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Basic settings

On the Basic settings page in Snow Management and Configuration Center, you manage settings related to, for example, incomplete licenses, quarantine management, and software metering in Snow License Manager.

For information on how to change a setting, see Manage Basic and System Core settings.

The table shows the Basic settings.

ACTION_LOG_DAYSThe number of days to keep action log items.
ACTIVATE_APPLICATION_ALLOWLISTINGActivates the Application allowlist page in the Administration overview in the web user interface of Snow License Manager.
AD_DISCOVERY_ACTIVITY_PERIODThe number of days since last activity to consider when reading Active Directory discovery information.
ALLOW_INCOMPLETE_LICENSESAllows incomplete licenses to be saved.
ANALYTICS_ENABLEDEnables Snow Analytics for this customer.
ANONYMOUS_USER_MANAGEMENTHides all usernames in the platform to meet integrity demands.
APP_SUMMARY_INDICATOR_INTERVALLThe number of days between updates for the application summary indicators (installations, users, devices).
APPLICATION_CONCURRENCY_CLEANUPActivates cleanup of concurrency data based on the applications metric period or the METERING_HISTORY_MONTHS setting.
AUDITLOG_ENCRYPTEncrypts the Audit log messages in the database.
AUTOGENERATE_DCCIf active, the system auto-generates datacenters (DCC) based on hypervisor inventory information.
AUTOGENERATE_DCC_MIN_HOSTSThe minimum number of physical hosts that need to exist within a cluster/datacenter to enable the auto-generate datacenter (DCC) feature.
COMPLIANCE_HISTORY_CLEANUP_ACTIVEActivates cleanup of compliance history data.
Default value: false
COMPLIANCE_HISTORY_CLEANUP_MONTHSThe number of months to keep compliance history data.
Default value: 12
CUSTOMFIELDS_UPDATE_APPLICATIONSActivates automatic update of mandatory custom fields for applications by the Data Update Job.
CUSTOMFIELDS_UPDATE_USERSActivates automatic update of mandatory custom fields for users by the Data Update Job.
DCC_AUTODISCONNECT_DAYSThe number of days to wait before automatically removing members that are missing inventory data, from auto-generated data centers (DCC).
DEFAULT_EDIT_CURRENCYThe default pre-selected currency to use in edit pages in Snow License Manager.
Note: Users can still select other available currencies.
DEVICE_EXCLUSION_LISTA comma-separated list of device names that should not be imported when transferring inventory data. Use % as a wildcard character.
DEVICE_QUARANTINE_ACTIVEActivates quarantine management for devices.
DEVICE_QUARANTINE_DAYSThe number of inactive days before a device is placed in quarantine.
DEVICE_QUARANTINE_DELETEThe number of days that a device can remain in quarantine without reporting any new inventory data, before it is automatically deleted and removed from the system. The number of days is based on the date when status was set to Quarantined.
DEVICE_QUARANTINE_DELETE_ACTIVEActivates delete action for device quarantine.
DISABLEAUTOEDIT_DEFAULT_CMPAuto editing, or use of Auto connect rules, is by default enabled for new computers and mobile devices.
Check the box to disable this type of auto editing.
DISABLEAUTOEDIT_DEFAULT_DEVAuto editing, or use of Auto connect rules, is by default enabled for new devices.
Check the box to disable this type of auto editing.
DISABLEAUTOEDIT_DEFAULT_USRAuto editing, or use of Auto connect rules, is by default enabled for new users.
Check the box to disable this type of auto editing.
EXTENSIONS_ALLOWLISTA comma-separated list of allowed file extensions for attached documents in Snow License Manager.
EXTENSIONS_DENYLISTA comma-separated list of disallowed file extensions for attached documents in Snow License Manager.
EXTERNAL_NOTIFICATIONS_ACTIVEEnables users to send e-mail notifications to users outside of Snow License Manager.
GRID_ALLBUTTON_LIMITThe maximum number of rows in lists and reports for using the display all button.
IMPORT_ENABLE_DELETEEnables the option to delete obsolete computers when you import computer data manually via the user interface of Snow License Manager.
INV_FILE_FILTERA comma-separated list of file extensions for inventory files that will be transferred to Snow License Manager.
Note: Applies to Windows OS based files, only.
JAVA_DELETE_THRESHOLDThe number of days until a not updated Java installation is considered to be uninstalled.
JAVA_DELETE_THRESHOLD_ACTIVEActivates delete action for not updated Java installations considered to be uninstalled.
LICENSE_ASSIGNMENT_TRACKING_ACTIVEActivates License Assignment Tracking.
LICENSE_EXT_ID_CHECKActivates check for duplicate external ID:s when registering license purchase records.
