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System Core settings

On the System Core settings page in Snow Management and Configuration Center, you manage settings related to, for example, the Data Update Job and SMTP.

For information on how to change a setting, see Manage Basic and System Core settings.

The table shows the System Core settings.

ALWAYS_USE_SMTPUse SMTP instead of messaging service for e-mail delivery.
CID_REMOVAL_CLEANUP_DAYSThe number of days between customer deletion and permanent removal of data from the database.
DATA_UPDATE_JOB_NAMEThe default name of the Data Update Job in Snow License Manager.
DW_ACTIVEActivates DocuWare integration.
DW_INTEGRATIONIDThe DocuWare integration ID.
DW_INTEGRATIONTYPEThe DocuWare integration type.
DW_LCThe DocuWare license key.
DW_PARMPREFIXThe DocuWare parameter prefix.
DW_SERVERNAMEThe DocuWare server name.
DW_TARGET_DIRThe DocuWare target directory.
ENABLE_PASSWORD_RESETEnables the functionality to reset passwords for system users.
LOGTEMPDBSIZEActivates temporary database and log size monitoring when running the Data Update Job.
NOTIFICATION_SMTP_SENDERThe e-mail address used as sender address of notifications.
REPORT_BUILDER_MAX_ROWSThe maximum number of rows to view in the report builder preview.
REPORT_EXPORT_SMTP_SENDERThe e-mail address used as sender address of reports.
RUN_COMPLETE_RULESET_DAYThe day of the week to run a complete software recognition rule set (reset all).
RUN_EXCLUSION_RULESET_DAYRecurrence for running exclusion rules for applications.
SKU_REPOSITORY_ACTIVEActivates the SKU repository.
SMTP_DOMAINThe SMTP domain name.
SMTP_HOSTThe SMTP server name.
Note: If you configure an SMTP_HOST for e-mail delivery, user authentication is required. This means that also an SMTP_USER and an SMTP_PASSWORD need to be configured, or the emails will not be delivered.
SMTP_PORTThe SMTP port number. Use only if other than port 25 (default).
SMTP_USE_SSLActivates SSL for SMTP connections. Note that the SMTP_PORT should also be changed if you use SSL.
SMTP_USERThe SMTP username.
USE_PASSWORD_POLICYActivates password policy for system users.