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Snow Integration Manager 5

Here you can find the release notes for Snow Integration Manager 5. You can find the old release notes on the Flexera Community.

5.56.0 latest

Release date: 2023-11-22

Please refer to the Compatibility matrix for supported versions of 3rd-party systems.


Discovery Connectors
Microsoft Azure discovery connector: Filtering powered-off devices

  • Added an option that allows users to filter out powered-off devices within the Microsoft Azure environment. (IDEAS-I-2299)

SaaS Connectors
Google Workspace connector: Connector name change

  • The Google G Suite connector has been renamed as Google Workspace to align with the updated product name from the vendor.


SAM Connectors

  • Microsoft Intune connector: The connector now correctly adheres to the specified proxy configuration, addressing the issue where it was previously being ignored. (04729606)

  • IBM PowerVM connector: The Hardware Management Console (HMC) server is now identified and reported as a virtual device.


Release date: 2023-10-11

Please refer to the Compatibility matrix for supported versions of 3rd-party systems.


Discovery connectors
Microsoft Azure connector: Added retry handling when testing connection before aggregation

  • Added retry handling to the connection test that is triggered when aggregating. This is to handle possible slow DNS lookups (04735398).

SaaS Connectors
Google GSuite connector - Reduced user priviliges

  • The required oauth-scope for users has been reduced to read-only.


ITSM Connectors

  • BMC Helix ITSM connector: Revised the retry configuration to enhance support for the recovery process.

  • BMC Helix ITSM connector: Improved the duplicate handling mechanism on the BMC Helix Server side, enabling the connector to update the most recent records.

  • ServiceNow CMDB connector: Synchronize the statistics of exported data with the overall aggregated count of VMware objects.

SAM Connectors

  • VMware Workspace One connector - Fixed issue where Smart groups filtering list could be populated several times if Filter on Smart groups radio button or Refresh button were clicked several times quickly (04732473).

  • Microsoft Hyper-V connector - Fixed issue where VMs were still listed in SLM attached to a host after it had been removed from it (04703869)

  • VMWare vSphere connector: After a recent refactor of the connector, Scan status report of the hosts has not been working correctly. This issue has now been resolved.

SaaS Connectors

  • Google GSuite connector - Added handling of null values in activity data when importing users (04691183).


Release date: 2023-09-19

Please refer to the Compatibility matrix for supported versions of 3rd-party systems.


SaaS Connectors

  • Microsoft 365 connector: Due to a NuGet package upgrade made in the SIM 5.54 version, the connector was unable to fetch the User activity. This functionality has now been restored. (04736087)


Release date: 2023-09-06

Please refer to the Compatibility matrix for supported versions of 3rd-party systems.


SaaS connectors
Zoom connector: Implemented OAuth authentication

  • Implemented the OAuth authentication for Zoom connectors due to the deprecation of the JWT authentication by Zoom on 08/09/2023.
    • To avoid the integration to stop working, all existing users must upgrade to the latest SIM version before the deprecation date.

Existing customers using Zoom

When moving to the new OAuth authentication, it is important that you keep your current Zoom connector instance. Creating a new connector instance can cause data duplication in Snow License Manager. To avoid this, you must reconfigure the existing connector instance.


Release date: 2023-08-30

Please refer to the Compatibility matrix for supported versions of 3rd-party systems.


Discovery Connectors
Amazon AWS connector: Improved logging and user experience

  • Improvements were made to the logging feature when querying regions. Also added a dry run before querying the region, to catch any potential issues related to access rights. (04702187)

Microsoft Azure connector: China region discovery

  • Azure connector support is added for China region discovery. (04679643)

SaaS Connectors connector: Fetching of users last activity data

  • The connector is now updated to pull last activity data for users from API endpoints. (04616086)


ITSM Connectors

  • BMC Remedyforce connector: The error message that interrupted the data aggregation process as An item with the same key has already been added has been mitigated (04697293).

  • All ITSM connectors: The data aggregation process will now wait for the Data Update Job to finish or for the configured timeout to expire before deciding to continue with the aggregation. (04705796)

  • ServiceNow CMDB connector: The connector now manages null objects by logging them and subsequently proceeds with the data aggregation process. (04718559)

SAM Connectors

  • VMware Workspace ONE connector: Fixed issue with the test connection and smart group filtering list loading, which caused the “Filter” tab configuration to reset “Smart group filtering” to “All devices”. This could for instance happen when updating Workspace One password in the connector. (04693795)

  • VMware vSphere connector: Added filtering for hosts created by plugins such as Mobility Platform, which lacks hostnames and cause aggregation to fail. (04624677)

  • BMC Discovery connector: The connector now fetches the data from additional API endpoints to correctly map the VM- host relationships. (04599294)

SaaS Connectors

  • SalesForce SalesCloud connector: Added additional functionality for handling null values when aggregating data from SalesForce SalesCloud APIs. (04699729).


Release date: 2023-07-13


SaaS Connectors

  • Adobe Creative Cloud connector: Improved the fix for an issue that reported the subscription name with the customer-specific subscription id, to also filter out plain text customer names. The issue had led to the missing recognition of the subscription in Snow License Manager. (04697267)

This fix requires Snow License Manager 9.30.0 to be installed to prevent historical Adobe Creative Cloud data loss. Please contact Snow Software support team before proceeding with the installation process of Snow Integration Manager 5.53.1.


Release date: 2023-06-28

Please refer to the Compatibility matrix for supported versions of 3rd-party systems.


ITSM Connectors
BMC Helix ITSM - Extend the support for proxy configuration in the connector

  • The BMC Helix ITSM connector now supports the use of proxy profiles configuration for external API connections.

SAM Connectors
MS Hyper-V connector: User-defined datacenter name functionality

  • The connector now has support for user-defined data center names. This setting can be enabled in the connector configuration.

SaaS Connectors
Dropbox connector: Added proxy support

  • The connector now supports the use of proxy profiles, configurable from the Proxy Profiles tab in Snow Integration Manager.


ITSM Enhancements: Q2 2023
Following enhancements were released as Part of Q2:

  1. BMC Helix ITSM - Extend the support for proxy configuration in the connector.
  2. - Introduce an option to upload a full data copy as part of the scheduled integration job

ITSM Connectors
ServiceNow Catalog and CMDB Connectors: Allow the user to ignore the 'Last aggregation date' configuration values

  • Introduced the Ignore Last Aggregation checkbox in the ServiceNow connector configurations. The checkbox allows users to collect a full data copy from Snow License Manager with each aggregation run, regardless of the previous date configurations.

SaaS Connectors
Microsoft 365 connector: Exclusion of disabled M365 users

  • Added filtering functionality in connector settings for excluding disabled M365 users when aggregating data. (04694679)


This covers all the maintenance activities for ITSM connectors which includes Documentation, Customer SITs and internal bug fixes.

ITSM Connectors

  • ServiceNow CMDB Connector: The data mapping for exported csv Mobile Devices is corrected by swapping the Manufacturer and Model data objects and mapping according to the official documentation. (04696890)

  • BMC Helix ITSM Connector: Corrected an issue to reflect the error statistic metrics within the Snow Integration Manager log file as the row data and not as additional column data.

SAM Connectors

  • VMWare vSphere connector: Fixed an issue by adding handling steps for empty properties which otherwise could crash the connector data aggregation. (04689506)

SaaS Connectors

  • Adobe Creative Cloud connector: Fixed an issue that reported the subscription name with the customer-specific subscription id. The issue had led to the missing recognition of the subscription in Snow License Manager. (04697267)

This fix requires Snow License Manager 9.30.0 to be installed to prevent historical Adobe Creative Cloud data loss. Please contact Snow Software support team before proceeding with the installation process of Snow Integration Manager 5.53.0.

  • Dropbox connector: The connector now dynamically retrieves a refresh token avoiding the need for manual editing to fetch a new token (04690506).


Release date: 2023-05-17

Please refer to the Compatibility matrix for supported versions of 3rd-party systems.


SaaS Connectors
GitLab Enterprise connector: Added proxy support

  • The connector now supports the use of proxy profiles, configurable from the Proxy Profiles tab in Snow Integration Manager.


SAM Connectors
MS Intune connector: Added proxy support

  • The connector now supports the use of proxy profiles, configurable from the Proxy Profiles tab in Snow Integration Manager.

SaaS Connectors
GitLab Enterprise connector: Added support for SaaS version of the product

  • The connector now supports connections to the SaaS version of GitLab, hosted on the address


This covers all the maintenance activities for ITSM connectors which includes Documentation, Customer SITs and internal bug fixes.

ITSM Connectors

  • BMC Helix ITSM connector: The users are not included in the data aggregation if the related user filter checkbox is not enabled.

SaaS Connectors

  • Cisco Webex connector: Fixed an issue where the aggregation would fail due to the users having “Partial Site Admin” role. (04617210)


Release date: 2023-04-05

Please refer to the Compatibility matrix for supported versions of 3rd-party systems.


SAM Connectors
VMware WorkSpace ONE connector: Improved handling of non-mobile devices

  • We have improved the handling of non-mobile devices in VMware WorkSpace ONE, including the following:
    • Improved host name extraction logic, differentiating on computers and mobile devices

    • Filtering possibilities to be able to exclude mobiles, tablets, computers or printers


ITSM Connectors

  • ServiceNow CMDB connector: Only application data changed since the last aggregation date is considered when running the data aggregation process.

  • ServiceNow CMDB Connector: The hardware components and computer application filters are linked to the selected computer types (Non-Server and Server).

SAM Connectors

  • VMware vSphere connector: Fixed an issue where data aggregation would fail due to attributes with null values. (04628370)

  • IBM PowerVM connector: Fixed an issue where data aggregation would fail due to attributes with null values. (04624622)


Release date: 2023-03-15

Please refer to the Compatibility matrix for supported versions of 3rd-party systems.


