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Manage client certificates

Learn how to view and add client certificates in Snow Management and Configuration Center.

View client certificates

  • On the Administration menu, click Client certificates.

    A list of all registered client certificates for the Inventory Server is displayed, if any. This includes information such as the Snow Inventory Server URL, API key, and which certificate is used by default in the authentication process.

Add client certificates

To add a new client certificate that has been generated by you or your third-party provider, together with a password, and is stored in a location accessible by Snow Management and Configuration Center, do the following:

  1. On the Administration menu, click Client certificates.

  2. Click New Client Certificate.
    The Add Client Certificate dialog box appears.

  3. In Inventory DB, select the name of the Snow Inventory database.

  4. In Client Certificate Name, enter a name for the certificate.

  5. If you want the new certificate to be used by default in the client certificate authentication process, select the Is default checkbox.

  6. In Client Certificate File, enter the path to where the client certificate file is located.

  7. In Client Certificate Description, enter a short description of the certificate.

  8. In Client Certificate Password, enter the password for the certificate.

  9. Click OK to save the settings and close the dialog box.

  10. To test if a connection can be established between the client and the server using the new client certificate, do the following:

    1. In the Client certificates view, click Test Client Certificate.

      A message will inform whether the test was successful or not.