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Manage users

Learn how to add, edit, and delete users in Snow Management and Configuration Center.

Add users

  1. On the Security menu, click Users.

  2. Click New User.
    The User dialog box appears with the tabs User and Roles/AD Groups.

  3. On the User tab, do the following:

    1. Type the user's User name, First Name, Last Name, and Email address.

    2. In the Organization list, select the organization node that the user belongs to. The available organization nodes are defined by the organization structure.

    3. In the Language list, select the language that will be used in the web user interface of Snow License Manager. The language can be changed later, by the user.

    4. Optionally: To allow access to Snow License Manager for only a limited period of time, select dates in the Valid from and Valid to lists.

    5. In Password and Confirm password, type a password for the user. The password must at least:

      • be eight characters long

      • contain one uppercase letter (A-Z)

      • contain one lowercase letter (a-z)

      • contain one number (0-9)

      • contain one of the following symbols: ! @ # ¤ $ % ^ & ? =

    6. If the current security policy does not require change of passwords, select the Password never expires check box.

    7. To prompt the user to change the password after signing in for the first time, select the User must change password at next logon check box.

  4. On the Roles/AD groups tab, add roles to the user:

    1. Click Add.

    2. In the Select Role(s) dialog box, select one or several roles in the list.

    3. Click OK to save the changes and close the Select Role(s) dialog box.

  5. On the Organization Restrictions tab, you can restrict access for the user to information in one or several nodes in the organization structure:

    1. Click Add.

    2. In the Add Organization Restriction(s) dialog box, use the check boxes to select one or several organization nodes that the user will have access to.

    3. Click OK to save the changes and close the Add Organization Restriction(s) dialog box.


    The Organization Restrictions option does not apply to the Cloud services Adobe Creative Cloud, Microsoft 365, and other SaaS providers. To see this data, access to the organization ROOT is required.

  6. Click OK to save the new user and close the User dialog box.

Edit users

  1. On the Security menu, click Users.

  2. In the Users list, select the user you want to edit.

  3. Click Edit User.

  4. In the User dialog box, make the changes and then click OK to save.

Remove roles from users

  1. On the Security menu, click Users.

  2. In the Users list, select the user you want to remove roles from.

  3. Click Edit User.

  4. In the User dialog box, on the Roles/AD groups tab, select the role you want to remove in the list and then click Remove.

  5. Click OK to save the change and close the User dialog box.

Delete users

  1. On the Security menu, click Users.

  2. In the Users list, select the user you want to delete.

  3. Click Delete User.

  4. Click OK to confirm the deletion.