SaaS Connectors
Aha! for Product connector: Added proxy support

  • The connector now supports the use of proxy profiles, configurable from the Proxy Profiles tab in Snow Integration Manager.

SalesForce Sales Cloud connector: Added proxy support

  • The connector now supports the use of proxy profiles, configurable from the Proxy Profiles tab in Snow Integration Manager.

Zoom connector: Added proxy support

  • The connector now supports the use of proxy profiles, configurable from the Proxy Profiles tab in Snow Integration Manager. (IDEAS-I-2007)


Discovery Connectors
Amazon AWS connector: Enhanced user experience

  • The following enhancements are made to the Amazon AWS connector for a better user experience: (04618631)
    • Added additional DescribeRegions call to identify disabled regions.

    • Updated AWS SDK to the latest version.

    • Improved logs for diagnostics.


ITSM Connectors

  • ServiceNow CMDB Connector: The computer CPU core count field in ServiceNow is now populated with the expected total number of cores per processor.

ServiceNow Catalog Connector: The Hardware name attribute is populated with the hardware model name instead of a particular computer/mobile name (04628922).

SAM Connectors

  • Snow XML connector: It is now possible to add escaped & character (&) inside the application->name element. (04624565)

  • VMware vSphere connector: Fixed a potentially wrong parsing of power states in virtual machines. (04624023)

SaaS Connectors

  • Microsoft 365 Connector: Fixed an issue where the connector fails to collect user activity reports. (04625877)

  • Wrike Connector: Fixed an issue where the aggregation would fail due to attributes with null values. (04622749)


Release date: 2023-02-22

Please refer to the Compatibility matrix for supported versions of 3rd-party systems.


ITSM Connectors

  • BMC Helix ITSM connector: All the filters from the ‘SLM Filters’ tab are enabled when a new BMC Helix ITSM connector is created.

  • BMC Remedyforce connector: All the filters from the ‘SLM Filters’ tab are enabled when a new BMC Remedyforce connector is created.

  • BMC Helix Remedyforce connector: Remove the ‘Sandbox’ checkbox from the connector user interface.

  • ServiceNow Connectors: The ServiceNow Catalog connector aggregation will not end up creating empty logs anymore.

  • The ServiceNow Test Connection displays the version of Snow Catalog and Snow CMDB Integration services.

  • ServiceNow Connectors: The hardcoded call to ServiceNow was replaced by a dynamic configuration.

  • ServiceNow connectors: Basic filters from the ‘SLM Filters’ tab are enabled when a new ServiceNow CMDB connector is created.

  • BMC Helix ITSM connector: The filters that depend on computers are not available once the computer option is not selected.

  • BMC Helix ITSM connector: the batch size configuration is preserved when upgrading the SIM version.

  • BMC Helix ITSM Connector: The system does not allow creating duplicates for user relations on the 3rd party platform.


Release date: 2023-02-01

Please refer to the Compatibility matrix for supported versions of 3rd-party systems.


Snow Integration Manager upgraded to .NET framework 4.8

  • Snow Integration Manager is upgraded from .NET framework 4.7.2 to .NET framework 4.8 (LTS version).

ITSM Connectors
BMC Helix ITSM Connector: Choose between transferring the most frequent computer or latest computer users

  • You can now choose between which Computer users need to be considered for the data aggregation process. The available options include the Most recent or Most frequent users.

BMC Helix ITSM Connector: Implementation of the parallel execution concept within the data aggregation process

  • The data aggregation performance is significantly improved for the BMC helix ITSM connector that supports parallel upload operations.

Below given are the recommended configuration when there are more than 1000 computer devices:

  • Parallel Operations: 4
  • Internal Batch size: 200
  • Export Batch size: 500
  • Export Dependency Batch size: 500

BMC Remedyforce Connector: Implementation of the parallel execution concept within the data aggregation process

  • The data aggregation performance is significantly improved for the BMC Remedyforce connector that supports parallel upload operations.

Below given are the recommended configuration when there are more than 1000 computer devices:

  • Parallel Operations: 6
  • Internal Batch size: 200
  • Export Batch size: 500
  • Export Dependency Batch size: 500

BMC Remedyforce Connector: Enhance the connector logging process

  • The BMC Remedyforce connector creates statistics as a result of the data aggregation process. These statistics show the number of objects and the related timing metrics.

ITSM Connectors: Column additions for data aggregation statisitcs

  • The BMC Helix ITSM and BMC Remedyforce connectors end the aggregation process by generating a statistics report within the Snow Integration Manager log file.

The additions to the existing report contains the following information:

  • The number of batches and requests.
  • The time of each request and batch.

ServiceNow Connectors: Enhance the Connector configuration interface

  • This enhancement allows you to set up the Timeout configuration for both Snow License Manager and ServiceNow test connection procedures.
  • You can now see the configured last aggregation date for each computer component that was involved in the data aggregation process.
  • The new interface uses Snow integration Manager Proxy Profiles. The proxy profile enables you to reuse a Proxy without configuring it for every connector.

ServiceNow Connectors: Implementation of the parallel execution concept within the data aggregation process

  • The data aggregation performance is significantly improved for the ServiceNow Catalog and ServiceNow CMDB connectors that support parallel upload operations.

Below given are the recommended configuration when there are more than 1000 computer devices:

  • Parallel Operations: 3
  • Internal Batch size: 1000
  • Export Batch size: 10000

ServiceNow Connectors: The connector generates log statistics at the end of each successful data aggregation process

  • The system generates log statistics at the end of each successful data aggregation process. The statistics include object quantity details and timing metrics for importing and exporting the data.

SAM Connectors
Microsoft Intune connector: Filtering of personal devices

  • Added filter for excluding personal devices. (04619951)



  • Scheduled aggregation now follows the next scheduled runtime for a connector after a Snow Integration Manager service restart. (04606984)

ITSM Connectors

  • ServiceNow CMDB connector: The connector treats the computer devices as prior components for the data aggregation process. (04616979)

  • BMC Helix ITSM connector: The data aggregation process identifies the records that do not pass the server validation rules and overcomes them. (04591289)


The log file is used to troubleshoot the eliminated records. It captures all the data entries and logs them as warning messages.

  • ServiceNow CMDB connector: The system updates the LastAggregationDate for all objects that are subjected to the data aggregation process.

  • BMC Helix ITSM connector: The Computer Systems do not duplicate even when the total number of uploaded devices exceeds 50,000.

  • ServiceNow CMDB connector: The boolean values transferred during the data aggregation process are written in lowercase. (04618383)

  • BMC Remedyforce connector: The data aggregation process works as expected and is uninterrupted by the type map reading module (04612667).

SAM Connectors

  • BMC Discovery connector: Fixed an issue where lengthy filter criteria cause an error.

  • Snow XML connector: It is now possible to add escaped & character (&) inside the application->manufacturer element.

  • VMware vSphere connector: Fixed an issue that causes wrongly reported cluster settings for DRS and HA. (04616217)

SaaS connectors

  • Box connector: Fixed an issue where the aggregation fails or appears to run indefinitely on bigger customer environments.


Release date: 2022-11-30

Complete release notes is found here


  • AWS connector: Added additional login regions.

  • BMC Helix ITSM Connector: Expand BMC Helix ITSM connector timeout settings.

  • BMC Remedyforce Connector: Enhance the BMC Remedyforce connector logging process.

  • Oracle VM connector: Added proxy support.

  • SaaS Connector: Implemented Snow License Manager UI common component.


  • BMC Discovery connector: Fixed an issue where the filter preview did not include all of the computers matching the filter condition.(04611055)

  • BMC Discovery connector: Fixed an issue where the connector would fail to open the connector configuration form when creating a new connector instance.

  • Microsoft SCCM connector: Fixed an issue where, in special cases, multiple operating system tags were added to the generated inventory file.


Release date: 2022-11-09

Complete release notes is found here


  • BMC Helix ITSM connector: Expanded timeout parameter – This connector’s Timeout parameter has been expanded, resulting in improved stability of the data aggregation flow.

  • BMC Helix Remedyforce connector: Expanded timeout settings – You can now refine your BMC Helix Remedyforce connector settings by providing additional timeout details for the SLM connection and choosing to ignore the last aggregation date when reading data from SLM Server.

  • BMC Discovery connector: Number of logical processors visibility – In the Snow Inventory file, the Processor attribute NumberOfLogicalProcessors is now included. This allows you to see in Snow License Manager the number of logical processors on a device, so as to get a more complete overview from a license compliance and resource management perspective.

  • VMware Workspace ONE connector: Avoiding duplications – Added an option to use the device serial number as host name to avoid duplication when a device is re-enrolled. (04600924)


  • BMC Discovery connector: The connector no longer experiences early time out under some conditions when testing the connection to Helix environments. (04567023)

  • Microsoft Hyper-V connector: Fixed date time conversion errors when BIOS release date or OS Install date not retrieved from server. (04599582)

  • VMware Workspace ONE connector: Usernames are now correctly exported to Snow Inventory Server. (04594940)


Release date: 2022-10-19

Complete release notes is found here


  • BMC Helix Remedyforce connector: Logging for exporter – Considering the possible existing problems at the data integrity level, the BMC Helix Remedyforce Connector will log invalid records within the log file.

  • Freshworks Freshservice connector: Compatibility with new API version – This connector is now compatible with API version 2.

  • Workplace connector: Increased reliability of data deserialization – Added data type checks to avoid deserialization errors of data retrieved from Workplace APIs.

  • Zoho CRM Connector: Compatibility with new API version – This connector is now compatible with API version 2.1.


