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Migrate user activity historic data

This section describes migration of user activity historic data from version 9.10 to 9.12 of Snow License Manager.

Snow Event Warehouse

Microsoft 365 event-sourced data is saved in the Snow License Manager database in the ew schema. Upgrading to 9.12 installs Snow Event Warehouse v1.1.7. For more information about how event data is stored, see Snow Event Warehouse.

SQL database changes

The database schema o365 changes when upgrading to Snow License Manager 9.12. New tables, that are required to support the migration process, are added to ew and o365 schema.

List of table changes:

Table nameDescription
[ew].[EventsRequestResultCache]Contains the copy of user activity events for the tenant.
[o365].[MigrationHistoricalActivitiesProgress]Contains status of the migration process.
[o365].[MigrationHistoricalActivitiesServiceActivity]Contains aggregated historical data for service activity.
[o365].[MigrationHistoricalActivitiesSubscriptionPlanActivity]Contains aggregated historical data for service plan activities.
[o365].[MigrationHistoricalActivitiesUserActivity]Contains aggregated historical data for total users.


Before the upgrade, verify that no data aggregation from Snow Integration Manager is running or scheduled. There is no need to take a backup of the EventStore.

Data migration

Snow License Manager is upgraded to version 9.12 through the Snow Update Service.

As soon as the upgrade is completed, the ew and o365 schema is recreated in Snow License Manager MSSQL database and the data migration process is initiated.

The progress of the data migration can be seen in the Office 365 logs. It is not possible to see in Snow Update Service whether data migration was successful or not. Snow Update Service will only display when the upgrade to version 9.12 has completed, and then trigger the start of data migration.


The migration time depends on the Microsoft 365 data size and the number of historical events. You can not see any Microsoft 365 data in the Snow License Manager user interface before the migration has completed, so you should plan for this if you have a large event store. The Snow License Manager application is still available during the migration.

It is recommended not to run the migration in parallel with the data update job. Check that the migration process is successfully finished and then run the data update import.

Track the progress of the data migration

Read the Office 365 log to track the data migration progress and verify its completion. The following texts will appear in the log in this given order:

  1. Starting migration


  2. Migration completed


Run another Snow Integration Manager aggregation

After the migration and the ReadModels have completed, run a new Snow Integration Manager aggregation to ensure that all links between users and subscriptions plans, and users and countries, are updated correctly.