).

  • Password complexity has been updated to match the criteria specified in the user guide (PRB0041649).

  • The compliance tab on applications is now visible again on Internet Explorer 11 (PRB0042560).

  • It is now possible to view saved reports with the name adobe or oracle in them (PRB0042422).

  • Applications with other platforms are now visible in the Available applications field when setting manual downgrade paths (PRB0042562).

  • Activity charts are added to Microsoft Power BI Pro (PRB0042593).

  • Activity charts are added to Microsoft Project Online Premium (PRB0042606).

  • Improved performance of the “Most installed operating system” widget (PRB0042318).

  • Inventoried computer per month widget is not duplicating computers from deleted organization nodes anymore (PRB0042389).

  • The validation of thousand separators for license cost has been rewritten to prevent a validation error during the re-saving of licenses (PRB0042693).

  • The multi-computer delete functionality, which was updated in version 9.4.1 of Snow License Manager, now also updates the action log properly (PRB0042899).

  • Improved the way the office 365 connector communicates with the SLM API endpoint (PRB0043014).

  • The numbers in the Subscription Plans view reflect those in the Users views (PRB0043022).


Release date: 2019-11-27

Snow License Manager version 9.5.0 has been discontinued.


Release date: 2019-10-15

Distribution method: Snow Update Service.

Download release notes for Snow License Manager 9.4.1 here


  • Ability to un-assign Oracle licenses

  • Added “Is multiple metrics” column in column selector on Search for applications page

  • Custom compare value type extended to 100 chars

  • Exclude Hyper-V only hosts by default

  • Provide an ability to include hyper-v only hosts into Windows Server license requirement manually


  • Data Update Job in a Service Provider installation no longer reports an error after a Customer has been removed (PRB0042521).

  • The Data Update Job has been optimized to reduce execution time when transferring Software rows (PRB0042568).

  • The Data Update Job step Refresh Alerts has been optimized (PRB0042572).

  • Empty, duplicated, or IP addresses are not shown in the computer list anymore. (PRB0042570)

  • Quarantine management will now correctly change a computers’ state from ‘Quarantined’ to ‘Inactive’ when the configured threshold is met(PRB0042541).

  • We have corrected the API to display the compliance trend tab correctly(PRB0042515)

  • When adding a maintenance date while editing a License, the “Today” button will now properly select the current date (PRB0042574)

  • Resolved an issue when a device is used to run remote applications on servers in different organizations (PRB0042463).

  • When Oracle Database 18c is inventoried as part of customer’s Oracle estate, some customers may be experiencing UI issues in the Oracle Database Product instances overview. This latest version properly shows all inventoried Oracle Database 18c instances. (PRB0042520).

  • Some Oracle background processing tasks that need more time for execution on some customer environments will now have the possibility to be reconfigured in order to complete successfully (PRB0042577).

  • Fixed gathering Web metering information (PRB0042086).

  • Resolved a conversion issue, due to specific regional settings, that prevented scheduled reports to be sent properly (PRB0042372).

  • Optimized the API request (PRB0042504)

  • When a user has a different region configured than English (US), adding a maintenance date to a license should no longer show a warning that the data is incorrectly formatted (PRB0042602).

  • A server that has Windows Server as the operating system and hosts virtual machines which have Windows Server installed now is excluded from Windows Server license requirement by default ( PRB0042398)

  • Added “Included in Windows Server license requirement” checkbox on Computer edit page General tab, which is visible only for hosts which have Windows Server OS. When checked, the host Windows Server installation will be counted in compliance Hyper-V only hosts are excluded by default. ( PRB0042398).

  • Fixed handling restricted user access when navigating from “Datacenters and clusters” page to a data center/cluster details page. ( PRB0041897)

  • Displaying “Extended coverage” in “Coverage reason” column in “License tracking per computer” report when computers are covered by extended coverage. ( PRB0041606)

  • Fixed an issue where a deactivated CustomerId could prevent the Data Update Job from finishing. (PRB0042609)

  • Improved handling of multi delete computers in Snow License Manager. Users will no longer have to wait for the transaction to complete in the graphical interface. (PRB0042254)


Release date: 2019-09-25

Snow License Manager version 9.4.0 has been discontinued.


Release date: 2019-09-03

Distribution method: Snow Update Service (Phased rollout).

Download release notes for Snow License Manager 9.3.3 here


  • Changes to License Tracking Per Computer Report to display more License Data.

