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Snow for ServiceNow 3


This version of the product is not supported anymore.

Here you can find the release notes for Snow for ServiceNow 3. You can find the old release notes on the Flexera Community.

3.3 latest

Release date: 2019-02-14

A complete set of Release notes is found here

*In this release of Snow for ServiceNow, support for Identification and Reconciliation option is delivered as a feature preview, indicating that limited beta testing has taken place. If you wish to participate in the adaption of the ServiceNow CMDB Identification and Reconciliation engine, please log a ticket on the Snow Support Portal. To use the CMDB Identification and Reconciliation module, Configuration Management For Scoped Apps (CMDB) system plugin needs to be activated.


  • Software usage for ServiceNow: Usage data is now extracted from Snow License Manager for use in ServiceNow. Stored in standard software instance tables and linked directly to each computer CI, usage data is now available to all applications, processes, and workflows across the ServiceNow platform.

  • Support for Snow License Manager custom fields: This feature enables custom fields created in Snow License Manager to be correlated with the desired destination in ServiceNow and provides a standardized method for aggregating custom-field data from Snow to ServiceNow.

  • Additional filtering options: Additional filtering options Include Servers and Include Non-Servers are now part of the connector configuration for ServiceNow CMDB.

  • About CMDB identification and reconciliation: The Identification and Reconciliation module in ServiceNow provides a centralized framework for identifying and reconciling data from different data sources. It helps maintain the integrity of a CMDB when multiple data sources, including Snow, are used to create and update CI records.

  • Support for ServiceNow CMDB Identification and Reconciliation module: Default logic in Snow for ServiceNow 3.3 provides support for identification and reconciliation of computer CIs against data exported from Snow License Manager


Release date: 2018-10-22

A complete set of Release notes is found here


  • Support for Computer Lifecycle Management

  • Servicenow Store: The Snow for ServiceNow applications Product and Service Catalog update and CMDB integration are now available in the ServiceNow Store.

  • Checkboxes – “Wait for the Data Update Job to finish” and “Change Page Queue Size“ – have been added to the configuration of this connector.

  • A dropdown selector – “ServiceNow upload batch size” – has been added to the configuration of this connector


  • An issue that could potentially cause duplicate Configuration Items (Cis) has been fixed for scenarios where computer names and/or serial numbers contain poor-quality data.

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