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CVE viewer

Use the CVE viewer dashboard in Risk Monitor to look up details about a specific vulnerability in your IT estate.


Select a CVE ID from the CVE ID list to see details about that specific vulnerability, such as the date of publication, the base severity and base score, and a short description of the vulnerability.

The Remediation recommendation table gives recommendations on how to remediate the vulnerability. The Fix application name and Fix application version columns show you the minimum version to which you must upgrade to remediate the vulnerability. The Recommended application name and Recommended application version columns show the version to which you should upgrade to remove as many vulnerabilities as possible.


You can refer to the tables below for descriptions of the key figures, charts, and tables on the dashboard.

Key figures

The figures give some general details about the selected vulnerability.

Key figureDescription
Published dateThe date the CVE ID was published by MITRE.
SeverityThe base severity for the vulnerability.
Base scoreThe base score for the vulnerability.


The chart gives a quick overview of how the selected vulnerability affects the devices in your IT estate.

Inventoried devices by application name and software versionShows the number of devices that are affected by the vulnerability per application and version.
Select a bar in the chart to filter the Remediation recommendation table by the application version represented by the bar.


Use the table to see the remediation recommendations for the selected vulnerability.

Select a column header to sort the table by that column.

Remediation recommendationThe table shows the following details about the selected vulnerability:
  • Application manufacturer: The name of the application manufacturer.
  • Application name: The name of the application affected by the vulnerability.
  • Software version: The version of the application affected by the vulnerability.
  • Inventoried devices: The number of devices affected by the vulnerability.
  • Fix application name: The name of the application in which the fix for the vulnerability was introduced.
  • Fix application version: The version of the application in which the fix for the vulnerability was introduced.
  • Recommended application name: The name of the application to which the application should be upgraded to remove as many vulnerabilities as possible.
  • Recommended application version: The application version to which the application should be upgraded to remove as many vulnerabilities as possible.