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Use the Devices dashboard in Risk Monitor to explore different aspects of the devices in your IT estate.


You can, for example, see:

  • The number and percentage of devices with vulnerable applications.

  • The number of applications installed on devices of a specific device type.

  • The operating systems most commonly used on devices in the IT estate.

The Device details table lists detailed information about each device, for example, if it has antivirus protection installed, if it is connected to file sharing or VPN services, and the number of vulnerable applications installed on the device.

You can filter the data to focus on a certain subset of the devices in our organization. All key figures, charts, and tables will adjust to show the results filtered by the selected parameter. Use the filters to focus on, for example:

  • A specific device.

  • All devices with a specific application installed.

  • All devices with applications containing a specific vulnerability, that is, CVE ID.

  • All devices with vulnerable applications installed.

  • All devices with PII risk applications installed.

  • All devices within a specific department in the organization.

For information on related use cases, see the following sections:


You can refer to the tables below for descriptions of the key figures, filters, charts, and tables on the dashboard.

Key figures

The key figures give a quick overview of the devices in your IT estate.

Key figureDescription
InventoriedThe number of devices in your IT estate.
VulnerableThe number of devices with at least one vulnerable application.
PII riskThe number of devices with at least one application that may contain personally identifiable information.
Vulnerable PII riskThe number of devices with at least one application that is both vulnerable and may contain personally identifiable information.


Use one or more filters to focus on certain aspects of the devices in your IT estate. All the key figures, charts and tables on the dashboard will adjust to show the results filtered by the selected parameter or parameters.

Application nameSelect an application from the list to see an overview of all devices with the application installed.
OrganizationSelect an organizational unit from the list to see an overview of all devices belonging to that organizational unit.
CVE IDSelect a CVE ID from the list to see an overview of all devices with applications containing the vulnerability connected to the CVE ID.
Device nameSelect a device name from the list to see details for that device, for example, operating system, if the device has antivirus, VPN or Filesharing, and how many vulnerable or PII risk applications are installed on the device.
Vulnerable applicationSelect True to see an overview of all devices with vulnerable applications.
Select False to see an overview of all devices without vulnerable applications.
PII riskSelect True to see an overview of all devices with PII risk applications.
Select False to see an overview of all devices without PII risk applications.


Use the charts to get insights into different aspects of the devices in your IT estate.

You can select a bar in a chart to focus on a specific aspect, for example, all devices with a certain operating system installed. All the key figures, charts, and tables on the dashboard will adjust to show the results filtered by the selected item.

Operating system installationsGroups the number of operating system installations on devices by operating system.
Tip: To verify that a specific operating system is installed only on expected device types, select the bar for the operating system. The Installed applications by device type chart will adjust to show all device types with the selected operating system installed.
Installed applications by device typeGroups the number of installed applications by device type.
Tip: To get a list of all applications installed on devices of a specific device type, right-click the bar for the device type, select Drill through, and then Applications. This will take you to the Applications dashboard adjusted to only show details about applications installed on devices of the selected device type. The Application details table lists all applications connected to the device type.
Installed applications by domainGroups the number of installed applications by domain.


Use the table to look up details about devices in your IT estate. Select a column header to sort the table by that column.

Device detailsUnfiltered, the table includes all devices in your IT estate.
The following details are shown in the table:
  • Device name: The name of the device.
  • Device type: The type of device.
  • Device state: If the device is physical or virtual.
  • Domain: The domain the device belongs to.
  • Has Antivirus: If antivirus protection is installed on the device or not (True/False).
  • Has VPN: If the device is connected to a VPN service or not (True/False).
  • Has Filesharing: If the device is connected to a file sharing service or not (True/False).
  • Installed applications: The number of applications installed on the device.
  • Vulnerable applications: The number of vulnerable applications installed on the device.
  • PII risk applications: The number of PII risk applications installed on the device.
  • Vulnerable PII risk applications: The number of vulnerable PII risk applications installed on the device.
  • Vulnerable users: The number of users with access to vulnerable applications on the device.
  • PII risk users: The number of users with access to PII risk applications on the device.
  • Vulnerable PII risk users: The number of users with access to vulnerable PII risk applications on the device.