  • Bios Serial Number for Mobiles.

  • Files Per Computer Report now shows all executables visible, regardless if recognized or not.

  • The ‘Compliance’ field name in ‘License Tracking Per Computer’ report has been changed to ‘Total Compliance’

  • Microsoft Core Infrastructure Server Suite license coverage

  • New permission for oracle compliance calculation and license assignment

  • Refactor loading data through lightweight read models and in-memory data filtering


  • Added migration script which resets Windows Server application default metric to be standard (by saying “standard” we mean Microsoft licensing rules). To see compliance in different metrics it is now possible to add it as an alternative to the application.

  • After changing a license from per installation to per computer it will no longer be allocated. (PRB0040651).

  • All web applications are now searchable on the ‘Add license’ page. (PRB0042493).

  • Computer application installations reported from an external data source via Snow Integration Manager are now correctly retained after processing data reported by the Snow Inventory agent for the same computer (PRB0042516).

  • Discovery data for customers with multiple data sources are now merged correctly (PRB0042487).

  • Fixed server error on “Search for applications” page which occurred in case of large (>500) amount of organization nodes. (PRB0042382).

  • When calculating the Windows Server license requirement we are now taking “Running” status of a virtual machine into account. (PRB0042391).

  • Resolved an issue where SAP imports would sometimes fail with an exception. (PRB0042497).

  • The “Reported Files” and “Scheduled Reports” links have been moved from context menu under “All reports” view to submenus under the “Reports” menu, making them more accessible to the user. (PRB0042508).

  • The AD user login is now checking the validation dates for the mentioned user updated in SMACC (PRB0042429).

  • The historical log that records the host running each virtual machine is now only updated in case of a change to the relationship between host and virtual machine. (PRB0042418).

  • When the user is configured to use another language than English the list under the Orders & Licenses tab, in the Oracle Overview page, will no longer show an error. (PRB0042495).

  • You can now link a Hyper-V Windows virtual machine to its host based on the data inventoried on the virtual machine itself (PRB0042336, PRB0042391).

  • The report “License purchase allocation” is splitting up the costs of licenses and their support/maintenance costs up to the different assigned organizations. (PRB0041449).


Release date: 2019-08-13

Distribution method: Snow Update Service (Canary).

Download release notes for Snow License Manager 9.3.2 here


  • The “Last Discovered Date” field is now properly saved even when software has been removed from a computer (PRB0042392, PRB0042459).

  • The Web Configurator tool is now able to extract hardware identifier on a Japanese operating system (PRB0042455).

  • Column headers should not be HTML encoded anymore (PRB0042357).

  • Correction made to where the EventStore did not create a new password if the password in the database was set to NULL (PRB0042406).

  • When editing a License, under the Maintenance & Support tab, the calendars for maintenance periods have been updated with yearly and monthly dropdown options (PRB0042323).

  • Stock report filtering for Red Hat is using criteria “Red Hat%” However, the customer might have Red Hat Installations called “Linux Red Hat” therefore, the report is NOT showing “All Computers with Red Hat Operating System” This has now been corrected (PRB0042449).

  • Fixed organization criteria in report “Devices per remote server” (PRB0042315).

  • Notifications for expired and expiring licenses now take maintenance periods into account (PRB0042285).

  • Missing translation when exporting instances on the oracle instances page (PRB0042421).

  • The License edit page does now allow the user to past information into the purchase price and quantity column (PRB0042314).

  • Removed redundant options from the notifications criteria (PRB0042471).

  • The import configuration file is incorrectly setting the import type for agreements to “agreement” should be “contract”. This has been fixed now (PRB0042474).

  • While removing an overridden bundle you will now be prompted to move any license assigned to the application (PRB0042475).

  • Improved logic of the groups-part of the software recognition step, in the data update job, lowering the overall execution time (PRB0042461).

  • Optimizations have been made to the Device Applications Bundles Update step in the Update Job (PRB0042486).

  • Possible to have Support and Maintenance cost between 0 and 1.

  • Windows Server reports show one row per host if host is covered by multiple licenses.

  • “Has Windows Server VMs” exclusion computer filter works as expected.

  • License assignment tooltip shows the correct information for the Windows server family.

  • Exclusion list can be exported into SLM supported formats.

  • Custom fields assigned to applications are now reassigned to new applications during SRS data transfer (PRB0042358).