  • In the Proxy Profiles configuration, the https scheme is not allowed. If a user attempts to save a proxy profile configuration with https, a validation error dialog is now displayed. (04593160)

  • Microsoft 365 connector: Added the possibility to save incomplete connector configuration. (04593160)

  • VMware Workspace ONE connector: Added a null check to prevent aggregation from failing when data is missing. (04591263)

  • VMware vSphere connector: Fixed an issue where the aggregation would fail due to attributes with null values. (04605335)


Release date: 2022-09-28

Complete release notes is found here


  • Discovery Connectors: The Discovery Connectors now gather device/resource IDs from the APIs, if available. (04463302, 04461218)

  • Adobe CC connector: The connector now uses the standardized common SLM UI component. This introduces a new button—Advanced settings—where it is possible to change the connection settings Time out, Retries, and Retries delay. This setting is used when the connector is aggregating.

  • HubSpot connector: HubSpot is moving away from API keys with universal access to private app access tokens that offer more granular read/write access to different endpoints. This connector only supports access tokens from this point.


  • Fixed an issue where SIM would aggregate a connector using a weekly schedule directly after the schedule is saved instead of the assigned time. (04573006)

  • Microsoft Intune Connector: After aggregation, the last updated computer date from Intune is correctly set as the last aggregation date (instead of the date and exact time).

  • Microsoft SCCM Connector: After aggregation, the last updated computer date from SCCM is correctly set as the last aggregation date (instead of the date and exact time).


Release date: 2022-09-07

Complete release notes is found here


  • SLM Data Exporter connector: The connector is moved to the ITSM section in SIM for better categorization and user visibility.

  • BMC Helix Remedyforce connector: The last aggregation date is set based on the latest computer/mobile devices scan date.

  • BMC Helix Remedyforce connector: Connector was adjusted in order to collect Mobile Devices data from: /api/customers/{{customerId}}/mobiledevices/

  • BMC Helix ITSM connector: The BMC_Product and BMC_OperatingSystem classes are expanded with Category, Type, and Item attributes

  • BMC Helix ITSM connector: The LastScanDate attribute from BMC_Person class is populated with the user’s last login information

  • BMC Helix ITSM connector: A new filter option was added to the BMC Helix ITSM connector filter tab to include or ignore Operating Systems in the data aggregation process

  • BMC Helix ITSM connector: Connector was adjusted in order to collect Mobile Devices data from: api/customers/{{customerId}}/mobiledevices/

  • BMC Helix ITSM connector: Renaming of the connector Renamed the BMC Helix Remedy connector into BMC Helix ITSM name to reflect the BMC Helix new official brand name.

  • ServiceNow connector: Connector was adjusted in order to collect Mobile Devices data from: /api/customers/{{customerId}}/mobiledevices/

  • ServiceNow connector: The ‘prefetch Snow Licence Manager’ option is removed from the ITSM ServiceNow connector’s user interfaces.

  • ServiceNow connector: The option of creating a new ‘ITSM ServiceNow CMDB/Catalog 3.3x’ version connector is excluded from the ITSM Connectors list.

  • ServiceNow connector: The already created ‘ITSM ServiceNow CMDB/Catalog 3.3x’ version connectors work as before.

  • Workplace SaaS connector: Added data type checks to avoid deserialization errors of data retrieved from Workplace API.

  • BMC Discovery connector: The connector now collects software manufacturer and version information from additional API fields leading to improved data completeness and better software recognition in SLM

  • VMware vSphere connector: The vSphere connector now collects all licenses from the vCenter. The license key for the vCenter instance is now included in the inventory information for the instance and all licenses are included in the extended vCenter information (vsphere.json) sent in the snowpack. (IDEAS-I-1645)

  • Microsoft Intune connector: Added the option to exclude installed applications from the data we collect. This option is disabled by default. (IDEAS-I-1752)

  • Microsoft Hyper-V connector: Due to reported problems connecting to servers in a NAT’ed network inside a data center, and since Microsoft documentation confirming the default DCOM protocol having issues with large-scale environments, Windows Remote Management is offered as an alternative connection protocol for Standalone Hyper-V servers. See User Guide for different configuration requirements. (IDEAS-I-1813) (IDEAS-I-1836)

  • Microsoft Azure Discovery connector: Added an option to filter out virtual machines based on hostnames and/or IP addresses


  • The connector is now logging off from its RESTAPI session to avoid ‘many’ disconnected sessions and then the need to reboot the HMC to clear them. (04581793)

  • The Microsoft SCCM connector will now log the correct number of processed devices from SCCM database. (04579378)

  • The Client Manufacturer and Model properties, in Inventory files processed by the Snow XML connector, can now contain a comma. (04567942)

  • Nutanix Connector no longer fails when a VM has no host reference. The VM will either be ignored or assigned to the primary host for visibility. (04561035)

  • Added mapping for node bios serial number. (04560780)

  • The vSphere connector now retrieves all virtual machines in one api call, preventing duplication or loss of data due to migrations during data aggregation by the connector. (04551266)

  • The connector now collects the correct number of users from Asana API endpoints. (04567555)

  • The connector now collects the users from all Workspaces. (04565536)

  • Added retry logic for handling the API call limits and errors.

  • The system handles ServiceNow CMDB data aggregation even if the last login value received from the SLM user’s objects contains null values.

  • BMC Remedyforce connector performs the data aggregation without compatibility issues related to the assembly process of common modules.

  • The BMC Helix Remedyforce can aggregate data without clearing the ‘Last Aggregation Date’ due to a fix that adjusted the DateTime attribute to an acceptable data type format.


Release date: 2022-06-15

Complete release notes is found here


  • The Mark as deleted feature is enabled by using the ITSM connector filters.


  • Connector name is added as a new column ConnectorName to every CSV file for ServiceNow Catalog and CMDB. ConnectorName is taken from Snow Integration Manager Properties. Users can use it for their own mappings.

  • Improved aggregation runtime and memory usage by adding filtering to the data collecting logic and by sending the data to SLM in batches.

  • The SaaS connector now supports the v2 API. (04550309)

  • Added IsServer field to OperatingSystem that will help in better device categorization in Snow Inventory Server and Snow License Manager.

  • In addition to the ram BMC Discovery API tag, the connector now also gathers memory information from the logical_ram API tag as a fallback option.

  • In cases where computers from BigFix don’t have a hostname property, server name field is used as a hostname in Inventory files. The server name field includes either manufacturer/serial number for physical machines, or manufacturer/hostname for virtual machines. We have added an option in connector settings to remove manufacturer from server name when used as hostname in BigFix. (04563940)

  • You can now exclude computers, all mobile devices, or devices flagged as phones or tablets.


  • The browse button for “discovery file folder” now populates the correct text box in Snow Inventory File Forwarder connector settings. (04564795)


Release date: 2022-05-11

Complete release notes is found [here](http://URL of t


  • Updated Help tab link to release notes.

  • New link to documentation in Help tab.

  • BMC Helix Remedyforce connector: Improved maintenance.

  • Aha! connector: Visibility of non-paid subscriptions.

  • Microsoft Intune connector: BIOS Serial Number now retrieved.

  • HCL BigFix connector: New device filtering option.


  • Active connector list order is now saved between closing and reopening SIM. (04541921)

  • Regarding the logging of a next-scheduled aggregation, SIM now correctly prints the log entry when a schedule is disabled.

  • Last scan date time stamps sent to BMC Helix Remedy will always be ISO standard DateTimeFormat. (04556160)

  • The Snow for ServiceNow CMDB Integration connector now uses the correct TotalDiskSpace value from Snow License Manager. (04542006).

  • For the Microsoft 365 connector, the Connectors Using This Profile list (Proxy Profiles tab) is now always up to date. (04539983)


Release date: 2022-04-12

Complete release notes is found here


  • Support for ProtectedData registry encryption


Release date: 2022-03-23

Complete release notes is found here


  • VMware vSphere connector: The vSphere connector now supports user defined datacenter names for standalone ESXi hosts.


  • Fixed issue where aggregation would not start due to an error caused by Aggregation history file being empty.

  • The certificate validation settings are now successfully added and saved under the Certificate validation window when a new instance of a connector is added.

  • The connector now pulls the ID, Model, and IsHypervisorPlugin attributes again for the VMware vCenter Server appliance, as expected.


Release date: 2022-03-09

Complete release notes is found here


  • Forwarding of discovery snowpack data to remote Snow Inventory server.

  • VMware vSphere connector: Oracle verified mode output.


  • Proxy support added for SaaS Generic connector: The connector now supports use of proxy profiles, configurable from the Proxy profiles tab in SIM.

  • BMC Helix Remedyforce connector code enhancements: This connector has been completely refactored to improve memory management and code maintenance.

  • SalesForce Sales Cloud connector error-logging improvements: Improved error logging in the SalesForce Sales Cloud connector when testing the connection fails.


  • The last activity date for HubSpot users is now correctly retrieved and reported to Snow License Manager. (04534618)

  • Fixed an issue with domain filtering where unselected domains were incorrectly included in the aggregation in specific cases. (04531836)

  • The connector will now retrieve multiple IP addresses per network adapter. (04535297)

  • It is now mandatory to define a connection name for generating snowpack files; if the Connection name field is left empty, it will not save. (04538489)

  • A fix has been made for an issue where the connector previously ignored the site name defined in the connector configuration.

  • Fixed an issue where some data in the snowpack was missing for the vCenter server when it is hosted by an ESXi host which is not registered under the same vCenter server.


Release date: 2022-02-09

Complete release notes is found here


  • Enable/disable certificate validation: In the SIM user interface, you can now enable/disable certificate validation per connection instance.