LOGIN_HISTORY_MONTHSThe number of months of historical login information to consider when transferring inventoried users.
METERING_HISTORY_CLEANUPActivates cleanup management for historical software metering.
METERING_HISTORY_MONTHSThe number of months of historical software metering to consider when transferring inventory data.
MOSTFREQUENTUSER_EXCLUSIONA comma-separated list of usernames to exclude when calculating the most frequent user of a computer or mobile device.
The most frequent user is based on all logon data in the system.
  • Use % as a wildcard character to match one or more characters.
  • Use _ as a wildcard character to match one character.
  • To exclude usernames with an underscore _, use brackets around the underscore [_].
    Example: %NoLoggedOnUser%,%\[_]%,[_]%
MOSTFREQUENTUSER_USELOGINPERIODWhen active, the most frequent user of a computer or mobile device is calculated based on the specified LOGIN_HISTORY_MONTHS period.
When inactive, the most frequent user of a computer or mobile device is calculated based on all logon data in the system.
MOSTRECENTUSER_EXCLUSIONA comma-separated list of usernames to exclude when calculating the most recent user of a computer or mobile device.
  • Use % as a wildcard character to match one or more characters.
  • Use _ as a wildcard character to match one character.
  • To exclude usernames with an underscore _, use brackets around the underscore [_].
    Example: %NoLoggedOnUser%,%\[_]%,[_]%
NI_COMPARE_PERIODThe compare period for total users, total devices, and concurrency metrics.
ORACLE_DELETE_THRESHOLDThe number of days until a not updated Oracle database is considered to be uninstalled.
ORACLE_MIDDLEWARE_DELETE_THRESHOLDThe number of days until a not updated Oracle middleware installation is considered to be uninstalled.
ORACLE_MIDDLEWARE_DELETE_THRESHOLD_ACTIVEActivates delete action for not updated Oracle middleware installations considered to be uninstalled.
ORACLEMGMTPCK_SHOWINST_ONLYWhen active, only installed or used Oracle Enterprise Management packs are shown in the Oracle database view in the web user interface of Snow License Manager.
ORACLEOPTIONS_SHOWINST_ONLYWhen active, only installed or used Oracle Enterprise Options are shown in the Oracle database view in the web user interface of Snow License Manager.
PASSWORD_EXPIRATION_DAYSThe number of days until a password expires. This setting can be overridden for a specific user by enabling the Password never expires option.
QUARANTINE_ACTIVEActivates quarantine management for computers and mobile devices.
QUARANTINE_DAYSThe number of inactive days before a computer or mobile device is placed in quarantine.
QUARANTINE_DELETEThe number of days that a computer or mobile device can remain in quarantine without reporting any new inventory data, before it is automatically deleted and removed from the system. The number of days is based on the date when status was set to Quarantined.
QUARANTINE_DELETE_ACTIONWhat action to take when handling computer and mobile device quarantine delete: Delete, Set to inactive, or Archive.
QUARANTINE_DELETE_ACTIVEActivates delete action for computer and mobile device after quarantine.
SAP_ENABLEDActivates the SAP module.
SOFTWARE_STORE_OPTION_ACTIVEActivates Software Store option for applications.
SRS_MANUFACTURER_FILTERA comma-separated list of manufacturers to show in the web user interface of Snow License Manager. Use % as a wildcard character.
TS_VIEWS_ACTIVEActivates terminal services, device lists, and details in the web user interface of Snow License Manager.
USE_AUTO_DOWNGRADEActivates automatic downgrade rights as the default for applications.
USE_VENDOR_REPOSITORYActivates the manufacturer/vendor repository.
USER_EXCLUSIONA comma-separated list of usernames to exclude when collecting information from Snow Inventory:
  • Use % as a wildcard character to match one or more characters.
  • Use _ as a wildcard character to match one character.
  • To exclude usernames with an underscore _, use brackets around the underscore [_].
    Example: %NoLoggedOnUser%,%\[_]%,[_]%
USER_LOCKOUT_TIMEThe number of minutes to block a user after three failed login attempts.
USER_QUARANTINE_ACTIVEActivates quarantine management for users.
USER_QUARANTINE_DAYSThe number of inactive days before a user is placed in quarantine.
USER_QUARANTINE_DELETEThe number of days that a user can remain in quarantine without reporting any new inventory data, before it is automatically deleted and removed from the system. The number of days is based on the date when status was set to Quarantined.
USER_QUARANTINE_DELETE_ACTIVEActivates delete action for user quarantine.
WEB_PORTSA comma-separated list to override default web ports used for web metering.