  • The API will no longer show an exception page, when trying to list applications in scenarios where blacklisted applications criteria overlap (PRB0042409).

  • ‘Programs and Features’ now display the correct major version of SLM (PRB0042454).

  • InstalledDate column has been replaced with FirstDiscovered regarding its reliability issues. Customers need to check their existing custom reports and add FirstDiscovered date if necessary. (PRB0042477)


Release date: 2019-07-09

Distribution method: Snow Update Service.

Complete release notes for Snow License Manager 9.3.1 is found here


  • Remark added for virtual machines which are licensed by host: Virtual machines licensed by host now have the remark as ‘LH’ and its tooltip displays ‘Virtual machine is licensed by the host’.

  • Added new criterion in Compliance Exclusions: To simplify creation of the exclusion for “Hyper-V only” hosts added “Has Windows Server VMs” criterion in Computers automatic filter in Compliance Exclusions.FIX –


  • Corrected Windows Server license compliance calculation when the license is assigned to a datacentre (PRB0042396).

  • Corrected Windows Server license compliance calculation when there is a Microsoft Core Infrastructure Server Suite license assigned to a datacenter/host (PRB0042395).

  • Corrected compliance exclusion calculation when excluding a host from Windows Server license requirement.

  • Corrected a defect of Windows Server license requirement calculation related to application cost. Now the host which requires a Windows Server license has a requirement set even if Windows Server application costs are not entered.

  • Software Recognition rules are now verified against all software inventoried in the estate, instead of against the newly discovered software only, to prevent application installations from disappearing (PRB0042405).


Release date: 2019-06-27

Distribution method: Snow Update Service.

Complete release notes for Snow License Manager 9.3.0 is found here


  • Allow users to add additional metrics to an application:Customers of all sizes often license parts of their estate differently depending on what the purpose of the software is and what licensing model that is offered by the vendor is most cost effective. This is particularly important for products related to the datacenter, as these can typically be licensed in several different ways. Multiple licensing models on the same application have been made available by allowing the user to add more than one metric per application, allowing creation of licenses with those metrics and adding support in compliance to calculate coverage across such metrics.

  • Oracle order/order product custom field:Two additional custom fields categories: Oracle order and Oracle order product category are provided for oracle order management. This custom field categories can be used within manual creation of an Oracle order and Oracle order products, as well as while importing Oracle entitlements through uploading a document. Oracle order and Oracle order products details overview and edit functionalities are also extended to include newly added Oracle custom fields’ categories.

  • Product-centric Oracle Compliance calculation and Report:Oracle products compliance status is visualized as part of the stock report “Oracle Product Compliance”. This report should enable customers to identify whether each Oracle product inventoried as part of their Oracle estate is Compliant, Not Compliant, or Over Compliant.

  • Custom Fields in Exclusions: Added custom fields as available criteria of applications or computers dynamic filter in Compliance exclusion edit page.

  • Enable sorting in License assignment tab:Added ability to sort and search in License assignment tab for computer/datacenter assignment type while adding/editing a license.

  • Create a “placeholder” insight which is displayed when no other insights:Added information to the Adobe Creative Cloud page which tells the user if the best potential spend is achieved.

  • Make all buttons/links on Adobe CC page clickable with Enter key:Added keyboard support to the Adobe Creative Cloud Overview page.

  • Added new criterion in Compliance Exclusions:To simplify creation of the exclusion for “Hyper-V only” hosts, added “Has Windows Server VMs” criteria in Computers automatic filter in Compliance Exclusions

  • API bulk endpoint for SIM :An internal API endpoint is implemented to support future SIM functionality for ITSM.

  • Oracle recalculate Compliance:This version of Snow License Manager enables the users to manually start Oracle recalculate compliance by clicking the Oracle recalculate compliance button in the context menu. When clicking this button, compliance is being recalculated in the background only for the Oracle estate. The user is being notified in real time when the compliance recalculation starts, while it is active, as well as when it successfully finishes. Recalculation will update both Oracle estate item centric and Oracle product centric compliance state.

  • New 2.0 version of Oracle OSW stock reports:As addition to existing stock reports Oracle Server Worksheet (OSW) and Oracle Server Worksheet (OSW) for WebLogic Server, new extended Oracle Server Worksheet (OSW) 2.0 and Oracle Server Worksheet (OSW) for WebLogic Server 2.0 were additionally added. These 2.0 reports are enhanced based on latest version of official Oracle OSW data structure, as well as extended to include information about Oracle order licenses assigned to Oracle products by using latest License assignment functionality.