  • Connector configuration window: In-app link to online help: A new help button—indicated by ? in the window title bar—has been added to every connector configuration window, launching the respective online connector user guide on the Snow Docs site.


  • Microsoft Intune connector: Delegated authentication (authentication with a signed-in user) has been replaced with application authentication. This means that signing in with the Azure user in SIM is not required anymore.

  • MobileIron connector: Aggregation of users’ Active Directory domain has been added to the connector. The domain is extracted from the user’s DN (Distinguished Name) among the ldap properties from MobileIron (IDEAS-I-814).

  • VMware vSphere connector: The VMware vSphere connector now has improved performance based on an API call optimization initiative.

  • Google Cloud Discovery connector: The connector now supports use of proxy profiles, configurable from the Proxy profiles tab in SIM.


  • Optimized aggregation runtime for the Microsoft Intune connector by utilizing Microsoft Graph batch API to group HTTP requests (04524458).

  • The inventory data produced for the vCenter appliance now includes CPU, memory, and disk information, if available (04532470).


Release date: 2021-12-08

Complete release notes is found here


  • Connection to multiple Adobe Creative Cloud portals. You can now configure the Adobe Creative Cloud connector to connect to multiple Adobe CC portals (IDEAS-I-896).

  • SIM installer connector names updated for consistency. Connector names in the SIM installer now match the correct product names in the SIM user interface.

  • Additional validation for proxy profiles. When you create a proxy profile, Snow Integration Manager now validates all required fields before you can save the profile.


  • The Microsoft 365 connector now supports connecting to Microsoft Cloud for US Government, the mission-critical cloud for US federal, state, local, and tribal governments and their partners (04488455).

  • The HCL BigFix Inventory connector can now flag the appropriate software items as Processor Value Unit (PVU) sub-capacity or full-capacity based on data retrieved from both the BigFix Inventory and IBM License Metric Tool (ILMT) REST API endpoints (04497414).


Release date: 2021-11-17

Complete release notes is found here


  • Citrix Hypervisor connector: The former Citrix XenServer connector is now called Citrix Hypervisor due to a name change by the vendor.

  • VMware vSphere connector: The connector now supports use of proxy profiles, configurable from the Proxy profiles tab in Snow Integration Manager.

  • BMC Discovery connector: Increased the processing speed for large sets of data.

  • Microsoft Azure connector: The connector now supports use of proxy profiles, configurable from the Proxy profiles tab in Snow Integration Manager (IDEAS-I-1725) .

  • Microsoft Intune connector: Added a feature to flag devices as mobile devices or tablets based on a user-defined set of rules (IDEAS-I-1630).

  • CloudSphere iQSonar connector:

    • The former iQuate iQSonar connector is now called CloudSphere iQSonar due to a name change by the vendor.

    • The connector configuration now requires a link to the API root address instead of the server address. An option to manually select the API version to use for collecting the data is also added to the connector.


  • Microsoft Intune connector – Added an option to the connector to specify the desired value for a device user’s username. It is now possible to select one of the three values: Display name, User principal name, Logon name (04424684).

  • VMware vSphere connector – Fixed an issue for cluster-free environments, where the aggregation would previously fail and not continue (04523991).


Release date: 2021-10-27

Complete release notes is found here


  • New datacenter connector for Oracle VM: Expand and refine your datacenter visibility. Once you have set up the new Oracle VM datacenter connector (see Oracle VM Connector for details), you will be able to see in Snow License Manager the hierarchy between:
    • Server pools

    • Oracle VM servers

    • Virtual machines


  • Wrike SaaS connector updated for improved security and scalability.

  • BMC Helix Remedyforce ITSM connector: Improved source transparency.

  • BMC Discovery connector: Performance gains for large dataset imports.


  • HP Universal Discovery (UD) connector – Proper software recognition from the HP UD connector is now attained through the removal of the invalid “UninstallString” values during the creation of Inventory files (04510831).


Release date: 2021-10-06

Complete release notes is found here


  • Amazon AWS Discovery connector:
    • Increased robustness in region authentication—During the connector configuration process, customers now select the appropriate AWS data center region for logging in.
    • Improved security—Customers can now indicate a proxy server to connect to AWS.
  • Greater flexibility for VMO connectors
    • When configuring any Snow Virtual Management Option connector, customers can now enter the global site name, in additional to the usual local site name.
  • SIM Core UI
    • Added new window with progress bar when a manual aggregation is triggered from the SIM UI. The window also shows information about the aggregation progress. It is also possible to cancel the ongoing aggregation from this window.


  • Amazon AWS Discovery connector: Issues regarding regional restriction and new regions are fixed with the introduction of region login enhancement, as detailed above (04484936), (04475334).


Release date: 2021-09-15

Complete release notes is found here


  • Microsoft Intune connector – Adjusted the authorization flow in the connector to: – require the user to grant consent when getting the token during configuration – allow authorization in an external browser (04495633).

  • VMWare vSphere connector – Legacy DCC naming for data centers has been fixed (04492831).  Note: Using the legacy DCC naming option is not recommended.

  • IBM ILMT connector – Added an option to collect software metric (IsPvu) for software instances on virtual machines (04492271).

  • ServiceNow Discovery connector – Corrected an issue where the connector would not finish processing all devices if any device had an empty name (04488651).

  • BMC Discovery connector – Corrected an issue that caused logical disks info to be retrieved incorrectly (04482802).

  • Microsoft SCCM connector – Corrected an issue where metering data would not be retrieved (04497326).


Release date: 2021-08-25

Complete release notes is foundhere


  • BMC Remedy ITSM Connector “delta” function: Enjoy greater control and accuracy in subsequent CMDB data uploads.


  • BMC Helix Remedy connector: The process of calculating the delta dataset also handles duplication if any (04414388)

  • BMC Helix Remedy connector: Timeout values larger than 60 seconds were misinterpreted by the api logic. The connector now interprets numbers larger than 60 correctly (04485394)

  • Aha! connector: Aha! connector now collects only users with a valid paid subscription (04489825)


Release date: 2021-06-22

Complete release notes is found here


  • Core: The SIM Help tab’s Documentation links now to point to Snow’s online documentation portal

  • ServiceNow CMDB connector: The items formerly imported into vCenter Instance are now imported into vCenter Datacenter.

  • SIM 5.32 data changes in vCenter ESX Server relationships ”Old vCenter Instance relationships” and ”New vCenter Datacenter relationships”.


  • Core: Fixed an issue where a connector would not rejoin the global schedule after a user disabled a connector-specific schedule.

  • Redat Enterprise Virtualization connector: The number of cores now represents the total number of cores per device instead of the incorrect value of the number of cores per processor

  • Microsoft SCCM connector: uttons in the SCCM connector form are now aligned with proper spacing (04484971)


Release date: 2021-06-14

Complete release notes is found here


  • BMC Discovery connector: The default timeout of 3 minutes has been increased to 10 minutes. (04481543)

  • Citrix XenServer connector: Removed restrictions regarding IP address. The configuration now also accepts hostname_._ (04475166)

  • VMWare vSphere connector: The connector now populates both FullVersion and Version attributes. (04479681)

  • VMWare vSphere connector: Reintroduced the possibility to force datacenter naming to use cluster name, datacenter name or a user defined datacenter name. Affected customers may need to review their configuration. (04472130)

  • Fixed an issue where non clustered ESXi hosts would get reported as belonging to a datacenter without a name. Having empty both cluster name and datacenter name causes Data Update Job to fail. The connector now populates all relevant attributes (04491509).

  • ServiceNow Discovery connector: Changed the data collection logic to try again if an api call fails on first attempt. (04470976)

  • Microsoft Azure discovery connector: Added support for US Government Cloud. (04458624)


Release date: 2021-05-05

Complete release notes for Snow Integration Manager 5.29 is found here


  • New datacenter connector for Nutanix Acropolis.


  • Enhancement
    • Core
      • Enabled preservation of the log backups’ file extension.
      • Changed increment direction of log files
  • Enhancement
    • HCL Bigfix connector
      • Added checkboxes for more granular control of collected data from BigFix Inventory.
  • Enhancement
    • Microsoft 365 connector: All of the PowerShell cmdlets previously used for fetching M365 data have been removed for the connector. The data is now fetched exclusively through Microsoft Graph API.


  • Amazon AWS Discovery connector**:** Updated AWS SDK libraries to enable use of new regions. (04469347)

  • Microsoft 365 connector: Better security protocol handling – the connector can now automatically use the strongest available security protocol. For more details, see the enhancements notes above. (04356601)

  • VMWare vSphere connector: The tag ”ScanStatusReport” is added at the end of a successful data collection from each host. (04475459)

  • Zendesk connector: Improved handling of empty results from Zendesk to avoid that SIM aggregation fails. (04471460)

  • Microsoft SCCM connector: Added an option to choose how pre-recognized software is treated. (04469935)


Release date: 2021-03-17

Complete release notes for Snow Integration Manager 5.28 is found here


  • Enhancement of Core functionality

  • Enhancement of Microsoft Office 365 connector

  • Enhancement of Microsoft SCCM connector

  • Enhancement of BMC Remedyforce connector

  • Enhancement of SalesCloud connector


  • Fixed an issue where the Microsoft 365 connector would fail when trying to use proxies in certain environments (04465991)

  • Added a button to reset a stale data source cache (04445535)

  • Fixed an issue where an expired access token would cause aggregation to fail after one hour (04455225)

  • Fixed a timeout issue that could make the aggregation fail in large environments


Release date: 2021-02-17

Complete release notes for Snow Integration Manager 5.27 is found here

The following connectors or compatibilities have been discontinued in Snow Integration Manager 5.27:


  • Added a button “Aggregation history” that shows the last 10 aggregations with statuses started, canceled, failed, or completed of the selected connector.


