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Import settings

On the Import Settings page, you can manage settings applicable to all new imports both in Snow Management and Configuration Center and in the user interface of Snow License Manager.

On the Settings tab you find settings that apply to all types of imports, while the Computer Import tab lists settings that apply to computer imports.


Refer to the table below for field descriptions of the Settings tab, section Organization.

Organization separatorThe character used as delimiter in the import source files to indicate the levels of the organization structure.
Example: Type “/” if the organization information is in the format “ROOT/IT/Support”
Use upper case for organization friendly nameIf selected, capital letters are used in the friendly name throughout the organization.
Example: FINANCE

Refer to the table below for field descriptions of the Settings tab, section Log: Created organizations.

EnableIf selected, information on new organization nodes created during an import is logged to a separate file.
When enabled, you also need to decide on file path, date stamp, maximum file size, and backup count for the log file.
PathRequires that Enable is selected.
The folder path to the location of the log file.
Include date stampRequires that Enable is selected.
If selected, information on date is added to the log file.
Max file size (MB)Requires that Enable is selected.
The allowed maximum size of the log file. When the size is reached, the log file is backed up and a new log file is started.
Backup countRequires that Enable is selected.
The number of backed up log files to keep.

Computer import

Refer to the table below for field descriptions of the Computer import tab, section Obsolete computers.

Restrict by configuration nameA comma-separated list of client configuration names.
The term Obsolete computers is used for computers that exist in the Snow License Manager database but not in the import source file. When you run a computer import, you select how to handle any obsolete computers: Do nothing, Inactivate, Archive, or Delete.
Use the Restrict by configuration name setting to limit the action to obsolete computers with a Configuration name that is listed in the Allowed names text box.

To see the configuration name of a computer in the web user interface of Snow License Manager, use the list All computers and then add the Client configuration column from the Column selector.

Refer to the table below for field descriptions of the Computer import tab, section Log: Handled obsolete computers.

EnableIf selected, information on how obsolete computers are handled during an import is logged to a separate file.
When enabled, you also need to decide on file path, date stamp, maximum file size, and backup count for the log file.
PathRequires that Enable is selected.
The folder path to the location of the log file.
Include date stampRequires that Enable is selected.
If selected, information on date is added to the log file.
Max file size (MB)Requires that Enable is selected.
The allowed maximum size of the log file. When the size is reached, the log file is backed up and a new log file is started.
Backup countRequires that Enable is selected.
The number of backed up log files to keep.

Example: Use the Restrict by configuration name setting

Your Snow License Manager database includes the following computers:

Computer nameClient configuration

You then import a file which only includes metadata for the computer COMP1.

Normally, the obsolete computer action Delete would delete the computers COMP2, COMP3, COMP4, and COMP5. However, if you have selected the Restrict by configuration name setting and entered the configuration SCCM2012 as an Allowed name for the action, only COMP2 would be deleted.