  • Datacenter information pane in License assignment functionality has additional information:When a user is assigning licenses to datacenter/cluster by using License assignment functionality, the lefthand side Datacenter Information pane is additionally extended with overview of datacenter/cluster hosts information relevant for the licensing requirements and assignment. With this overview, end user has higher level of datacenter/cluster and its hosts licensing relevant data visibility.


  • Added support for over assignment of licenses in Adobe Creative Cloud.

  • Added a new insight in Adobe Creative Cloud which is displayed when there are unidentified Adobe CC subscription plans.

  • When using License Assignment functionality, filter criteria applied to Oracle Database Options and Management Packs were improved to more closely align with official Oracle Licensing policy.

  • When using Oracle order import functionality, some customers may be experiencing issues with folder permissions used to temporarily store uploaded document containing Oracle entitlements, so that now folder permissions are automatically checked and applied if needed.


Release date: 2019-06-13

Distribution method: Snow Update Service.

Complete release notes for Snow License Manager 9.2.2 is found here


  • Filtering parameters in the following reports Applications per Computer, License compliance Summary per Organisation, Discovered Assets that are not inventoried, and License compliance summary have been fixed.

  • Totals in the License Compliance Summary report are now correct when the report is filtered. Totals now show the amounts related to filtering not the total of the unfiltered report.

  • Support for the new version of the SAM Automation Book, which will be included in the upcoming release of Snow Automation Platform has been included.

  • License requirement and compliance can now be calculated for Oracle estates with logical partitions (LPARs) without requiring association with IBM AIX hosts

  • Additional error-handling has been added to Snow Management and Configuration Center to prevent checksum errors when browsing application definitions.

  • Issues related to license capping preventing operating system data being replicated correctly during Data Update Job have been resolved so that the data is now transferred between the Snow Inventory and Snow License Manager databases.

  • Web-application metering rules are no longer duplicated by Data Update Job.

  • Computer hardware information report can now be exported to xls/xlsx formats.

  • Additional error-handling has been implemented to prompt users to resave a license when viewing a license for which the user (for licenses based on user) or computer (for licenses based on installation) has been deleted.

  • Language support has now been included in the creating and editing system users capability in Snow Management and Configuration Center. Snow License Manager interfaces currently support the following languages: Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Danish, Dutch, English (UK), English (US), French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Spanish, Swedish, and Russian.


Release date: 2019-05-16

Distribution method: Snow Update Service.

Complete release notes for Snow License Manager 9.2.1 is found here


  • The data relating to servers on the Computer types chart widget and the underlying data view of this widget has been made more granular. Data is now split into servers (representing physical servers) and virtual servers. This change has also been made to the Computers per type widget on the Computers Overview page.

  •  Out-of-memory errors no longer occur when exporting large datasets to Excel. When the maximum number of rows for a single Excel sheet have been filled with export data, Snow License Manager will continue writing data to a new sheet, and so on until all data rows have been successfully exported (PRB0042269).


  • When adding or editing roles in Snow Management and Configuration Center, it is no longer possible to select Access to the License Manager Web API and Access to the License Manager Web application, as these roles are designed to be used separately (PRB0042272).

  • It is no longer possible to delete a currency that is being used/active in Snow License Manager. To avoid accidental removal of active currencies, they are now grayed out/not selectable in Snow Management and Configuration Center (PRB0042277).

  • Server errors related to unsupported OS types no longer occur when trying to export the data underlying the Platform summary widget to an Excel file. The data now exports correctly to an Excel file (PRB0042271).

  • Support for custom field names starting with a digit has been enhanced so that the Search for computers function no longer raises an internal server error (PRB0042276).

  • On the Application details page in scenarios where no purchase price has been entered for the connected license, the value shown in the Risk row is now calculated based on Application cost per installation (PRB0042274).

  • Total and Quantity data is now correctly displayed in exported reports (PRB0042198).

  • It is now possible to paste content into custom fields of decimal number type (PRB0042279).

  • The Named computer column has been removed from List all licenses view because this field is no longer populated with data. This column is still available in other views and reports, but will be removed completely in future releases of Snow License Manager (PRB0042275).

  • For customers using the German language setting, email notifications are now correctly spelled as Nutzerlizenz (PRB0042280).