  • Fixed an issue where BMC Discovery Connector would not output OracleDbOptions (4453730)

  • Fixed issue where a CSV file for the IBM LMT connector would not be processed if it had the same name as a processed file. Processed files now have a timestamp in the file name (4422002)

  • Added an option to set the maximum batch size used when uploading data to RemedyForce (04461386)

  • IBM LMT connector: IBM License Metric Tool versions 7.x and direct database import (DB2) are no longer supported.

  • HP DDMI 7.x-9.x connector: HP DDMI (version 7x to 9x) is no longer supported and the connector has been removed. All customers still using this must switch to use the new connector for HP Universal Discovery Inventory (HP UD).


Release date: 2021-01-27

Complete release notes for Snow Integration Manager 5.26 is found here


  • New datacenter connector for IBM PowerVM Server technology


  • Added a button for the user to create a file containing diagnostic information that can be used for debug purposes.

  • Microsoft Azure Discovery connector: Added filtering of instances based on a wildcard filter and instance provisioning time.


  • SaaS WebEx connector

    • Fixed an issue where the WebEx aggregation would fail if the user id was too long (04453731)
    • Fixed an issue in the WebEx SaaS connector that would stop the export when it received bad email addresses for a user (04453655)
  • Amazon AWS Discovery connector – Corrected a typo in the log output (04457229)

  • Microsoft Azure Discovery connector – Fixed an issue where the gathering of Virtual Machines from Azure Resource Manager would fail if no status was provided (04450422)

  • VMWare vSphere connector

    • Added version checking for unsupported versions prior to aggregation to avoid errors due to unsupported features in vSphere (04449524)
    • The reporting of OS from the vCenter is now corrected to report the actual OS and the vCenter appliance as software (04447593)
  • Snow Discovery data from file connector – Fixed an issue where global site name was required even when a local site name was set in the connector configuration (04426917)

  • Microsoft SCCM connector – Docked laptops is now considerd a portable device (04413986)

  • Adobe Creative Cloud connector – Fixed an issue where a successful aggregation did not send the data to SLM due to SLM URL not having /api in the connector configuration. The connector now works with or without /api in SLM URL (04356632)


Release date: 2020-11-11

Complete release notes for Snow Integration Manager 5.25 is found here


  • Enhancement of BMC Remedy connector

  • Enhancement of Amazon AWS connector (IDEAS-I-809)

  • Enhancement of VMWare vSphere connector

  • Enhancement of iQuate iQSonar connector


  • Log files are now automatically deleted based on the value set in the new field “Delete files older than:” set by the user under the Logging tab. The default start value is 30 days. The deletion of log files happens on: “Apply” button click, manual aggregation and scheduled aggregation (04356513).

  • Fixed an issue where fetching of SLM data would not be retried on connection timeout.

  • ServiceNow CMDB and Catalog connector – Fixed an issue with large numbers when fetching data from the SLM API (04446485).

  • VMWare vSphere connector – Fixed an issue in the filtering logic for powered off hosts. Some users experienced errors from powered off or unavailable hosts when the filter was not active.

  • iQuate iQSonar connector – Fixed the issue where the iQuate connector outputs multiple OperatingSystem entries to the inventory file (04356538).

  • Amazone AWS connector – Upgraded to the latest version of the AmazonEC2 SDK, which should help with TLS errors (04420486).


Release date: 2020-10-21

Complete release notes for Snow Integration Manager 5.24.1 is found here


  • Core – Remote Inventory server url validation (04434375).

  • Salesforce Sales Cloud SaaS connector – Added support for SSO providers that do not provide refresh tokens (04430381).

  • Aha! SaaS connector – (04429057).

  • Adobe Creative Cloud connector – The connector is now correctly assigning users to subscriptions when group assignment is used (04356544).

  • Microsoft Azure Discovery connector – Fixed an issue where filter mode might not be saved.

  • VMWare vSphere connector

  • Re-added model attribute that was removed in an earlier release (04425566).

  • Improved handling of missing host data, preventing errors during aggregation and allowing the file output to continue (04412210, 04415006).


Release date: 2020-09-30

Complete release notes for Snow Integration Manager 5.24 is found here


  • Proxy profiles: In the new Proxy profiles tab our customers have the possibility to configure several proxy profiles that they can use with their configured connectors. This gives our customer the ability to use different proxy settings for different connections. Like in the Adobe Creative Cloud connector our customers can use one proxy for Snow License Manager and another for Adobe Creative Cloud connection. In this version we have added support for proxy profile to two connectors : Microsoft Office 365 and Adobe Creative Cloud.


  • Microsoft Azure Discovery connector: Added an Advanced Options dialog with settings for filtering on subscriptions and/or resource groups

  • Microsoft Office 365 connector: Added support for proxy profiles. In the connector configuration window, a dropdown is added,to both Snow License Manager and Office 365 connection, where the user can choose proxy profile to be used

  • Adobe Creative Cloud connector: Added support for proxy profiles. In the connector configuration window, a dropdown is added, to both Snow License Manager and Adobe CC connection, where the user can choose proxy profile to be used

  • HCL BigFix Inventory connector: Added Data center info for host devices


  • SaaS GitHub connector – Fixed issue where user activity data was not accurate. Activity is now based on the last event generated by the user (04416830).


Release date: 2020-09-09

Complete release notes for Snow Integration Manager 5.23 is found here


  • Core
    • Updated SIM user guide and System requirements links on the Help tab.
    • According to development best practices in .NET, all security protocol references are removed from the code. Security protocol negotiation is now handled by the operating system completely.
  • BMC Remedy
    • The connection timeout and the number of instances to upload per batch can now be configured.
    • The SOAP security model has been updated (a requirement for BMC Remedy 19.11 and newer).
  • HCL BigFix Inventory (formerly known as IBM BigFix Inventory)
    • The connector is renamed to HCL BigFix Inventory.

    • Added V2 API endpoints for fetching of computers and software instances.

    • Detailed OS data is being collected.

    • Detailed SMBIOS data is being collected.

    • Discovered UNIX packages data is being collected.

    • Discovered Windows executable files data is being collected.

    • Added batch size textbox to control the number of items fetched by the API calls.


  • Microsoft Intune connector – Added page size textbox and retry logic for HTTP calls to handle GatewayTimeout HTTP errors returned by the Microsoft Graph API (04416804).

  • SaaS connector – The height of the connector configuration window can now be adjusted by dragging the edges. A scrollbar for the height has been added that will appear if the window height is reduced (04416134).

  • Gsuite SaaS connector – Fixed “Bad Request” HTTP errors that kept the aggregation from executing (04415308).

  • BMC Remedyforce connector – Fixed issues with login flow towards BMC Remedyforce. Removed our IE6 container window that would be used to log in with OAuth, instead, we are now allowing customers to use their modern and updated browser (PRB0043169).

  • BMC Remedy connector – Improved handling of IP Addresses (04412819).

  • Adobe Creative Cloud connector – Implemented retry logic for HTTP calls to avoid API rate-limiting (04384345).

  • Salesforce Sales Cloud SaaS connector – Changed the behavior so that it checks for new token each run instead of assuming the token is up to date (04412144).

  • Microsoft Azure connector – Changed what happens when the connector gets a bad response. Instead of crashing it tries again, and if it still gets bad data or bad response, it will move on to the next resource (PRB0043178).

  • Microsoft Azure connector – The connector log messages are improved to avoid the impression that it fails to get data from some Azure deployments (04419442).


Release date: 2020-06-23

Complete release notes for Snow Integration Manager 5.22 is found here


  • VMWare vSphere connector:The connector is now detecting virtual machines that are hot migrating to prevent duplicates.

  • Microsoft Office 365: The connector now gathers additional user activity data. New data consists of last activity dates for OneDrive, SharePoint, Yammer, and Teams.Also, the connector now uses the SLM API address from the connector configuration instead of addresses returned by the first SLM data import call. This enables the connector to run on servers with internal routing, where the actual SLM instance address is not publicly accessible, for example on servers with BIG-IP solution.


  • Microsoft office 365 connector – Fixed issue where the aggregation stopped unexpectedly in some environments because of a Null reference exception (PRB0043239)

  • ServiceNow CMDB/Catalog connectors – Improved handling of SLM URL in the ServiceNow connectors (PRB0043210)

  • BMC Discovery connector – The connector now uses the newest “lastScanDate” from the computer field as LastAggregationDate, and set it when the aggregation is successfully done. Computers that are scanned while the aggregation is running will now be included in the next aggregation as intended (PRB0043170)

  • SaaS Dropbox connector – Optimized the number of calls to Dropbox API and implemented a retry handler to avoid getting HTTP error 429 (TooManyRequest) returned by Dropbox API for big customer environments (PRB0043222)


Release date: 2020-05-26

Complete release notes for Snow Integration Manager 5.21 is found here


  • Microsoft SCCM connector: Added support for SQL Server 2019. The connector now also utilizes SCCM’s built-in software recognition for reporting pre recognized (vendor recognized) software.

  • Microsoft Office 365 connector: In the process of modernizing the connector, we are now using the Graph API instead of PowerShell cmdlets to fetch users, organization, and subscription SKU info. We have also added the option to filter on domain names. This gives the user more control of the data gathered by the connector.

  • BMC Helix Remedyforce connector: Changed connector name from BMC Remedyforce to BMC Helix Remedyforce to reflect the product name change.

  • IBM Bigfix connector: We have now enriched the data gathered from this connector with the new inventory schema element ScanStatusReport. ScanStatusReport contains two properties, ElementName (which contains the name of the inventory element) and Result (which describes scan status, Success, Failure, PartialFailure, or NotPerformed).

