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Status modes

Computers, mobile devices, devices, and users can have different status modes in Snow License Manager. The mode describes if they are actively reporting inventory data or not. In this section, these object categories will be referred to as "items".

ActiveThe item is active in the system and reports inventory data. This is the default mode of the item.
An active item requires licenses for its installed applications.
QuarantineThe item has stopped reporting inventory data and is no longer active in the system. It has been quarantined either automatically via Quarantine management or by a manual status change in the web user interface of Snow License Manager.
A quarantined item still requires licenses for its installed applications, and the item is displayed in license reports.
InactiveThis mode is only applicable to computers and mobile devices.
The item is not active in the system due to, for example, being put into storage. This mode is set either automatically via Quarantine management or by a manual status change in the web user interface of Snow License Manager.
If an inactive item starts reporting inventory data again, the status will change to active. However, if you have enabled the Disable automatic quarantine management setting for the item in Snow License Manager, the status remains inactive and an alert is generated.
An inactive item doesn't require any licenses for its installed applications, the item is not included in compliance calculations, and the item is not displayed in license reports.

In addition to the status modes, computers can be archived or instantly deleted.

ArchivedWhen a computer is archived, a snapshot of the computer details is saved before the computer is deleted and removed from the system. Since an archived computer is removed, all licenses currently attached to it are released.
The saved details can be seen in the Archived computers report or on the Search for computers page if the filter Show archived is added.
An archived computer does not consume, that is, does not count towards the unit limit of the Snow License Manager license or any other application licenses.
DeletedWhen a computer is instantly deleted from the system, all details are deleted and all attachments to users, agreements, etc. are released. Also, all licenses currently attached to the computer are released, including the license for the Snow Inventory Agent.

Archived computers and deleted items cannot be restored.

The table shows available status modes, what items they are applicable to, and for what status modes licenses are required.

Status in Snow License ManagerApplicable toRequires licenses for installed applicationsRequires license for Snow Inventory Agent/Client
ActiveComputers, devices, mobile devices, usersYESYES
QuarantinedComputers, devices, mobile devices, usersYESYES
InactiveComputers, mobile devicesNOYES
ArchivedComputers, mobile devicesNONO
DeletedComputers, mobile devicesNONO