  • Copying an application in Snow Management and Configuration Center now correctly transfers all data, so that if the setting Include virtual versions of matching applications attribute is checked in the original application it will also now be checked in the copy (PRB0042281).

  • Editing a computer with virtual packages assigned to it, no longer causes Snow License Manager to raise The page could not be found! errors (PRB0042282).

  • In Snow License Manager 9.1, the Data Update Job mistakenly ignored the auto-connect rule step, causing computers and devices to be incorrectly attached to the root organization. This issue has been rectified so that Data Update Job carries out the auto-connect step and computers and devices are attached to the correct organizational unit (PRB0042263).

  • It is no longer possible to edit software-recognition rules created for globally generated applications in Snow Management and Configuration Center (PRB0042200).

  • The Web Configurator no longer requires a user to log on with sysadmin rights to update the connection password (PRB0042266).

  • If the View Usernames setting in Snow Management and Configuration Center is disabled, the primary user on a computer and their email address are now correctly anonymized in views and reports (PRB0042250).

  • The user activity charts for cloud applications Microsoft Project Online Professional and Skype for Business PSTN Conferencing are now displaying data (PRB0042211).

  • The Page could not be found! errors no longer arise when selecting application family for a license with no installations (PRB0042259).

  • Some language tweaks were implemented in snowboard alerts in the French version of Snow License Manager (PRB0042308).

  • Additional error-handling and logging have been implemented to manage the Sequence contains no matching element error caused by duplicate source data in the Office 365 service (PRB0042290).

  • Windows Server Assessment reports and remarks of license tracking tab in application detail page now display correctly (PRB0042329).

  • The Discovered assets that are not inventoried report now displays correctly with filters.

  • VMware virtual machines inventoried by the Snow Integration Manager VMware Connector and computers inventoried by Snow Inventory Agents now match.

  • Information about IBM AIX LPAR virtual machines now display correctly.

  • Additional error-handling has been implemented to manage scenarios where data related to inventoried hardware computers or end-of-support dates is missing. Accessing Oracle databases in such scenarios no longer causes the An error occurred on the page! error to arise (PRB0042255).

  • Improved deployment process related to Oracle Middleware products preconfigured metadata.

  • Improved infrastructure and data validation errors handling within Oracle Orders Import wizard.

  • Oracle products have been updated to align with the official Oracle catalog.

  • User interface issues related to using Oracle Management Option with Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 have been resolved.


Release date: 2019-04-24

Distribution method: Snow Update Service.

Complete release notes for Snow License Manager 9.2 is found here

Product dependencies


  • Advanced optimization for Adobe Creative Cloud

  •  Licensing based on cost for Windows Server

  •  True-up and order support for Windows Server

  • Automatic population of DRS and High availability for VMware vSphere

  • Cost optimization for Windows Server

  • Dynamic compliance exclusions

  •  New reports

    • Devices/Computers per user
    • Applications per computer and user 
    • Files per computer
  • Import Oracle licenses

  • Improved license assignment (Oracle).

  • Initial support for IBM hard-partitioned environments

  • Initial support for soft-partitioned environments

  • Oracle compliance calculation

  • Powerful search with filters and save

  • Additional status for Oracle Middleware

  • Batched data fetch: Snow License Manager now fetches data about Oracle Middleware from Snow Inventory Server in batches instead of collecting all the data for the customer site in one go. Customers with large sites should experience performance improvements.

  • Environment overview of discovered computers:This widget on the Oracle overview page now shows just the computers that have specifically been inventoried for Oracle instances. The graph no longer includes data about discovered and inventoried computers and instead provides useful insight by highlighting computers where an Oracle database might be deployed.

  • Recommendation and report removed: The Devices that can run Oracle software recommendation has been removed from Oracle Overview page as has the report with the same name.

  • Middleware data deletion: When a computer is deleted, any Oracle Middleware data related to that computer is now also deleted.


  • Oracle – When viewing a favorited Oracle database that has been deleted, the user will see an empty database screen with data fields populated with (n/a) indicating that the information about the database is no longer available.

  • Oracle – The Save and Cancel buttons now display correctly on the pop-up window when editing scheduled Oracle reports.

  • Oracle – Selecting an Oracle order listed under an Oracle agreement now navigates correctly to the Oracle order page.

  • Oracle – The counts for servers and databases shown in the Last 4 weeks column in the Oracle product view are now correct.