  • Core :

    • Added missing vendor names to Amando Software Miss Marple, Snow Discovery date from a file, and Snow Inventory File Forwarder.
    • Snow Inventory 3.x is and has been EOL for some time and we have therefore removed all support for this.
    • The following connectors have been removed due to product EOL:
      • BMC ADDM,

      • IBM TAD4D,

      • LANDesk,

      • VMWare Airwatch


  • Microsoft Intune connector – Fixed issue where default page size in Microsoft Graph API (1000) was not taken into account resulting in a part of data not being gathered.

  • Core GUI – Fixed issue where a ”non” connector was added when double-clicking on connector grouping names SAM and ITSM (PRB0043138).

  • SaaS Generic connector – A fixed specific issue where the customer was not saved when setting up a SaaS Generic connector (PRB0043152)


Release date: 2020-04-29

Complete release notes for Snow Integration Manager 5.20 is found here


  • Core

    • It is no longer possible to run a connector without the required “core” configuration like the site name.
    • Added full vendor names to connector names. 
    • Updated connectors for Snow for ServiceNow 4.0, supporting ServiceNow Orlando and New York versions out of the box.
  • ​ ENHANCEMENT-ServiceNow CMDB/Catalog


  • Google Cloud Discovery – The project dropdown list is now populated with all available Google Cloud projects (PRB0042888)

  • VMWare vSphere connector – We no longer gather a Vcenter device that does not exist when gathering data from a standalone ESXi host (PRB0043145)

  • VMWare vSphere connector – When checking “Exclude VM templates” checkbox templates are now correctly excluded from the data gathered (PRB0043110)

  • ServiceNow Catalog/CMDB connectors – Fixed issue where custom fields containing a comma stopped the import of any further custom fields into ServiceNow (PRB0043100)

  • ServiceNow Catalog/CMDB connectors – Fixed issue where Chinese characters in the operating system name get corrupted when being transferred to ServiceNow (PRB0042707)

  • VMWare Workspace ONE connector – Fixed issue where some tablet and Ipads were being classified as phones (PRB0042506)


Release date: 2020-02-04

Complete release notes for Snow Integration Manager 5.19 is found here


  • GUI/Core

    • The connectors are now grouped into categories instead of alphabetical only.
    • Log setting is now retained on upgrade to a newer version.
    • The installer now checks to see if Snow Integration Manager is already installed and, if so, use the old path rather than needing the customers to re-enter a non-default path for installation.
    • Link to Compatibility Matrix document under SIM Help tab is added (and Technical description link is removed)
    • The log is now separated into two files, one for GUI and one for the service.
  • Microsoft Office 365 connector: The connector is now only using one session for PowerShell cmdlets.

  • Microsoft SCCM: If the data coming from SCCM is incomplete, a rejected-client folder was previously created in the Snow Integration Manager installation path. This behavior is now changed and the errors are now logged in the default log.

  • Microsoft SCCM 2007: The connector is removed from Snow Integration Manager. Microsoft SCCM 2007 had the end of life in 2019. Newer versions are supported by the “Microsoft SCCM” connector.


  • SLM Data Exporter – Fixed an issue where the export files were not consistent from one aggregation to another and handled error messages that occurred with every aggregation. (PRB0043016)


Release date: 2019-11-27

Complete release notes for Snow Integration Manager 5.18 is found here


  • SaaS generic connector – The SaaS – Generic connector is a generic connector, that enables the integration of data (users, subscriptions and assignments) from third-party SaaS systems into the Snow License Manager (SLM), utilizing the Snow Integration Manager (SIM).


  • Office 365 connector – The connector is now collecting two new fields, Country and Department information on Office 365 users. Note: To view this information Snow License Manager 9.6.0 is required


  • VMWare vSphere connector – Added better null handling on IP-address fetching from the virtual machine. (PRB0043024)

  • Microsoft SCCM connector – Fixed issue where the connector did not collect Logical disk type. (PRB0042832)

  • ServiceNow connectors – Fixed issue with how the connector interprets the data format on DUJ status. (PRB0043011)


Release date: 2019-10-16

Complete release notes for Snow Integration Manager 5.17 is found here


  • BMC Remedyforce connector

    • Introduced Delta aggregation with the use of the last scan date on devices reducing the amount of data for each aggregation.
    • Added collection of mobile applications.
    • Added bios serial number to computer system objects in addition to the existing relationship to a bios object.
    • Mobile devices are now correctly added as phones and tablets instead of computer systems.
    • Added SLM status field to mobile devices.
    • Removed mapping to field Description. ShortDescription is only mapped when there is relevant information in SLM that does not have an equivalent in Remedyforce.
    • Map model to computers and mobile devices.
    • Added logging of Apex processing time to the SIM log.
    • Increased performance on big data sets.
  • BMC remedy connector- Added more filter options includingcomputer system types: Laptop, Desktop, and Server. Also added filter option Include applications and include users with a relationship of type most frequent user.

  • Microsoft Hyper-V, Citrix XenServer, Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization connector

  • iQuate connector- Added fetching of software type “Derived Software” and “Operating System”.

  • Citrix XenServer connector- Added import server list functionality to ease the configuration process.

  • Snow Integration Manager (GUI)-Introduced the help tab in GUI adding about information and links to resources and documentation.

  • ServiceNow Discovery connector- Added filtering tab with the option to exclude devices based on ServiceNow system class.

  • Miss Marple connector

    • Made performance optimizations that reduce memory consumption, especially in large environments.

    • Added an option to backdate metering data to cover periods between SIM aggregations.

    • Resolved an infrequent issue with Operating System names.


  • VMware vSphere connector – Improved nullcheck of Cluster, Datacenter and VirtualMachine objects, preventing errors under certain scenarios (PRB0042518).

  • VMware vSphere connector- Fixed issue with collecting virtual machine IP-addresses (PRB0042394).

  • Dropbox connector – Fixed issue when the connector fails to aggregate (PRB0042408).

  • ServiceNow Discovery connector – Now creating inventory files when a customer uses the ServiceNow SAM module (PRB0042580).

  • Google Cloud Discovery connector– Fixed issue where the connector fails to aggregate. Some Google Cloud VMs have addresses unresolvable into AccessConfigs, resulting in null-arrays (PRB0042527).


Release date: 2019-08-08

Complete release notes for Snow Integration Manager 5.16.2 is found here

All corrections relate to Snow for ServiceNow connectors (Catalog and CMDB):


  • Software models are no longer uploaded to company CI but to the appropriate CI in the CMDB.

  • Proxy issues, even with valid settings, that were causing the connection to Snow License Manager and ServiceNow to fail have been resolved so that connection now succeeds.

  • Transfer of data does not occur while the Data Update Job is running, ensuring that changes made to a customer environment are correctly reflected in the Snow License Manager database.

  • Filtering has been updated to ensure that virtual machines running in VMware, Hyper-V, or other environments are correctly identified as such. Virtual machines identified as other are ignored.

  • Data input handling has been re-instated to prevent connection failure owing to a missing forward slash (/) at the end of ServiceNow URLs. When the slash character is missing, it is now automatically appended.

  • The Snow License Manager customer drop down now shows all available customers (for the signed-in user). If only one customer is available, it is automatically selected.

  • User interface logic has been updated so that checking include VM relationships automatically enables Include Servers.


Release date: 2019-07-09

Complete release notes for Snow Integration Manager 5.16 is found here


  • Four new SaaS connectors are included:

    • Asana
    • HubSpot
    • Taskworld
  • VMWare Workspace ONE (Formerly known as Airwatch) – a new connector has been added to reflect the product name change by the vendor

  • VMWare vSphere – The connector can now be configured to collect basic inventory data for virtual machines.

  • BMC Remedyforce:

    • Added mapping for manufacturer name and model on mobile devices
    • Added the option to filter computer system components 
    • Added the option to gather computer status from Snow License Manager
  • ServiceNow CMDB and Catalog have been reworked to support future development. Ex. added ability to collect more data from Snow License Manager and improved the performance.

  • AWS Discovery Connector – The connector has been reworked to provide a better user experience for larger EC2 environments


  • BMC Discovery connector – Better recognition of Operating System Architecture (x64) (PRB0042006)

  • iQuate iQSonar connector– Better recognition of Operating System Architecture (x64) (PRB0042006).

  • Salesforce SalesCloud SaaS connector – Fixed an OutOfMemory Exception (PRB0042289).

  • VMWare vSphere connector – Fixed issue where the connector did not collect all virtual machines of a host (PRB0042326).


Release date: 2019-04-25

Complete release notes for Snow Integration Manager 5.15 is found here


  • Adobe Creative Cloud. The new connector for Adobe Creative Cloud extracts the necessary data points from the Adobe portal to visualize and calculate the insights provided by Snow License Manager, including: email users use to access their Adobe account, last logon information, and usage (requires Snow License Manager 9.2.0 or higher)

  • VMware vSphere connector additional data points are extracted about clusters, hosts and virtual machines running in VMware vSphere (requires Snow Inventory Server 6.0.4 or higher)

  • Snow Integration Manager now runs on the most recent release of Microsoft .NET Framework. version 4.7.2.

  • MobileIron version 10.2 is now supported following the upgrade to Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2.

  • Microsoft Office 365 connector data points that are not used by Snow License Manager are no longer extracted by this connector, reducing the amount of data collected.


  • EoL – Snow Integration Connector for Altiris version 6 is no longer supported as it has passed End- of-Life (EoL).

  • EoL – Snow Integration Connector for Snow for ServiceNow Express is no longer supported since ServiceNow have removed the product from the market.


  • VMware Airwatch. Connection issues when using TLS 1.2 encryption protocol have been resolved by the update to .NET 4.7.2 (PRB0042156).

