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Snow Inventory Agent for Windows 3


This version of the product is not supported anymore.

Here you can find the release notes for Snow Inventory Agent for Windows 3. You can find the old release notes on the Snow Globe.

You can find the release notes for Package Builder on Snow Atlas in the Snow Atlas section of this page.

3.7.06 latest

Release date: 2017-05-29


  • All App-V applications are now included in the scan result


Release date: 2016-06-07


  • Integration with Snow Inventory Oracle Scanner (SIOS) 2.3, including updated Oracle database inventory scripts.


  • Fixed an issue where not all App-V 5 packages were picked up during registry scanning (D6819)

  • Fixed an issue with the “NetAdapter” configuration setting not excluding all network adapter information from the generated inventory file (D6397)

  • Fixed an issue where the client incorrectly scanned network paths if shortcuts to the location existed on the start menu (D6160)

  • Fixed an issue where an informational message was logged as an error in the client log file (D5547)

  • Fixed an issue with the processor scanning that could in some environments freeze the scanner.exe (D5266)


Release date: 2016-03-14


  • Software rows are now added for all metered Windows processes if a related executable is found locally on the computer. This solves an issue where applications in Snow License Manager were considered not to be installed due to missing software rows (F6891)

  • An issue solved where specific executables were not picked up by software scanning. (D5893, D5785 & D1954)

  • EAn issue solved where device names were not picked up correctly in Citrix XenDesktop environments. (D5583)


Release date: 2015-10-23


  • Fixed issue where invalid XML characters were found in the generated inventory file (D3397, D3225, D1564)

  • Improved registry scanning for App-V 5 Applications (D4680)

  • Environmental variables and printers are now correctly picked up (D4147, D2461)

  • Improved functionality to recognize installation dates for applications (D3990)

  • Client only picks .sys2 files when adding SYS2 to ScanInclFileExtList (D3199)


Release date: 2014-12-18


  • Enhanced support for Microsoft App-V, version 5


  • In rare case scenarios the Scanner.exe terminated (1541, 2167, 3069, 3495, 3728)


Release date: 2014-11-18


  • Enhanced support for Oracle 12C


  • Client does not generate Software rows for Services (3595)

  • ExcludeFolder under [Metering] not working (3419)

  • Oracle scanning in Windows client – no data written to XML (3301)

  • Oracle Scanner – Incorrect sqlplus syntax in combination with Oracle Database version 9i (3507)


Release date: 2014-05-19


  • Setting: CollectSoftwareInfo=no,  software info still inventoried (D1305)

  • Setting: CollectHardwareInfo=no, hardware information still inventoried. Note that, it’s not possible to disable BIOS and network hardware scan, since this information is required to establish a unique client ID (D1461)

  • ERROR C:\Program Files\INVENTORYCLIENT\Scanner64.exe” /RUN’ (0). The operation completed successfully. (D2439)

  • Issue with scan schedule if scan overlaps 00:00 (day shift) when randomize is used (D1763)

  • The Windows Client (version 3.6.02) occasionally crashes on Windows Server 2003 R2 with error message: The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access. (D2822)

  • Processes started in a locked active user sessions are continuously logged as metering when client restarts (D3214)


Release date: 2014-02-03


  • New way to handle non-overlapping process intervals (3319)


  • Incorrect CPU information from specific Intel processor models (2402)

  • Issue with scheduling in the Inventory Client for Windows (2259)

  • Inventory files not deleted if “failover sending” is used (1352)


Release date: 2013-12-09


  • Client unable to get version information from Sage Accounts Production Advanced (1535)

  • Windows versions 6.3.xxxx identified as 6.2.9200 (1600)

  • Client does not return on arguments when running standalone on Windows XP (1622)

  • Driver makes Tivoli Storage Management throw errors since the file cannot be found (1822)

  • Error in log file upon scan causing the scanner to crash (1886)

  • Scanner runs endlessly with a very high CPU load (1958)


Release date: 2013-10-30


Release date: 2013-09-20


  • Extensive support for auto proxy config with HTTP fallback (F2804)


  • Fix a problem that application metering is not showing up as expected. Fix the metering issue from a client perspective, and delivers identical information from both metering and software (D1410)


Release date: 2013-03-20

  • Please read the Release Notes for details.


Release date: 2013-01-26


  • Incorrect property test for installed Oracle DP Packs

  • Link OCI Runtime

  • Handles in Inventory TS metering client no being released properly (1190)


Release date: 2012-11-20


  • Username and Full name in SnowDB do not match (977)

  • Scanner cannot load CPUID due to insufficient user privileges (947)

  • Uninstall via GPO locks up the system on boot up (921)

  • Client.exe crash after agent upgrade is deployed (804)


Release date: 2012-09-10


  • Bug in CPUIDSDK that caused Inventory processor scanning to crash (837)

  • Formatting bug in logging format (836)

  • Issue with logon history logging (824)

  • Issue with missing registry information, specifically Office 2010 Home and Business and Adobe Creative Suite 5 (819)


Release date: 2012-06-20


  • Printer and environment variables no longer get lost due to low login activity (782)

  • Support for Inventory Data Receiver (IDR) HTTPS traffic (779) (Only certificates issued by a trusted root CA are accepted by the client)

  • Support for disabling WinHTTP proxy configuration (778)

  • Fixed bug that caused the randomized scheduled to not work properly (735)

  • Fixed bug that caused two identical UIDs two be generated by two distinct virtual machines (640)


Release date: 2012-03-16


  • Logging size issues when using log level 4

  • Client gathers login history upon first start-up (595)

  • Operating system names missing one letter (596)

  • FullUserName missing Swedish characters in both Client and LoginUser element (636)


Release date: 2012-02-01


  • Support for scanning of App-V packages

  • Support for scanning Oracle databases

  • Reduced client size

  • Improved standardized MSI-packaging with re-install/upgrade support

  • Improved processor information extraction

  • Improved overall software stability


  • Client scan and update time randomize function is not randomizing (148)

  • Update client configuration corrupts client.ini (524)

  • Service stopped after client update (290)

  • Scan after installations doesn’t work on certain dates (291)

  • Installations on Windows 2003 fail (439)

  • Proxy setting do not apply to update (518)

  • Proxy handling for IDR not working (519)

  • Deny function not working in Windows 7 (146)

  • Scan Schedule ATLOADING – Not working properly (571)

  • RunCommand: No Security Token (150)

  • Weekly scan not working (169)

  • Inventory tries to upload to server every 30 seconds (238)

  • ScanSchedule=ATLOGON not working properly (264)

  • InventoryClient scanner.exe crash (277)

  • BiosSerialNumber in client table 50 chars (281)

  • Inventory scanner crash on all computers for one customer (289)

  • Improved full user name scan support


Release date: 2010-03-22


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