  • Oracle – To improve the user experience in terms of information displayed, the Server column has been removed from the data grid of the Databases tab.

  • Oracle – Size of the breadcrumb text has been corrected to align with the standard for Snow License Manager.

  • Advanced optimization for Adobe Creative Cloud requires Snow Integration Manager (SIM) 5.15 or higher and a correctly configured Adobe Creative Cloud connector to extract the necessary data points from the Adobe Portal.

  • Automatic population of DRS and High availability for VMware vSphere requires Snow Integration Manager version 5.14 or higher and a correctly configured VMware vSphere connector.

  • Oracle Management Option requires Snow Inventory Server 6.0.5 or higher.


Release date: 2019-03-28

Distribution method: Snow Update Service.

  • Complete release notes for Snow License Manager 9.1 is found here


  •  24/7 availability of the web user interface for all users. With this release, login restrictions have been removed, users will no longer be locked out, and they will no longer be presented with the data maintenance screen but with the log on screen.

  • The temporary access restriction, which upholds data integrity has not yet been applied to customer-created job steps (stored procedures). Consequently, data integrity of the Snow License Manager database cannot be guaranteed during the execution of customized steps.

  • The runtime of the Data Update Job now correctly records runs that exceed 24 hours. (PRB0042178).

  • Data normalization of IP addresses has been improved to manage multiple IP addresses reported for the same virtual machine. (PRB0042174).

  • Three bulk endpoints have been added to Snow License Manager to support the exposure of additional data for ITSM integrations with ServiceNow and BMC Remedyforce. The additional data includes: organization hierarchy, application type hierarchy, and application type assignments.


  • Corrections released in Snow License Manager versions 8.3.5–8.3.7 are now included in Snow License Manager 9.1.0.

  • Cyrillic is now supported in the naming of Snowboards (PRB0042136).

  • It is now possible to configure the location for SoftwareEnterpriseAgreementService by editing the config file for the service and adding an appropriate pathname (PRB0042135).

  • Additional error handling prevents the graphical interface overflow error from occurring in Snow Management and Configuration Center when trying to Preview a newly-created software recognition rule. In preference to error-prone manual processes, we recommend our automated Software Recognition Service as best practice for the creation of softwarerecognition rules (PRB0042137).

  • Extra error management to handle SAP-supported zero date formats (0000-00-00 and 0) has been added to the SAP import feature (PRB0042140).

  • The dashboard widgets Most installed computer operating systems (number of computers) and Most installed mobile operating systems (number of devices) are now labeled correctly in the Swedish language version (PRB0042169).

  • An issue introduced in Snow License Manager 8.3.5 relating to the disappearance of the listof whitelisted applications has been rectified so that the list persists following the DataUpdate Job run (PRB0042161).

  • Import of SAP data now updates the import reference ID correctly, ensuring that SAP datashows correctly (PRB0042141).

  • The forgotten password functionality has been made more robust to protect against bruteforce attacks. Following three failed attempts, users will be locked out for 15 minutes (PRB0042143).

  • An additional core factor definition has been added to support 2-core Celeron processors (PRB0042110).

  • It is possible for an application with metering based on installations can show usage data without an instance of the application installed. This scenario arises, for example, when users uninstall an application when they are finished using it, but their usage data remains in the history information. Snow License Manager refers to these scenarios as metering only. Metering-only is now supported for application groups and bundles (PRB0042162).

  • The Device Applications Group Update step in the Data Update Job has been optimized to limit usage of temporary disk space to help prevent performance issues that arise when disks reach their capacity limits (PRB0042165).

  • The edit view for applications no longer incorrectly lists mainframe applications as running on Windows (PRB0042167).

  • It is now possible to apply Agreements with Auto attach computers enabled to more than one organizational unit (PRB0042166).


Release date: 2019-02-05

Distribution method: Snow Update Service and setup package. Setup package for version 9.0.1 includes version 9.0.0

  • Complete release notes for Snow License Manager 9.0.1 is found here


  • Additional compatibility measures have been added to the Data Update Job to ensure that processing of data extracted from databases with different collations no longer cause: collation errors; the Data Update Job to stop; or any issues with the Inventory service


Release date: 2018-11-22

Distribution method: Snow Update Service

  • Complete release notes for Snow License Manager 9.0.0 is found here


  • Tracking of license model changes

  • Manual exclusion of computers from compliance calculation

  • Hypervisor technology and high availability for datacenters and clusters

  • Cost-assessment reports for Microsoft Windows Server

  • Incremental data maintenance

  • Direct access to user guides

  • Discovery for Google Cloud Compute Engine

  • Edit Oracle database data

  • License requirement for Oracle databases

  • Lifetime support details for Oracle databases

  • Oracle WebLogic Server discovery and inventory

  • Track changes in Oracle database estate

  • Automatic population of environment column in Oracle Server Worksheet

  • Comma-separated IP addresses

  • To improve readability, multiple IP addresses are now separated by a comma for the functions Search for computers and List all all computers.