  • VMware vSphere: All IP addresses are now extracted from virtual machines (PRB0041859).

  • Microsoft Office 365. Additional error handling has been added to manage empty Display Names (PRB0042057).

  • Missing buttons. Scaling issues on low-resolution screens have been resolved so that Save/Cancel buttons are now visible when configuring SaaS connectors and Microsoft Office 365 (PRB0042057).


Release date: 2019-04-02

Complete release notes for Snow Integration Manager 5.14 is found here


  • The new SaaS connectors included in this release are: Aha! for Product, Freshdesk, Freshsales, Freshservice, GitHub Enterprise, GitLab Enterprise, Kayako, Okta, Zoom

  • A new connector, the Amando Miss Marple inventory solution from Comparex, has been added.

  • BMC ADDM/Discovery – discovery data for Oracle options is now gathered correctly.

  • BMC Remedyforce

    • Added fields CiStatus and AssetStatus to all BmcObjects with hardcoded value to “Deployed”.
    • Removed hardcoded string prepended to short description field.
    • Out of memory and most frequent users changes.
    • Added option to filter out applications.
  • HP UD – 

    • Parse SWID elements (hwOSSoftwareIdTags) from the HP UD .xsf files to inventory.
    • Additional fields are now mapped to the software elements
  • VMware vSphere

    • The connector now collects additional data for both datacenters and clusters.

    • To more accurately display VMware hierarchy, user-defined datacenter names are no longer supported. This option has been removed from the vSphere Server dialog box


  • BMC Remedy and BMC Remedyforce – MAC addresses with 16-bit values are now gathered correctly.

  •  Hyper-V – scanning no longer fails for virtual machines that do not have a guest service installed for the entire scan (PRB0042051).


Release date: 2018-12-13


  • Google Cloud Compute Engine Discovery – provides overview and detailed information on the cloud servers running in your Google Cloud Compute Engine environment that have not been inventoried


  • Microsoft SCCM – To align with vendor naming, this connector has been renamed to Microsoft SCCM.

  • BMC Remedyforce

  • ServiceNow CMDB 3.3.x

    • Custom fields created in Snow License Manager can now be extracted by the connector – requires Snow License Manger 8.3.1 or higher.

    • Support for the upcoming release of Snow for ServiceNow, version 3.3 is included.

    • New options have been added to the Options & Filters tab: Include Servers and Include Non- Servers.

    • Additional data for software instances is now extracted from Snow License Manager, including: install date, date-and-time first and last used, run information, average usage time, usage in minutes, and users


  • BIOS serial number gathered from Snow License Manager is now mapped to the computer.serialnr parameter in BMC Remedyforce.

    • The InstanceName field of the BMC_Person object is now mapped to <Username> data extracted from Snow License Manager.’
    • It is no longer necessary to enter a base URL during the login procedure for BMC Remedyforce, as this information is now automatically extracted from access tokens.
  • When configured to target a remote inventory server, discovery .snowpack files and data .inv files are now forwarded to the correct destination folders, ensuring that all inventory data is captured.

  • On the Inventory file handling tab, the label Inventory Data Receiver has been changed to Inventory server/ Inventory Data Receiver to clarify that Snow Integration Manager supports remote inventory server with Snow Inventory Server 5 and higher, as well as Snow Inventory Data Receiver

  • Errors arising due to character case mismatches in environments with language set to anything other than English have been resolved through additional data normalization.

  • To handle large environments: the token to BMC Remedyforce is now renewed to prevent loss of access during long runs; and error-handling has been added to the paging system.

  • SaaS: The WebEx connector now retrieves the date and time of a user’s most recent activity correctly, and consequently correct usage data is now being collected.

  • SaaS: The consistent failing of Test Connection for Salesforce SalesCloud on first attempt, even when correct credentials are supplied, has been resolved.

  • Snow Integration Manager Service: To align with product naming, SnowInventoryEDPService has been renamed to SnowIntegrationManager.

  • Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (RHEV): Changes have been made in the data model to avoid aggregation errors.

  • IBM ILMT/BigFix : Additional filtering has been added to the processing of the data retrieved by the connector to manage invalid cast exceptions.


Release date: 2018-11-20


  • SaaS connector – BMC Remedy

  • SaaS connector – Microsoft Intune

  • Snow Device Manager – support has been added for the most recent version of Snow’s Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) solution, Snow Device Manager 6.

  • HP DDMI – the field IsPortable is now set to True for laptops and portable devices; an additional field, IsTablet, has been added to client element, and the parsing of LogicalDisk entities has been improved.

  • HP UD – to enrich the data provided by this connector: software metering is now included in the data provided by this connector, the field IsPortable is now set to True for laptops and portable devices; an additional field, IsTablet, has been added to client element, parsing of LogicalDisk entities has been improved, and If available valid filename is extracted for file pathnames ending with a zero.

  • MobileIron – the connector parameter Username now retrieves its contents from the MobileIron user_id instead of display_name.

  • Microsoft SCCM v. 2012 – support has been added for SCCM release 1806.

  • BMC Remedyforce – filtering options for desktops, servers, laptops, logical disks, and optical drives have been added for data gathered from Snow License Manager.


  • Microsoft SCCM v .2012 – no longer fails aggregation against SCCM 2016.

  • Azure Discovery – bad request (400) aggregation error no longer arises when retrieving data from Azure.

  • AirWatch – the connector parameter Username now retrieves its contents from the AirWatch parameter Username instead of FirstName + LastName.

  • HP UD/DDMI – case-sensitivity issues have been removed so that both .xsf and .XSF file extensions can be handled.


Release date: 2018-10-16


  • In this release of Snow Integration Manager, the SaaS integration connector has been extended to provide support for additional SaaS applications:
    • Tableau Online 

    • TeamSupport 

    • Workplace 

    • ZoHo CRM


  • SaaS provider connectors within the SaaS Connector option are now reporting correct import status to SLM.


Release date: 2018-10-02


  • New SaaS connector – GoToMeeting and GoToWebinar

  • New SaaS connector – Trello

  • New SaaS connector – ServiceNow Discovery

  • HP DDMI:

    • Users whose most recent login is more than 3 months ago are now included in the data extracted by this connector.
    • The connector now extracts data for:
      • Drives other than hard-disks, such as CD-ROMs, and floppy-disks, as a physical disk element
      • Environment variables, such as the location of user profiles
      • OS services, such as the name and location of operating-system services
    • Parsing virtual machine elements now correctly identifies the entity as virtual
    • Additional data is extracted for software elements
  • HP UD: HP-Universal Discovery (UD) (Formerly known as HP-DDMI) – a new connector has been added to reflect the product name change by the vendor. This connector currently provides the same functionality as HP DDMI.

  • Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization:

    • Support has been added for version 4.x.
    • A checkbox – Exclude Powered Off Hosts – has been added to the configuration pane to enable filtering of disabled hosts. 
    • A checkbox has been added to the configuration pane to enable the connector instance name to be used as the default name for the data center.
  • SaaS Dropbox – Now uses v2 of get_events API call.

  • ServiceNow CMDB/Catalog:

    • To ease the configuration process, the configuration pane has been separated into two tabs, one for Snow License Manager and ServiceNow.
    • Additional settings have been added to the configuration of Snow License Manager:
    • A checkbox – Wait for the Data Update Job to finish – has been added. 
    • A checkbox – Change Page Queue Size – has been added. 
    • A dropdown selector – ServiceNow upload batch size – has been added
  • ServiceNow CMDB:

    • The checkbox – Include computer applications – has been added to include computer applications in the data extracted. This option is checked by default.
    • The data fields – Status (Active, in active, quarantined), LastScanDate (2016-09-19 14:49:27.300) and IsServer (true/false, 1/0)) –  have been added to computer entities.
  • ServiceNow Catalog:

    • The data field – OperatingSystemType (Windows, Linux..) – has been added to application entities
  • BMC Remedyforce:

    • To reduce the time it takes to gather computer applications from the Snow License Manager database, the connector has been updated to utilize Snow License Manager API computer applications v2.
    • Changed connector name from Remedyforce to BMC Remedyforce to reflect the correct product name and align with our naming convention for BMC connectors.
  • VMware vSphere:

    • The text on the checkbox option Exclude templates has been changed to Exclude VM Templates and the text Exclude Powered Off to Exclude Powered Off Hosts. Both options are checked by default.


  • Box connector
    • The field space_used has been changed from a 32-bit to a 64-bit integer, this removed aggregation error for large environments (PRB0041734)
    • Enterprise events are now being fetched correctly. (PRB0041735)
  • Wrike connector
    • Labels and text boxes are now properly aligned in the settings window.
  • ZenDesk connector:
    • To reduce the amount of data gathered, and the issues for customers with many ZenDesk users, this connector now fetches data about billable users only. (PRB0041882)
  • Microsoft Office 365 connector:
    • For service provider edition, when the login credentials for the Office-365 connector cannot be validated, an error is raised.
    • Reading e-mail and Skype reports that include a comma between quotation marks no longer raise an error.
  • Microsoft SCCM v.2012:
    • Changes made by the user under the Data source options tab in connector configuration are now saved properly.
  • IBM BigFix connector:
    • The timeout for Bigfix API calls has been raised from 3 to 15 minutes.
    • The parameter holding the total number of runs for software has been changed from a 32-bit to a 64-bit integer to allow max runs to exceed 2,147,483,647.
  • Microsoft Hyper-V:
    • When System Center VMM server is selected, an additional panel is activated enabling you to use the name of the VMHostGroup or the HostCluster.
  • ServiceNow CMDB/Catalog:
    • We have done changes to error handling for test connection when either system or manual proxy is enabled so that it gives correct feedback to the user.


