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Recommendation by device

Use the Recommendation by device dashboard in Risk Monitor to get upgrade recommendations for the devices in your IT estate.


The table Recommended upgrade by device contains all devices with upgradable applications in your IT estate. For each application, the table gives a recommendation on the version to which the application should be upgraded to remove as many vulnerabilities as possible. It also shows the number of vulnerabilities that will be removed if the application is upgraded to the recommended version. If you sort the table by the Vulnerabilities removed column, you will see what application upgrade will remove the largest number of vulnerabilities from a particular device.

When you select a row in Recommended upgrade by device, the table Vulnerabilities removed by upgrade will list all vulnerabilities that will be removed from the device in the selected row if the application is upgraded to the recommended version.

You can filter the data to focus on a specific subset of the devices in your organization. All key figures and tables will adjust to show the results filtered by the selected parameter. Use the filters to focus on, for example:

  • All devices with a specific application installed and the recommended upgrade for that application.

  • Recommended upgrades for all devices within a specific department in the organization.

  • Recommended upgrades for the applications on a specific device.


You can refer to the tables below for descriptions of the key figures, filters, and tables on the dashboard.

Key figures

The key figures give a quick overview of the upgradable applications in your IT estate.

Key figureDescription
Upgradable applicationsThe number of applications in your IT estate that can be upgraded to a later version.
Removable vulnerabilitiesThe number of vulnerabilities that can be removed by upgrading applications to a later version.


Use one or more filters to focus on specific aspects of the devices in your IT estate. The key figures and tables on the dashboard will adjust to show the results filtered by the selected parameter or parameters.

Application nameSelect an application from the list to focus on all devices with the application installed.
OrganizationSelect an organizational unit from the list to see recommended upgrades for all devices belonging to that organizational unit.
Base severitySelect a base severity to focus on upgrade recommendations that will remove vulnerabilities with the selected base severity.
Device nameSelect a device name from the list to see recommended upgrades for the applications on that device.
BaseScoreSelect a range to focus on upgrade recommendations that will remove vulnerabilities with base scores within that range.


Use the tables to see upgrade recommendations for devices in your IT estate.

Select a column header to sort the table by that column.

Recommended upgrade by deviceWhen no filters are applied to the dashboard, the table includes all devices with upgradable applications in your IT estate.
The following details are shown in the table:
  • Device name: The name of the device.
    If a device contains several upgradable applications, the application name occurs in multiple rows—one for each application.
  • Application name: The name of the upgradable application on the device.
  • Software version: The version of the application.
  • LastUsed: The date the application was last used.
  • Recommended application name: The name of the recommended application. Upgrading to the recommended application and version will remove as many vulnerabilities as possible.
  • Recommended application version: The version of the recommended application.
  • Vulnerabilities removed: The total number of vulnerabilities that will be removed from the device if the application is upgraded to the recommended application version.
Vulnerabilities removed by upgradeThe table lists all vulnerabilities that will be removed if you upgrade the applications listed in the Recommended upgrade by device table to the recommended version.
The following details are shown in the table:
  • CVEID: The CVE identifier number for the vulnerability.
  • BaseScore: The CVSS base score for the vulnerability.
  • BaseSeverity: The base severity for the vulnerability.