  • Default setting for user-based licensing

  • Upholding security mechanisms

  • Additional user input sanitization and encoding routines have been introduced to uphold protection from cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.


  • Upgrade licenses can now be added with a different metric than the base license. The license metric of the base license remains unchanged (PRB0040512).

  • Custom Compare Value can now be selected as metric type for cloud applications (PRB0041889).

  • The Microsoft Office365 service can now handle duplicate data without raising a violation of primary key constraint error (PRB0041782).

  • Snow has replaced the capability to contact our Support through an e-mail form, with a direct link to through our Support portal Selecting SUPPORT under the Help menu now opens the portal in new browser tab (PRB0041932).

  • When searching for licenses, it is now possible to select Downgrade rights as a column, to show this information in the search results. The data is consistent with results gained by selecting List all licenses and in the All licenses report (PRB0041930).

  • Column headers reflect the language selected for the user interface when viewing saved reports (PRB0041073).

  • Deleted computers are now included in the data displayed in the Inventoried computers per month widget, and the numbers shown in the New Inventoried and Previously Inventoried counts are now correct. Fix applies for users with access to the root organization node (PRB0041830).

  • An application covered by a license with assignment type Site covers all installations of the application across the site. This concept now applies correctly for Site licenses imported to Snow License Manager – previously only one instance of the application was being covered (PRB0041862).

  • Archiving computers functions as expected for all language versions – previously this capability was only working for the English language version (PRB0041867).

  • Daily maintenance task no longer fails for autoconnect rules for devices in organization structure (PRB0041344).

  • All errors encountered during the daily maintenance task are now logged correctly for troubleshooting (PRB0041343).

  • Daily maintenance task no longer fails when null values are present in the database table for Oracle options. Tables in the Snow Inventory database and the target table in Snow License Manager can now accept null values (PRB0041452).

  • When a user is moved within an Organization (manually or by auto-connect rules), the value for Number of users of the application per month shown on the History tab remains unaffected and duplicate users will no longer appear in the Users per month graph (PRB0041442).

  • In the stored procedure JobInventoryComputersUpdate, the length of the ProcessorType column has been increased to prevent data truncation (PRB0041765).

  • To prevent the Event Store from growing indefinitely, a disk-saving maintenance process now starts in the background when the Event Store service starts (PRB0041339).

  • Aliases in the organizational structure are now deleted as expected when the structure is overwritten or imported (PRB0040233).

  • Computers will continue to be recognized as the same entity, even when the hostname changes (PRB0040172).

  • To reduce its runtime, the process to delete quarantined devices has been re-architectured (PRB0041339).

  • Additional input validation has been added to the Snow Management and Configuration Center to ensure that input strings are no longer truncated. As a result, the error related to unpaired quotes in processing of user exclusion lists during the daily maintenance task no longer arises (PRB0041425).

  • Selecting Oracle overview from the Enterprise menu no longer causes the browser to hang (PRB0041900).

  • On the Oracle overview page, the numbers shown for inventoried Oracle computers (green column of the graph) are now correct (PRB0041694).

  • Oracle data is now processed and presented correctly when data is gathered from multiple data sources using the same CID and Snow Inventory database, but with different sitenames (PRB0040852).

  • The length of the Name column for applications in the Snow License Manager database has been increased to match the source information in Snow Inventory, to prevent errors related to the update of Oracle information from occurring during the daily maintenance task (PRB0041802).

  • When a user creates a new Oracle order with Database enterprise management or Enterprise Edition Options selected as the product, runs the All Oracle order report, and then selects an order in the report, the order details open as expected (PRB0041913).

  • Case sensitivity for usernames in Oracle is now supported (PRB0041589).

Flexera does not own the third party trademarks, software, products, or tools (collectively, the "Third Party Products") referenced herein. Third Party Product updates, including user interface updates, may not be reflected in this content.