Release date: 2018-07-03


  • BMC Discovery (formerly known as BMC ADDM) – a new connector has been added to reflect the product name change by the vendor. This connector is compatible with BMC Discovery versions 11.2 and 11.3. To support earlier versions, use the existing BMC ADDM connector, which supports BMC ADDM/BMC Discovery up to version 11.1.

  • Frontrange – support has been added for most recent versions of Frontrange (9.4.6 and 9.4.7).

  • VMWare vSphere – support has been added for most recent versions of VMWare vSphere (6.7)

  • The text on the OK button has been changed to Close so that the Snow Integration Manager user interface is more intuitive.

  • When the user switches from one tab to another in Snow Integration Manager without saving changes a pop-up message window now informs the user, to make the user aware, and to heighten the users sense of control regarding changes he/she might have done.

  • BMC Remedyforce – new fields have been added to enrich the data transferred from Snow License Manager to Remedyforce, namely PrimaryCapability which can be populated with Server, Laptop, Desktop or MobileDevice and IsVirtual, indicating whether the machine is virtual or not.

  • Gsuite SaaS connector – We now gather both “last Gsuite login time” and “last Gmail interaction” as user activity to provide the user with more quality data.


  • SaaS Connector:

    • Data duplications no longer occur due to the mechanisms used to uniquely identify subscription instances.
    • WebEx integration:
      • Can now be renamed without creating duplicate data entries in the Snow License Manager database.
      • The test connection capability no longer returns succeeded when the connection fails, it now returns failed.
  • Hyper-V connector: All virtual machines are now collected, even when values associated with them are null (PRB0041717).

  • VMWare vSphere connector: An option to exclude hosts that are powered off has been added. This option fixes the issue related to incorrect hostnames gathered for hosts that are powered off or are offline (PRB0041610).

  • BMC Remedyforce connector: Data uploaded from Snow to Remedyforce using CSV format now works correctly and no longer causes an Unhandled exception to occur (PRB0041685).

  • BMC ADDM connector: Additional software data is now retrieved from BMC ADDM enriching the information visible in Snow License Manager (PRB0041415).


Release date: 2018-05-23


  • Added new connector Ivanti Endpoint Manager. This connector is added to to reflect the product name change by Ivanti.

  • Microsoft SCCM 2012 Connector – now supports integration with latest versions of Microsoft SCCM (1710 and 1802), and usage of SQL Server 2016 and 2017.


  • The Inventory incoming folder and Announcement incoming folder paths are no longer required fields for installations where SIM is used with a remote Inventory Server

  • An exception error no longer occurs when a user adds a connector to the _Active connectors_list and choses to not input required connector information until later and exits the connector settings window by clicking OK or Cancel.

  • The Site Id field label name has been changed to Site name

  • vSphere Connector: Both IPv4 and IPv6 IP addresses are collected from the vSphere connector

  • Office 365 Connector: Errors encountered by the Office 365 Graph API during gathering of data, no longer result in an error popup window opening in the SIM GUI.

  • XenServer Connector: Now correctly reports the SiteName, when gathering inforamtion from a XenServer  that reports NULL values for Processor Information.


Release date: 2018-04-12


  • New Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) integration connectors: Box, Cisco WebEx, Dropbox, Google G Suite. Salesforce SalesCloud, Zendesk

  • Updated connectors for Snow for ServiceNow 3.1, introducing support for ServiceNow Jakarta and Kingston releases. Snow for ServiceNow 3.1 is not backwards compatible


  • DellKACE: When the BIOS release date is not found, the connector returns 01-01-1980 to prevent errors related to empty fields occurring in Snow License Manager.

  • DellKACE: Domain names are checked for in two different columns, eliminating empty domain name issues following DellKACE upgrade.

  • DellKACE: All installed software is now collected, regardless of DellKACE’s built-in recognition.


Release date: 2018-03-08


  • Remedyforce connector

  • TOPdesk connector

  • Microsoft Intune Hybrid with SCCM, enables data to be imported from the Intune add on in SCCM.

  • Snow License Manager Data Exporter, enables easy export of data from Snow License Manager to a generic format.

  • BMC connector – support for clustered software

  • BMC connector – option to include Oracle data

  • GUI enhancements

  • Microsoft Office 365 connector uses Graph AP


  • The correct number of processors is now retrieved for older versions of XenServer

  • ADDM connector now parses ‘Application Clusters’ correctly.

  • MobileIron connector now works with on-premise version of MobileIron

  • DellKace connector missing domain name and applications now recognized

  • Hyper-V connector no longer uses deprecated features in the SDK (Msvm_KvpExchangeDataItem.Name key).

  • Landesk connector now fetches the correct metering information

  • Citrix XenServer connector now imports network interface cards correctly

  • vSphere connector no longer crashes when duplicate URI’s are added in the server configuration view

  • Fixed issue where the Hyper-V connector got a “invalid namespace” error and then aborted the aggregation


Release date: 2017-11-30


  • BigFix connector improvements

  • ADDM connector now includes support for ADDM packages.

  • ADDM connector – filter options

  • iQuate connector – performance improvements

  • AWS connector – stopped instances of virtual machines are now shown in Snow License Manager

  • Airwatch connector – Smart Groups enabled


  • O365 connector: setup error ”Failed to get Customer” no longer occurs

  • O365 connector: convert toJson error arising due to existence of quotes in usernames no longer arises

  • SDM connector: now supports multiple SDM domains

  • VMware connector: no longer crashes when VMs on a server are inaccessible

  • AirWatch connector: no longer removes all values from connector properties window when AirWatch service is down

  • AWS connector: now supports EU-West-2 as a region


Release date: 2017-09-27


  • Connector: Azure Discovery, links to the Azure IaaS environment retrieving data about the current VM estate

  • Connector: AWS Discovery, links to the AWS IaaS environment retrieving data about the current VM estate


Release date: 2017-09-18


  • Fault tolerance of the O365 connector has been modified to manage nonconventional characters, such as apostrophes and brackets in usernames and e-mail addresses

  • Configuration issues with the SCCM connector introduced in SIM 5.0.1 have been resolved

  • Usage data is now gathered correctly from the O365 connector for connections that were creating unhandled exception JSON errors

  • Aggregation issue with overlapping scheduling of multiple connectors has been resolved

  • ADDM connector is now pulling inventory files correctly

  • ServiceNow connector now comes pre-configured with relevant proxy setting to support environments where internet connections via a proxy are policy


Release date: 2017-06-21


  • ServiceNow Catalog 2.0.x connector enhancements

  • ServiceNow CMDB 2.0.x connector enhancements


  • Office 365 connector now supports proxy e-mail addresses


Release date: 2017-05-26


  • Snow Device Manager – username format has been changed to domain\username

  • DellKace connector – DellKace now uses ODBC connection*

  • Vmware Vsphere connector – fetching of templates is now optional

  • IQuate connector – all non-Windows applications are now reported

  • BMC ADDM connector – support for TLS 1.2 security protocol has been added

  • Office 365 connector – exchange statistics are now batched * Existing connector needs to be configured again after install (see User Guide for more information)


  • Hyper-V connector – VMs are now collected correctly when OS language is not set to English

  • Hyper-V connector – invalid class error no longer occurs for virtual machine runs on Windows Server 2008

  • VMware vSphere connector – Proxy settings in file forwarder are now working properly

  • SIM Core – selecting (Control+A) on the Inventory/Announcement incoming folder path no longer causes the Apply button to become active.


Release date: 2017-05-16


  • New Office 365 connector for retrieving information from Microsoft Office 365 Cloud Services


Release date: 2017-03-14


  • A new output folder for announcement files (DiscoveryData) has been introduced

  • Text box and labels are now left aligned in the BigFix connector

  • Consolidation of connector names


  • When a new log-level is set, SIM now dynamically recognizes it, no longer requiring a restart of the application

  • Both chassi and service tags are now collected from servers within the Cisco Blade Enclosure. Servers no longer show up in the vSphere web client with the same serial numbers

  • SIM no longer defaults to a lower TLS protocol for BigFix connector, and logs are available again

  • SCCM connector no longer generates duplicate client tags in Snow xml files


Release date: 2017-01-19


  • Added support for Snow for ServiceNow Express

  • The IQuate connector now supports gathering inventory information on Linux applications from iQSonar


  • The IBM BigFix connector now supports data consolidation for scenarios with multiple inventory sources

  • Fixed an issue where MDM connectors did not deliver OS type properly


Release date: 2016-12-08


  • BigFix Connector: correction of missing PVU-values for some software instances. The correct software version is now retrieved from instances with PVU values.


Release date: 2016-11-15


  • Added support for Snow for ServiceNow (ServiceNow CMDB and ServiceNow Catalog)

  • MobileIron 9.x Connector – Supports V2 API

  • BigFix Connector – Optional BigFix Server (Console)

  • SnowXML Connector – Updated documentation


  • BigFix Connector – now imports Core values.

  • ILMT Connector – fixed issue with initial aggregation length.

  • SDM Connector – improved error handling when retrieving clients with wrong username/password.


Release date: 2016-10-25


  • Fixed an issue where HpDdmi connector did not include filepath from linux applications

  • Fixed an issue where SIM / IDR security token did not tolerate different timezones

  • Fixed an issue where IBM License Metric Tool connector was not working with newer IBM driver packages

  • Fixed an issue where Altiris connector did not collect OSX and Linux devices

  • Fixed an issue where BigFix connector demanded that both the BigFix Platform and the Inventory was on the same server

  • Fixed an issue where ILMT connector did not forward the PVU Per Core to the inventory file

  • Fixed an issue where Vsphere datecenter / cluster was not listing correct members


Release date: 2016-09-27


  • New Connector – Discovery data from any source

  • Support for Inventory 5

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