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Manage application bundles

Learn how to manage your application bundles in Snow Management and Configuration Center.


You can neither edit nor delete application bundles provided by the Software Recognition Service (SRS).

Create new application bundles

You can either create entirely new application bundles or use applications as a basis. When you create a new bundle, you add it to the Bundles list and to the Snow License Manager database.

  1. On the Software recognition menu, click Application bundles.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • To create a new application bundle, click New Bundle.

    • To create a new application bundle based on applications, do the following:

      1. In the Applications list, select one or several application rows.

      2. Click New Bundle From Selected.

  3. In the New Bundle dialog box, enter the required information on the General InfoSettingsApplication Types, and Part Number tabs. If you create a bundle based on selected applications, the fields with common contents are automatically completed.

    For information on the different tabs, see Create new applications.

  4. Click OK to save the new application bundle and close the New Bundle dialog box.

Assign applications to bundles

When you add, or assign, an application to a bundle, the application appears in the Applications in the selected bundle list.

  1. On the Software recognition menu, click Application bundles.

  2. In the Bundles list, select the bundle you want to add applications to.

  3. In the Applications list, select one or several applications that you want to add to the selected bundle.

  4. Click Assign.

Unassign applications from bundles

When you remove, or unassign, an application from a bundle, the application no longer appears in the Applications in the selected bundle list.

  1. On the Software recognition menu, click Application bundles.

  2. In the Bundles list, select the bundle you want to remove applications from.

  3. In the Applications in the selected bundle list, select one or several applications that you want to remove from the selected bundle.

  4. Click Unassign.

Copy application bundles

When you copy an application bundle, the copy appears in the Bundles list with the suffix _COPY added to its name.

  1. On the Software recognition menu, click Application bundles.

  2. In the Bundles list, select the bundle want to copy.

  3. Click Copy Bundle.

Edit application bundles

  1. On the Software recognition menu, click Application bundles.

  2. In the Bundles list, select the bundle you want to edit.

  3. Click Edit Bundle.

  4. Make the changes. For information on the different tabs, see Create new applications.

  5. Click OK to save

Edit recognition factors


You can only change the recognition factors for locally created application bundles.

  1. On the Software recognition menu, click Application bundles.

  2. In the Bundles list, select the bundle you want to edit.

  3. In the Applications in the selected bundle list, select or clear the checkboxes for the Is Mandatory and Requires Optional Component recognition factors. The changes are saved automatically.

Override application bundles

When you configure an override of an application bundle, you select the application bundle to override and in the same process, you create the new bundle you want to use instead. The new bundle appears in the Bundles list and the overridden bundle appears with its name strikethrough.


You can only override global application bundles.

  1. On the Software recognition menu, click Application bundles.

  2. In the Bundles list, select the bundle you want to override.

  3. Click Override Bundle.

  4. Type information for the new bundle on the General Info, Settings, Application Types, and Part Number tabs. For information on the different tabs, see Create new applications.

  5. Click OK to save the new bundle and close the Override Bundle dialog box.

Delete application bundles

When you delete an application bundle, any associated software is unassigned from it. The bundle is removed from the Bundles list and from the Snow License Manager database.

  1. On the Software recognition menu, click Application bundles.

  2. In the Bundles list, select the bundle you want to delete.

  3. Click Delete.

  4. Click OK to confirm the deletion.